[commit: packages/time] format-widths, improve-leapseconds, master, posix-perf, tasty, wip/travis: organise week functions (73c160c)

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Mon Feb 20 21:08:17 UTC 2017

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On branches: format-widths,improve-leapseconds,master,posix-perf,tasty,wip/travis
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/time.git/commitdiff/73c160cf9cb8289b041389470d38afaacbd31387


commit 73c160cf9cb8289b041389470d38afaacbd31387
Author: Ashley Yakeley <ashley at semantic.org>
Date:   Tue May 10 04:03:21 2005 -0700

    organise week functions


 Makefile                        |  1 +
 System/Time/Calendar/Format.hs  | 28 +++++-----------------------
 System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.hs | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c6c6b0b..36a93b7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ System/Time/Calendar/Calendar.o : System/Time/Clock.hi
 System/Time/Calendar/Calendar.o : System/Time/Calendar/Timezone.hi
 System/Time/Calendar/Calendar.o : System/Time/Calendar/TimeOfDay.hi
 System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.o : System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.hs
+System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.o : System/Time/Clock.hi
 System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.o : System/Time/Calendar/Private.hi
 System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.o : System/Time/Calendar/Calendar.hi
 System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.o : System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs
diff --git a/System/Time/Calendar/Format.hs b/System/Time/Calendar/Format.hs
index a3f08d3..398c4c0 100644
--- a/System/Time/Calendar/Format.hs
+++ b/System/Time/Calendar/Format.hs
@@ -73,24 +73,6 @@ instance FormatTime Timezone where
 	formatCharacter 'Z' = Just (\_ -> timezoneName)
 	formatCharacter _ = Nothing
-weekDay :: ModJulianDay -> Int
-weekDay day = fromInteger (mod (day + 3) 7)
-weekDay' :: ModJulianDay -> Int
-weekDay' day = weekDay (day - 1) + 1
-weekNumber :: ModJulianDay -> Int
-weekNumber mjd = fromInteger ((div d 7) - (div k 7)) where
-	yd = ydDay (encodeDay mjd)
-	d = mjd + 3
-	k = d - (toInteger yd)
-weekNumber' :: ModJulianDay -> Int
-weekNumber' mjd = fromInteger ((div d 7) - (div k 7)) where
-	yd = ydDay (encodeDay mjd)
-	d = mjd + 2
-	k = d - (toInteger yd)
 instance FormatTime ModJulianDay where
 	-- Aggregate
 	formatCharacter 'D' = Just (\locale -> formatTime locale "%m/%d/%y")
@@ -119,11 +101,11 @@ instance FormatTime ModJulianDay where
 	formatCharacter 'u' = Just (\_ -> show . isowDay . encodeDay)
 	-- Day of week
-	formatCharacter 'a' = Just (\locale -> snd . ((wDays locale) !!) . weekDay)
-	formatCharacter 'A' = Just (\locale -> fst . ((wDays locale) !!) . weekDay)
-	formatCharacter 'U' = Just (\_ -> show2 . weekNumber)
-	formatCharacter 'w' = Just (\_ -> show . weekDay)
-	formatCharacter 'W' = Just (\_ -> show2 . weekNumber')
+	formatCharacter 'a' = Just (\locale -> snd . ((wDays locale) !!) . snd . sundayStartWeek)
+	formatCharacter 'A' = Just (\locale -> fst . ((wDays locale) !!) . snd . sundayStartWeek)
+	formatCharacter 'U' = Just (\_ -> show2 . fst . sundayStartWeek)
+	formatCharacter 'w' = Just (\_ -> show . snd . sundayStartWeek)
+	formatCharacter 'W' = Just (\_ -> show2 . fst . mondayStartWeek)
 	-- Default
 	formatCharacter _   = Nothing
diff --git a/System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.hs b/System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.hs
index 556c913..2c120eb 100644
--- a/System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.hs
+++ b/System/Time/Calendar/YearDay.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module System.Time.Calendar.YearDay where
 import System.Time.Calendar.Calendar
 import System.Time.Calendar.Private
+import System.Time.Clock
 -- | ISO 8601 Ordinal Date
 data YearDay = YearDay {
@@ -32,3 +33,21 @@ instance DayEncoding YearDay where
 isLeapYear :: Integer -> Bool
 isLeapYear year = (mod year 4 == 0) && ((mod year 400 == 0) || not (mod year 100 == 0))
+-- | Get the number of the Monday-starting week in the year and the day of the week.
+-- The first Monday is the first day of week 1, any earlier days in the year are week 0 (as \"%W\" in formatTime).
+-- Monday is 1, Sunday is 7 (as \"%u\" in formatTime).
+mondayStartWeek :: ModJulianDay -> (Int,Int)
+mondayStartWeek mjd =(fromInteger ((div d 7) - (div k 7)),fromInteger (mod d 7) + 1) where
+	yd = ydDay (encodeDay mjd)
+	d = mjd + 2
+	k = d - (toInteger yd)
+-- | Get the number of the Sunday-starting week in the year and the day of the week.
+-- The first Sunday is the first day of week 1, any earlier days in the year are week 0 (as \"%U\" in formatTime).
+-- Sunday is 0, Saturday is 6 (as \"%w\" in formatTime).
+sundayStartWeek :: ModJulianDay -> (Int,Int)
+sundayStartWeek mjd =(fromInteger ((div d 7) - (div k 7)),fromInteger (mod d 7)) where
+	yd = ydDay (encodeDay mjd)
+	d = mjd + 3
+	k = d - (toInteger yd)

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