[commit: packages/time] format-widths, improve-leapseconds, master, posix-perf, tasty, wip/travis: Fixed typo: s/propleptic/proleptic/. (927eb34)

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Mon Feb 20 21:11:16 UTC 2017

Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/time

On branches: format-widths,improve-leapseconds,master,posix-perf,tasty,wip/travis
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/time.git/commitdiff/927eb3448f5bf93ca44cf636b2f390f9520e9277


commit 927eb3448f5bf93ca44cf636b2f390f9520e9277
Author: bjorn <bjorn at bringert.net>
Date:   Sat Nov 11 08:55:49 2006 -0800

    Fixed typo: s/propleptic/proleptic/.


 Data/Time/Calendar/JulianYearDay.hs | 2 +-
 Data/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate.hs   | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Data/Time/Calendar/JulianYearDay.hs b/Data/Time/Calendar/JulianYearDay.hs
index a6d5baa..ba10c8f 100644
--- a/Data/Time/Calendar/JulianYearDay.hs
+++ b/Data/Time/Calendar/JulianYearDay.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ showJulianYearAndDay :: Day -> String
 showJulianYearAndDay date = (show4 y) ++ "-" ++ (show3 d) where
 	(y,d) = toJulianYearAndDay date
--- | Is this year a leap year according to the propleptic Gregorian calendar?
+-- | Is this year a leap year according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar?
 isJulianLeapYear :: Integer -> Bool
 isJulianLeapYear year = (mod year 4 == 0)
diff --git a/Data/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate.hs b/Data/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate.hs
index 7c2099a..a293b5e 100644
--- a/Data/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate.hs
+++ b/Data/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ showOrdinalDate :: Day -> String
 showOrdinalDate date = (show4 y) ++ "-" ++ (show3 d) where
 	(y,d) = toOrdinalDate date
--- | Is this year a leap year according to the propleptic Gregorian calendar?
+-- | Is this year a leap year according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar?
 isLeapYear :: Integer -> Bool
 isLeapYear year = (mod year 4 == 0) && ((mod year 400 == 0) || not (mod year 100 == 0))

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