[commit: ghc] master: Bottoming expressions should not be expandable (407c11b)

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Fri Aug 25 11:57:29 UTC 2017

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/407c11b880325f4f327982d4f6b9f9cba4564016/ghc


commit 407c11b880325f4f327982d4f6b9f9cba4564016
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 25 09:00:31 2017 +0100

    Bottoming expressions should not be expandable
    This patch changes isExpandableApp and isWorkFreeApp to respond
    False to bottoming applications.  I found that if we had
      x = undefined <dict-expr>
    then prepareRhs was ANF'ing it to
      d = <dict-expr>
      x = undefined d
    which is stupid (no gain); and worse it made the simplifier iterate
    indefinitely.  It showed up when I started marking 'x' as a bottoming
    Id more aggresssively than before; but it's been a lurking bug for
    It was convenient to make isWorkFreeApp also return False for
    bottoming applications, and I see no reason not to do so.
    That leaves isCheapApp.  It currently replies True to bottoming
    applications, but I don't see why that's good..  Something to try


 compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs   | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.hs | 14 +++++---
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
index e9dc8a9..1b92a7f 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ import DynFlags
 import FastString
 import Maybes
 import ListSetOps       ( minusList )
-import BasicTypes       ( Arity )
+import BasicTypes       ( Arity, isConLike )
 import Platform
 import Util
 import Pair
@@ -1168,22 +1168,11 @@ type CheapAppFun = Id -> Arity -> Bool
   --    isCheapApp
   --    isExpandableApp
-  -- NB: isCheapApp and isExpandableApp are called from outside
-  --     this module, so don't be tempted to move the notRedex
-  --     stuff into the call site in exprIsCheapX, and remove it
-  --     from the CheapAppFun implementations
-notRedex :: CheapAppFun
-notRedex fn n_val_args
-  =  n_val_args == 0           -- No value args
-  || n_val_args < idArity fn   -- Partial application
-  || isBottomingId fn   -- OK to duplicate calls to bottom;
-                        -- it certainly doesn't need to be shared!
 isWorkFreeApp :: CheapAppFun
 isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args
-  | notRedex fn n_val_args
+  | n_val_args == 0           -- No value args
+  = True
+  | n_val_args < idArity fn   -- Partial application
   = True
   | otherwise
   = case idDetails fn of
@@ -1192,11 +1181,11 @@ isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args
 isCheapApp :: CheapAppFun
 isCheapApp fn n_val_args
-  | notRedex fn n_val_args
-  = True
+  | isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args = True
+  | isBottomingId fn            = True  -- See Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions]
   | otherwise
   = case idDetails fn of
-      DataConWorkId {} -> True
+      DataConWorkId {} -> True  -- Actually handled by isWorkFreeApp
       RecSelId {}      -> n_val_args == 1  -- See Note [Record selection]
       ClassOpId {}     -> n_val_args == 1
       PrimOpId op      -> primOpIsCheap op
@@ -1208,21 +1197,24 @@ isCheapApp fn n_val_args
 isExpandableApp :: CheapAppFun
 isExpandableApp fn n_val_args
-  | notRedex fn n_val_args
-  = True
-  | isConLikeId fn
-  = True
+  | isWorkFreeApp fn n_val_args = True
   | otherwise
   = case idDetails fn of
-      DataConWorkId {} -> True
+      DataConWorkId {} -> True  -- Actually handled by isWorkFreeApp
       RecSelId {}      -> n_val_args == 1  -- See Note [Record selection]
       ClassOpId {}     -> n_val_args == 1
       PrimOpId {}      -> False
-      _                -> all_pred_args n_val_args (idType fn)
+      _ | isBottomingId fn               -> False
+          -- See Note [isExpandableApp: bottoming functions]
+        | isConLike (idRuleMatchInfo fn) -> True
+        | all_args_are_preds             -> True
+        | otherwise                      -> False
-  -- See if all the arguments are PredTys (implicit params or classes)
-  -- If so we'll regard it as expandable; see Note [Expandable overloadings]
+     -- See if all the arguments are PredTys (implicit params or classes)
+     -- If so we'll regard it as expandable; see Note [Expandable overloadings]
+     all_args_are_preds = all_pred_args n_val_args (idType fn)
      all_pred_args n_val_args ty
        | n_val_args == 0
        = True
@@ -1235,7 +1227,35 @@ isExpandableApp fn n_val_args
        | otherwise
        = False
-{- Note [Record selection]
+{- Note [isCheapApp: bottoming functions]
+I'm not sure why we have a special case for bottoming
+functions in isCheapApp.  Maybe we don't need it.
+Note [isExpandableApp: bottoming functions]
+It's important that isExpandableApp does not respond True to bottoming
+functions.  Recall  undefined :: HasCallStack => a
+Suppose isExpandableApp responded True to (undefined d), and we had:
+  x = undefined <dict-expr>
+Then Simplify.prepareRhs would ANF the RHS:
+  d = <dict-expr>
+  x = undefined d
+This is already bad: we gain nothing from having x bound to (undefined
+var), unlike the case for data constructors.  Worse, we get the
+simplifier loop described in OccurAnal Note [Cascading inlines].
+Suppose x occurs just once; OccurAnal.occAnalNonRecRhs decides x will
+certainly_inline; so we end up inlining d right back into x; but in
+the end x doesn't inline because it is bottom (preInlineUnconditionally);
+so the process repeats.. We could elaborate the certainly_inline logic
+some more, but it's better just to treat bottoming bindings as
+non-expandable, because ANFing them is a bad idea in the first place.
+Note [Record selection]
 I'm experimenting with making record selection
 look cheap, so we will substitute it inside a
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.hs b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.hs
index 1620c91..113f8bd 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.hs
@@ -1564,8 +1564,8 @@ occAnalNonRecRhs env bndr bndrs body
     certainly_inline -- See Note [Cascading inlines]
       = case idOccInfo bndr of
           OneOcc { occ_in_lam = in_lam, occ_one_br = one_br }
-                                 -> not in_lam && one_br && active && not_stable
-          _                      -> False
+            -> not in_lam && one_br && active && not_stable
+          _ -> False
     dmd        = idDemandInfo bndr
     active     = isAlwaysActive (idInlineActivation bndr)
@@ -1654,15 +1654,19 @@ definitely inline the next time round, and so we analyse x3's rhs in
 an ordinary context, not rhsCtxt.  Hence the "certainly_inline" stuff.
 Annoyingly, we have to approximate SimplUtils.preInlineUnconditionally.
-If we say "yes" when preInlineUnconditionally says "no" the simplifier iterates
+If (a) the RHS is expandable (see isExpandableApp in occAnalApp), and
+   (b) certainly_inline says "yes" when preInlineUnconditionally says "no"
+then the simplifier iterates indefinitely:
         x = f y
-        k = Just x
+        k = Just x   -- We decide that k is 'certainly_inline'
+        v = ...k...  -- but preInlineUnconditionally doesn't inline it
 inline ==>
         k = Just (f y)
+        v = ...k...
 float ==>
         x1 = f y
         k = Just x1
+        v = ...k...
 This is worse than the slow cascade, so we only want to say "certainly_inline"
 if it really is certain.  Look at the note with preInlineUnconditionally

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