[commit: ghc] wip/perf-testsuite: Greatly improved printing. Fixed the delta function. Made things simpler (bf5ee28)

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Fri Jul 28 20:33:39 UTC 2017

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On branch  : wip/perf-testsuite
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/bf5ee28b0660e85e972472a48393f12ae6e7884e/ghc


commit bf5ee28b0660e85e972472a48393f12ae6e7884e
Author: Jared Weakly <jweakly at pdx.edu>
Date:   Wed Jul 26 18:30:37 2017 -0700

    Greatly improved printing. Fixed the delta function. Made things simpler
    Signed-off-by: Jared Weakly <jweakly at pdx.edu>


 testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py | 104 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py b/testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py
index 2e9273d..ffa7656 100644
--- a/testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py
+++ b/testsuite/driver/perf_notes.py
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
 # metrics between measurements taken for given commits in the environment given
 # by --test-env.
-from __future__ import print_function
 # TODO: Actually figure out what imports I need.
 import argparse
 import re
@@ -26,11 +24,12 @@ parser.add_argument("--test-name",
                     help="Optional: If given, filters table to include only \
                     tests matching the given regular expression.")
 # This is always going to be the last processing done on the metrics list because of how destructive it is.
                     help="Optional: Display only tests where the relative \
                     spread is greater than the given value.")
-parser.add_argument("--add-note", nargs=2,
-                    help="Development only. Adds N fake metrics to the given commit")
+parser.add_argument("--add-note", nargs=3,
+                    help="Development only. Adds N fake metrics to the given commit. \
+                    The third argument is a useless flag to add some functionality.")
 parser.add_argument("commits", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
                     help="The rest of the arguments will be the commits that will be used.")
@@ -40,83 +39,74 @@ args = parser.parse_args()
 env = 'local'
 name = re.compile('.*')
 # metrics is a dictionary of the form
-# {commit_1 : parse_git_notes, commit_2 : parse_git_notes, ... }
-metrics = {}
+# [ {'test_env': 'local', 'test': 'T100', 'way': 'some_way', 'metric': 'some_field', 'value': '1000', 'commit': 'HEAD'} ]
+metrics = []
 if args.commits:
-    metrics = dict(zip(args.commits, [parse_git_notes('perf',[c]) for c in args.commits]))
+    for c in args.commits:
+        metrics += parse_git_notes('perf',c)
 if args.test_env:
-    temp = []
-    for commit in metrics:
-        temp.append([test for test in metrics.get(commit) if test['TEST_ENV'] == args.test_env])
-    metrics = dict(zip(metrics.keys(),temp))
+    metrics = [test for test in metrics if test['test_env'] == args.test_env]
 if args.test_name:
     name = re.compile(args.test_name)
-    temp = []
-    for commit in metrics:
-        temp.append([test for test in metrics.get(commit) if name.search(test.get('TEST',''))])
-    metrics = dict(zip(metrics.keys(),temp))
+    metrics = [test for test in metrics if name.search(test.get('test',''))]
 if args.min_delta:
-    delta = 1.0 - float(args.min_delta)
+    delta = args.min_delta
+    print(delta)
+    # Took me way too long to realize I had the math utterly borked for the comparison
     def cmp(v1, v2):
-        return (v1/v2) > delta
+        if v1 > v2:
+            return (100 * (v1 - v2)/v2) > delta
+        else:
+            return (100 * (v2 - v1)/v1) > delta
     # I only want to compare the first commit with everything else.
     # So go through every item in the first commit and look up that test in
     # the other commits. Keep the falses.
-    m = [] # tempy variable because I don't know how to do this better without internet.
-    for tst in metrics.get(list(metrics.keys())[0]):
-        for k in list(metrics.keys())[1:]: # Because I needed a separate iterator for this somehow
-            for t in metrics.get(k):
-                if (t['TEST'] == tst['TEST']):
-                    m.append((tst,t)) # Pairing off matching test names across commits.
+    latest_commit = [t for t in metrics if t['commit'] == args.commits[0]]
+    m = [] # tempy variable
+    for t in latest_commit:
+        m += [(t,test) for test in metrics if (t['test'] == test['test']) and (t['commit'] != test['commit'])]
     deltas = []
-    for k,v in m:
+    for fst,snd in m:
         # So... Much... Casting... oh my gawd.
-        if (not cmp(float(k['VALUE']),float(v['VALUE']))):
-            deltas.append(k)
+        if cmp(float(fst['value']),float(snd['value'])):
+            deltas.append(fst)
-    # metrics :: { commit : [ {tests} ] }
-    metrics = { list(metrics.keys())[0] : deltas }
+    metrics = deltas
 if args.add_note:
-    def note_gen(n, commit):
+    def note_gen(n, commit, delta=''):
         note = []
         # To generate good testing data, I need some similar test names, test metrics, environments in every commit.
         # I also need some same tests but different metric values, same test name, different test environment names, etc.
         # This will do for now, but it's not really sufficient.
         # There's a better test_metrics = {} dictionary I just stuck in a file for now.
-        [note.append('\t'.join(['local', 'T'+ str(i*100), 'some_way', 'some_field', str(i*1000)])) for i in range(1,int(n)+1)]
+        if not delta:
+            [note.append('\t'.join(['local', 'T'+ str(i*100), 'some_way', 'some_field', str(i*1000)])) for i in range(1,int(int(n)/2)+1)]
+            [note.append('\t'.join(['non-local', 'W'+ str(i*100), 'other_way', 'other_field', str(i*100)])) for i in range(int(int(n)/2)+1,int(n)+1)]
+        if delta:
+            [note.append('\t'.join(['local', 'T'+ str(i*100), 'some_way', 'some_field', str(i*10)])) for i in range(1,int(int(n)/2)+1)]
+            [note.append('\t'.join(['non-local', 'W'+ str(i*100), 'other_way', 'other_field', str(i*1)])) for i in range(int(int(n)/2)+1,int(n)+1)]
         git_note = subprocess.check_output(["git","notes","--ref=perf","append",commit,"-m", "\n".join(note)])
-    note_gen(args.add_note[0],args.add_note[1])
-# At this point, since metrics is a { commit : [lst of tests] } variable,
-# it should be pretty workable hopefully.
-# It'll be best to go through the newest commit (the one we care about)
-# and find all matching TESTS and then make a table of comparisons.
-# If there's a test in the newest commit that doesn't exist in older ones,
-#  - should I just ignore it?
-#  - should I just print it as a one line table?
-#  -
-# TEST: tst | METRIC: mtrk
-# ----------+------------
-#  commit1  | value
-#  commit2  | value
-#    ...    |  ...
-#  commitN  | value
-print("{:<12} {:<10} {:<10} {:<20} {:<15}".format('TEST_ENV','TEST','WAY','METRIC','VALUE'))
-for key in metrics:
-    print("{:<12} {:<10} {:<10} {:<20} {:<15}"
-          .format(key['TEST_ENV'],key['TEST'],key['WAY'],key['METRIC'],key['VALUE']))
+    note_gen(args.add_note[0],args.add_note[1],args.add_note[2])
+latest_commit = [t for t in metrics if t['commit'] == args.commits[0]]
+rest = [t for t in metrics if t['commit'] != args.commits[0]]
+for test in latest_commit:
+    print("{:<13} {:5} {:<13}".format('TEST: ' + test['test'], ' | ', 'METRIC: ' + test['metric']))
+    print("-------------------------------")
+    print("{:<13} {:5} {:<13}".format('commit:' + test['commit'], ' | ', test['value']))
+    for t in rest:
+        if t['test'] == test['test']:
+            print("{:<13} {:5} {:<13}".format('commit:' + t['commit'], ' | ', t['value']))
+    print('\n')

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