[commit: packages/containers] cleaned_bugfix394, master, merge-doc-target, merge-fixes-5.9, revert-408-bugfix_394: Data.IntMap.Internal: preliminary version of mergeA (2d31250)
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git at git.haskell.org
Mon Apr 17 21:46:05 UTC 2017
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/containers
On branches: cleaned_bugfix394,master,merge-doc-target,merge-fixes-5.9,revert-408-bugfix_394
Link : http://git.haskell.org/packages/containers.git/commitdiff/2d312508b9cd2dd527fbc914d60b1e7f33bd8461
commit 2d312508b9cd2dd527fbc914d60b1e7f33bd8461
Author: wren romano <wren at community.haskell.org>
Date: Sun Nov 6 23:17:09 2016 -0800
Data.IntMap.Internal: preliminary version of mergeA
This version fills in all the todos, and the code matches the pure
version fairly well, but (a) the outputs have not been debugged,
and (b) the order of effects is known to be wrong.
Data/IntMap/Internal.hs | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs b/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs
index 3fb30e9..6947dfe 100644
--- a/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs
+++ b/Data/IntMap/Internal.hs
@@ -1595,28 +1595,8 @@ filterWithKeyA
:: Applicative f => (Key -> a -> f Bool) -> IntMap a -> f (IntMap a)
filterWithKeyA _ Nil = pure Nil
filterWithKeyA f t@(Tip k x) = (\b -> if b then t else Nil) <$> f k x
-filterWithKeyA f t@(Bin p m l r) = error "TODO: filterWithKeyA"
--- Implementation Idea 1:
- combine <$> f p m <*> filterWithKeyA f l <*> filterWithKeyA f r
- where
- combine True l' r'
- | l' `ptrEq` l && r' `ptrEq` r = t
- | otherwise = link p m l' r'
- combine False l' r' = link2 l' r'
--- Implementation Idea 2:
- combine p m <$> filterWithKeyA f l <*> filterWithKeyA f r
- where
- combine _ _ Nil r' = r'
- combine _ _ l' Nil = l'
- combine p m l' r'
- | l' `ptrEq` l && r' `ptrEq` r = t
- | otherwise = link pl l' pr r'
- combine p m l' r' = link2 l' r'
-link k (Tip k x) p t@(Bin p m _ _ \/ Tip p _) | nomatch k p m \/ k/=p
+filterWithKeyA f t@(Bin p m l r) =
+ bin p m <$> filterWithKeyA f l <*> filterWithKeyA f r
-- | This wasn't in Data.Bool until 4.7.0, so we define it here
bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
@@ -1649,20 +1629,11 @@ traverseMaybeMissing f = WhenMissing
-- | /O(n)/. Traverse keys\/values and collect the 'Just' results.
:: Applicative f => (Key -> a -> f (Maybe b)) -> IntMap a -> f (IntMap b)
-traverseMaybeWithKey = error "TODO: traverseMaybeWithKey"
- {-
- where
- go _ Nil = pure Nil
- go f (Bin _ kx x Nil Nil) =
- maybe Tip (\x' -> Bin 1 kx x' Nil Nil) <$> f kx x
- go f (Bin _ kx x l r) =
- combine <$> go f l <*> f kx x <*> go f r
- where
- combine !l' mx !r' =
- case mx of
- Nothing -> link2 l' r'
- Just x' -> link kx x' l' r'
- -}
+traverseMaybeWithKey f = go
+ where
+ go Nil = pure Nil
+ go (Tip k x) = maybe Nil (Tip k) <$> f k x
+ go (Bin p m l r) = bin p m <$> go l <*> go r
-- | Merge two maps.
@@ -1820,25 +1791,68 @@ mergeA
-> f (IntMap c)
WhenMissing{missingSubtree = g1t, missingKey = g1k}
- WhenMissing{missingSubtree = g2t}
- (WhenMatched f) = go
+ WhenMissing{missingSubtree = g2t, missingKey = g2k}
+ WhenMatched{matchedKey = f}
+ = go
- go t1 Nil = g1t t1
- go Nil t2 = g2t t2
- go (Tip k x) t2 = error "TODO: mergeA"
- go (Bin p m l1 r1) t2 = error "TODO: mergeA"
- {-
- case splitLookup kx t2 of
- (l2, mx2, r2) ->
- case mx2 of
- Nothing -> (\l' mx' r' -> maybe link2 (link kx) mx' l' r')
- <$> l1l2 <*> g1k kx x1 <*> r1r2
- Just x2 -> (\l' mx' r' -> maybe link2 (link kx) mx' l' r')
- <$> l1l2 <*> f kx x1 x2 <*> r1r2
+ go t1 Nil = g1t t1
+ go Nil t2 = g2t t2
+ -- This case is already covered below.
+ -- go (Tip k1 x1) (Tip k2 x2) = mergeTips k1 x1 k2 x2
+ go (Tip k1 x1) t2' = merge2 t2'
- !l1l2 = go l1 l2
- !r1r2 = go r1 r2
- -}
+ merge2 t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
+ | nomatch k1 p2 m2 = link_ k1 p2 <$> subsingletonBy g1k k1 x1 <*> g2t t2
+ | zero k1 m2 = bin p2 m2 <$> merge2 l2 <*> g2t r2
+ | otherwise = bin p2 m2 <$> g2t l2 <*> merge2 r2
+ merge2 (Tip k2 x2) = mergeTips k1 x1 k2 x2
+ merge2 Nil = subsingletonBy g1k k1 x1
+ go t1' (Tip k2 x2) = merge1 t1'
+ where
+ merge1 t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1)
+ | nomatch k2 p1 m1 = link_ p1 k2 <$> g1t t1 <*> subsingletonBy g2k k2 x2
+ | zero k2 m1 = bin p1 m1 <$> merge1 l1 <*> g1t r1
+ | otherwise = bin p1 m1 <$> g1t l1 <*> merge1 r1
+ merge1 (Tip k1 x1) = mergeTips k1 x1 k2 x2
+ merge1 Nil = subsingletonBy g2k k2 x2
+ go t1@(Bin p1 m1 l1 r1) t2@(Bin p2 m2 l2 r2)
+ | shorter m1 m2 = merge1
+ | shorter m2 m1 = merge2
+ | p1 == p2 = bin p1 m1 <$> go l1 l2 <*> go r1 r2
+ | otherwise = link_ p1 p2 <$> g1t t1 <*> g2t t2
+ where
+ merge1 | nomatch p2 p1 m1 = link_ p1 p2 <$> g1t t1 <*> g2t t2
+ | zero p2 m1 = bin p1 m1 <$> go l1 t2 <*> g1t r1
+ | otherwise = bin p1 m1 <$> g1t l1 <*> go r1 t2
+ merge2 | nomatch p1 p2 m2 = link_ p1 p2 <$> g1t t1 <*> g2t t2
+ | zero p1 m2 = bin p2 m2 <$> go t1 l2 <*> g2t r2
+ | otherwise = bin p2 m2 <$> g2t l2 <*> go t1 r2
+ subsingletonBy gk k x = maybe Nil (Tip k) <$> gk k x
+ {-# INLINE subsingletonBy #-}
+ mergeTips k1 x1 k2 x2
+ | k1 == k2 = maybe Nil (Tip k1) <$> f k1 x1 x2
+ | otherwise = subdoubleton k1 k2 <$> g1k k1 x1 <*> g2k k2 x2
+ {-
+ = link_ k1 k2 <$> subsingletonBy g1k k1 x1 <*> subsingletonBy g2k k2 x2
+ -}
+ {-# INLINE mergeTips #-}
+ subdoubleton _ _ Nothing Nothing = Nil
+ subdoubleton _ k2 Nothing (Just y2) = Tip k2 y2
+ subdoubleton k1 _ (Just y1) Nothing = Tip k1 y1
+ subdoubleton k1 k2 (Just y1) (Just y2) = link k1 (Tip k1 y1) k2 (Tip k2 y2)
+ {-# INLINE subdoubleton #-}
+ link_ _ _ Nil t2 = t2
+ link_ _ _ t1 Nil = t1
+ link_ p1 p2 t1 t2 = link p1 t1 p2 t2
+ {-# INLINE link_ #-}
{-# INLINE mergeA #-}
@@ -2256,14 +2270,11 @@ filter p m
-- > filterWithKey (\k _ -> k > 4) (fromList [(5,"a"), (3,"b")]) == singleton 5 "a"
filterWithKey :: (Key -> a -> Bool) -> IntMap a -> IntMap a
-filterWithKey predicate t
- = case t of
- Bin p m l r
- -> bin p m (filterWithKey predicate l) (filterWithKey predicate r)
- Tip k x
- | predicate k x -> t
- | otherwise -> Nil
- Nil -> Nil
+filterWithKey predicate = go
+ where
+ go Nil = Nil
+ go t@(Tip k x) = if predicate k x then t else Nil
+ go (Bin p m l r) = bin p m (go l) (go r)
-- | /O(n)/. Partition the map according to some predicate. The first
-- map contains all elements that satisfy the predicate, the second all
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