[commit: packages/time] format-widths, improve-leapseconds, master, posix-perf, tasty, wip/travis: move lib/test sources to separate directories (ad32d01)

git at git.haskell.org git at git.haskell.org
Mon Feb 20 21:16:06 UTC 2017

Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/time

On branches: format-widths,improve-leapseconds,master,posix-perf,tasty,wip/travis
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/time.git/commitdiff/ad32d011138e7147236b0299cb0c2efb327e1f9d


commit ad32d011138e7147236b0299cb0c2efb327e1f9d
Author: Ashley Yakeley <ashley at yakeley.org>
Date:   Sun Aug 17 20:00:05 2014 -0700

    move lib/test sources to separate directories


 Makefile                                          |  2 +-
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time.hs                        |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar.hs               |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/Days.hs          |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/Easter.hs        |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs     |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/Julian.hs        |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/JulianYearDay.hs |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/MonthDay.hs      |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate.hs   |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/Private.hs       |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Calendar/WeekDate.hs      |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock.hs                  |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock/CTimeval.hs         |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock/POSIX.hs            |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock/Scale.hs            |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock/TAI.hs              |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock/UTC.hs              |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Clock/UTCDiff.hs          |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Format.hs                 |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/Format/Parse.hs           |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/LocalTime.hs              |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/LocalTime/LocalTime.hs    |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/LocalTime/TimeOfDay.hs    |  0
 {Data => lib/Data}/Time/LocalTime/TimeZone.hs     |  0
 Test.hs => test/Test.hs                           |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/AddDays.hs                    |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/AddDaysRef.hs                 |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/ClipDates.hs                  |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/ClipDatesRef.hs               |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/ConvertBack.hs                |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/CurrentTime.hs                |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/LongWeekYears.hs              |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/LongWeekYearsRef.hs           |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/RealToFracBenchmark.hs        |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/ShowDST.hs                    |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TAI_UTC_DAT.hs                |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestCalendars.hs              |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestCalendarsRef.hs           |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestEaster.hs                 |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestEasterRef.hs              |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestFormat.hs                 |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestFormatStuff.c             |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestFormatStuff.h             |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestMonthDay.hs               |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestMonthDayRef.hs            |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestParseDAT.hs               |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestParseDAT_Ref.hs           |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestParseTime.hs              |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestTime.hs                   |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestTimeRef.hs                |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestTimeZone.hs               |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TestUtil.hs                   |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/Tests.hs                      |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/TimeZone.hs                   |  0
 {Test => test/Test}/UseCases.lhs                  |  0
 time.cabal                                        | 32 ++++-------------------
 57 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --cc ad32d011138e7147236b0299cb0c2efb327e1f9d

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