[commit: packages/containers] cleaned_bugfix394, master, merge-doc-target, merge-fixes-5.9, merge-restrict-fix-5.8, revert-408-bugfix_394: Speed up zipWith some more (e8f34b5)
git at git.haskell.org
git at git.haskell.org
Mon Apr 17 21:42:14 UTC 2017
- Previous message: [commit: packages/containers] cleaned_bugfix394, master, merge-doc-target, merge-fixes-5.9, merge-restrict-fix-5.8, revert-408-bugfix_394: Use pattern matching in splitAt (549a347)
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Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/containers
On branches: cleaned_bugfix394,master,merge-doc-target,merge-fixes-5.9,merge-restrict-fix-5.8,revert-408-bugfix_394
Link : http://git.haskell.org/packages/containers.git/commitdiff/e8f34b52aafa59feab40395fcacfc4dca50157d5
commit e8f34b52aafa59feab40395fcacfc4dca50157d5
Author: David Feuer <David.Feuer at gmail.com>
Date: Tue May 24 00:26:00 2016 -0400
Speed up zipWith some more
This one's all about making nice to GHC by pulling
local functions to the top level and marking them
inline, as well as eta-expanding at a recursive
call site.
Old (after recent `splitAt` improvements):
benchmarking zip/ix10000/5000
time 8.806 μs (8.768 μs .. 8.857 μs)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 8.787 μs (8.766 μs .. 8.879 μs)
std dev 113.3 ns (30.31 ns .. 244.0 ns)
benchmarking zip/nf100
time 13.19 μs (13.15 μs .. 13.24 μs)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 13.19 μs (13.15 μs .. 13.28 μs)
std dev 157.8 ns (86.36 ns .. 288.1 ns)
benchmarking zip/nf10000
time 1.768 ms (1.764 ms .. 1.774 ms)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 1.778 ms (1.772 ms .. 1.793 ms)
std dev 29.50 μs (16.59 μs .. 56.72 μs)
benchmarking zip/ix10000/5000
time 7.684 μs (7.668 μs .. 7.704 μs)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 7.685 μs (7.675 μs .. 7.707 μs)
std dev 46.68 ns (27.98 ns .. 73.76 ns)
benchmarking zip/nf100
time 9.152 μs (9.139 μs .. 9.170 μs)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 9.166 μs (9.148 μs .. 9.197 μs)
std dev 76.90 ns (42.73 ns .. 140.9 ns)
benchmarking zip/nf10000
time 1.294 ms (1.291 ms .. 1.298 ms)
1.000 R² (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 1.295 ms (1.292 ms .. 1.298 ms)
std dev 10.51 μs (7.936 μs .. 14.12 μs)
Data/Sequence.hs | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Data/Sequence.hs b/Data/Sequence.hs
index aa840b5..033d6e0 100644
--- a/Data/Sequence.hs
+++ b/Data/Sequence.hs
@@ -2966,48 +2966,59 @@ reverseNode f (Node3 s a b c) = Node3 s (f c) (f b) (f a)
-- > mapWithIndex :: (Int -> a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
-- > mapWithIndex f = splitMap (\n i -> (i, n+i)) f 0
+{-# INLINE splitMap #-}
splitMap :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> Seq a -> Seq b
-splitMap splt' f0 s0 (Seq xs0) = Seq $ splitMapTree splt' (\s' (Elem a) -> Elem (f0 s' a)) s0 xs0
- where
- {-# SPECIALIZE splitMapTree :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Elem y -> b) -> s -> FingerTree (Elem y) -> FingerTree b #-}
- {-# SPECIALIZE splitMapTree :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Node y -> b) -> s -> FingerTree (Node y) -> FingerTree b #-}
- splitMapTree :: Sized a => (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> FingerTree a -> FingerTree b
- splitMapTree _ _ _ EmptyT = EmptyT
- splitMapTree _ f s (Single xs) = Single $ f s xs
- splitMapTree splt f s (Deep n pr m sf) = Deep n (splitMapDigit splt f prs pr) (splitMapTree splt (splitMapNode splt f) ms m) (splitMapDigit splt f sfs sf)
- where
- (prs, r) = splt (size pr) s
- (ms, sfs) = splt (n - size pr - size sf) r
- {-# SPECIALIZE splitMapDigit :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Elem y -> b) -> s -> Digit (Elem y) -> Digit b #-}
- {-# SPECIALIZE splitMapDigit :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Node y -> b) -> s -> Digit (Node y) -> Digit b #-}
- splitMapDigit :: Sized a => (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> Digit a -> Digit b
- splitMapDigit _ f s (One a) = One (f s a)
- splitMapDigit splt f s (Two a b) = Two (f first a) (f second b)
- where
- (first, second) = splt (size a) s
- splitMapDigit splt f s (Three a b c) = Three (f first a) (f second b) (f third c)
- where
- (first, r) = splt (size a) s
- (second, third) = splt (size b) r
- splitMapDigit splt f s (Four a b c d) = Four (f first a) (f second b) (f third c) (f fourth d)
- where
- (first, s') = splt (size a) s
- (middle, fourth) = splt (size b + size c) s'
- (second, third) = splt (size b) middle
- {-# SPECIALIZE splitMapNode :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Elem y -> b) -> s -> Node (Elem y) -> Node b #-}
- {-# SPECIALIZE splitMapNode :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Node y -> b) -> s -> Node (Node y) -> Node b #-}
- splitMapNode :: Sized a => (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> Node a -> Node b
- splitMapNode splt f s (Node2 ns a b) = Node2 ns (f first a) (f second b)
- where
- (first, second) = splt (size a) s
- splitMapNode splt f s (Node3 ns a b c) = Node3 ns (f first a) (f second b) (f third c)
- where
- (first, r) = splt (size a) s
- (second, third) = splt (size b) r
+splitMap splt' f0 s0 (Seq xs0) = Seq $ splitMapTreeE splt' (\s' (Elem a) -> Elem (f0 s' a)) s0 xs0
+-- Note: We end up boxing and unboxing Ints here.
+-- If we wanted, we could manually unbox them all.
+-- However, benchmarks indicate the performance gains
+-- are small, and maintaining an entirely separate copy of
+-- all the splitMap helpers specially for GHC seems
+-- an unreasonable maintenance burden.
+{-# INLINE splitMapTreeE #-}
+splitMapTreeE :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Elem y -> b) -> s -> FingerTree (Elem y) -> FingerTree b
+splitMapTreeE _ _ _ EmptyT = EmptyT
+splitMapTreeE _ f s (Single xs) = Single $ f s xs
+splitMapTreeE splt f s (Deep n pr m sf) = Deep n (splitMapDigit splt f prs pr) (splitMapTreeN splt (\eta1 eta2 -> splitMapNode splt f eta1 eta2) ms m) (splitMapDigit splt f sfs sf)
+ where
+ (prs, r) = splt (size pr) s
+ (ms, sfs) = splt (n - size pr - size sf) r
+splitMapTreeN :: (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> Node a -> b) -> s -> FingerTree (Node a) -> FingerTree b
+splitMapTreeN _ _ _ EmptyT = EmptyT
+splitMapTreeN _ f s (Single xs) = Single $ f s xs
+splitMapTreeN splt f s (Deep n pr m sf) = Deep n (splitMapDigit splt f prs pr) (splitMapTreeN splt (\eta1 eta2 -> splitMapNode splt f eta1 eta2) ms m) (splitMapDigit splt f sfs sf)
+ where
+ (prs, r) = splt (size pr) s
+ (ms, sfs) = splt (n - size pr - size sf) r
+{-# INLINE splitMapDigit #-}
+splitMapDigit :: Sized a => (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> Digit a -> Digit b
+splitMapDigit _ f s (One a) = One (f s a)
+splitMapDigit splt f s (Two a b) = Two (f first a) (f second b)
+ where
+ (first, second) = splt (size a) s
+splitMapDigit splt f s (Three a b c) = Three (f first a) (f second b) (f third c)
+ where
+ (first, r) = splt (size a) s
+ (second, third) = splt (size b) r
+splitMapDigit splt f s (Four a b c d) = Four (f first a) (f second b) (f third c) (f fourth d)
+ where
+ (first, s') = splt (size a) s
+ (middle, fourth) = splt (size b + size c) s'
+ (second, third) = splt (size b) middle
+{-# INLINE splitMapNode #-}
+splitMapNode :: Sized a => (Int -> s -> (s,s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> Node a -> Node b
+splitMapNode splt f s (Node2 ns a b) = Node2 ns (f first a) (f second b)
+ where
+ (first, second) = splt (size a) s
+splitMapNode splt f s (Node3 ns a b c) = Node3 ns (f first a) (f second b) (f third c)
+ where
+ (first, r) = splt (size a) s
+ (second, third) = splt (size b) r
-{-# INLINE splitMap #-}
getSingleton :: Seq a -> a
getSingleton (Seq (Single (Elem a))) = a
- Previous message: [commit: packages/containers] cleaned_bugfix394, master, merge-doc-target, merge-fixes-5.9, merge-restrict-fix-5.8, revert-408-bugfix_394: Use pattern matching in splitAt (549a347)
- Next message: [commit: packages/containers] cleaned_bugfix394, master, merge-doc-target, merge-fixes-5.9, merge-restrict-fix-5.8, revert-408-bugfix_394: Merge pull request #254 from treeowl/inline-zip (7369256)
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