[commit: ghc] wip/cross-constr-cse: WIP: first working version (d519bbb)
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Sun Jul 30 13:51:07 UTC 2017
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On branch : wip/cross-constr-cse
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/d519bbb9cbde7d0cb80ede18451745133d50376a/ghc
commit d519bbb9cbde7d0cb80ede18451745133d50376a
Author: Gabor Greif <ggreif at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Jul 29 16:42:37 2017 +0200
WIP: first working version
compiler/simplStg/StgCse.hs | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/StgCse.hs b/compiler/simplStg/StgCse.hs
index f3e781b..38b7262 100644
--- a/compiler/simplStg/StgCse.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/StgCse.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns, LambdaCase #-}
Note [CSE for Stg]
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import TrieMap
import NameEnv
import Control.Monad( (>=>) )
+import Data.Function (on)
+import Name (NamedThing (..), getOccString, mkFCallName)
+import Unique(Uniquable(..), mkUniqueGrimily)
-- The Trie --
@@ -108,9 +111,40 @@ instance TrieMap StgArgMap where
newtype ConAppMap a = CAM { un_cam :: DNameEnv (ListMap StgArgMap a) }
+newtype LaxDataCon = Lax DataCon
+unLax (Lax dc) = dc
+instance Eq LaxDataCon where
+-- (==) = (==) `on` dataConTag . unLax
+ Lax dcl == Lax dcr | dcl == dcr = True
+ | True {- ((==) `on` dataConTag) dcl dcr
+ && ((&&) `on` isVanillaDataCon) dcl dcr
+ && ((==) `on` length {- FIXME? -} . dataConOrigArgTys) dcl dcr -}
+ = error $ show (getOccString dcl, getOccString dcr) -- True
+ | otherwise = False
+instance Ord LaxDataCon where
+ l@(Lax dcl) `compare` r@(Lax dcr) = if l == r then EQ else dcl `compare` dcr
+instance NamedThing LaxDataCon where
+ --getName = getName . unLax
+ getName (Lax dc) | isVanillaDataCon dc && not hasStrict && not unpacked = mkFCallName uniq "%%%HALLO"
+ where uniq = mkUniqueGrimily . negate $ dataConTag dc * 10000 + length (dataConOrigArgTys dc)
+ hasStrict = any (\case HsLazy -> False; _ -> True) (dataConImplBangs dc)
+ unpacked = isUnboxedTupleCon dc || isUnboxedSumCon dc
+ getName (Lax dc) = getName dc
+instance Uniquable LaxDataCon where
+ getUnique = error "Uniquable" -- mkUniqueGrimily . dataConTag . unLax
instance TrieMap ConAppMap where
- type Key ConAppMap = (DataCon, [StgArg])
+ type Key ConAppMap = (LaxDataCon, [StgArg])
emptyTM = CAM emptyTM
+ --lookupTM ((getOccString -> "Just"), args) = error (show ("args", length args))
lookupTM (dataCon, args) = un_cam >.> lkDNamed dataCon >=> lookupTM args
alterTM (dataCon, args) f m =
m { un_cam = un_cam m |> xtDNamed dataCon |>> alterTM args f }
@@ -177,13 +211,13 @@ initEnv in_scope = CseEnv
, ce_in_scope = in_scope
-envLookup :: DataCon -> [OutStgArg] -> CseEnv -> Maybe OutId
+envLookup :: LaxDataCon -> [OutStgArg] -> CseEnv -> Maybe OutId
envLookup dataCon args env = lookupTM (dataCon, args') (ce_conAppMap env)
where args' = map go args -- See Note [Trivial case scrutinee]
go (StgVarArg v ) = StgVarArg (fromMaybe v $ lookupVarEnv (ce_bndrMap env) v)
go (StgLitArg lit) = StgLitArg lit
-addDataCon :: OutId -> DataCon -> [OutStgArg] -> CseEnv -> CseEnv
+addDataCon :: OutId -> LaxDataCon -> [OutStgArg] -> CseEnv -> CseEnv
-- do not bother with nullary data constructors, they are static anyways
addDataCon _ _ [] env = env
addDataCon bndr dataCon args env = env { ce_conAppMap = new_env }
@@ -306,7 +340,7 @@ stgCseExpr env (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
-- A constructor application.
-- To be removed by a variable use when found in the CSE environment
stgCseExpr env (StgConApp dataCon args tys)
- | Just bndr' <- envLookup dataCon args' env
+ | Just bndr' <- envLookup (Lax dataCon) args' env
= StgApp bndr' []
| otherwise
= StgConApp dataCon args' tys
@@ -330,7 +364,7 @@ stgCseExpr env (StgLetNoEscape binds body)
stgCseAlt :: CseEnv -> OutId -> InStgAlt -> OutStgAlt
stgCseAlt env case_bndr (DataAlt dataCon, args, rhs)
= let (env1, args') = substBndrs env args
- env2 = addDataCon case_bndr dataCon (map StgVarArg args') env1
+ env2 = addDataCon case_bndr (Lax dataCon) (map StgVarArg args') env1
-- see note [Case 2: CSEing case binders]
rhs' = stgCseExpr env2 rhs
in (DataAlt dataCon, args', rhs')
@@ -365,11 +399,11 @@ stgCsePairs env0 ((b,e):pairs)
-- If it is an constructor application, either short-cut it or extend the environment
stgCseRhs :: CseEnv -> OutId -> InStgRhs -> (Maybe (OutId, OutStgRhs), CseEnv)
stgCseRhs env bndr (StgRhsCon ccs dataCon args)
- | Just other_bndr <- envLookup dataCon args' env
+ | Just other_bndr <- envLookup (Lax dataCon) args' env
= let env' = addSubst bndr other_bndr env
in (Nothing, env')
| otherwise
- = let env' = addDataCon bndr dataCon args' env
+ = let env' = addDataCon bndr (Lax dataCon) args' env
-- see note [Case 1: CSEing allocated closures]
pair = (bndr, StgRhsCon ccs dataCon args')
in (Just pair, env')
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