[commit: packages/hoopl] master, pr/coverage: Repo cleanup. Fixes #6 (26a429c)

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Mon Apr 17 21:37:14 UTC 2017

Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/hoopl

On branches: master,pr/coverage
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/hoopl.git/commitdiff/26a429c02ab6333b7194bddcc91b35a4d994f3ff


commit 26a429c02ab6333b7194bddcc91b35a4d994f3ff
Author: Alexander Pankiv <alexanderpankiv at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 25 16:56:45 2015 +0100

    Repo cleanup. Fixes #6
      * remove unused modules
      * delete unnecessary tex comments
      * delete paper
      * update .gitignore: we no longer need to ignore LaTeX build artifacts,
        as the paper has been removed from the repository.  We also ignore
        cabal sandboxes
      * update readme to link to the paper.


 .gitignore                            |   36 +-
 HOWTO-BRANCHES                        |   15 -
 PROBLEMS                              |   68 -
 README.md                             |   16 +-
 hoopl.cabal                           |    2 -
 hoopl.pdf                             |  Bin 279781 -> 0 bytes
 paper/.gitignore                      |   46 -
 paper/Makefile                        |   63 -
 paper/NOTES                           |  197 --
 paper/Rew.hs                          |   46 -
 paper/TODO                            |   26 -
 paper/bbl.dias.mk                     |    5 -
 paper/bbl.nr.mk                       |    6 -
 paper/bbl.simonpj.mk                  |    2 -
 paper/bitly.dias.mk                   |    3 -
 paper/bitly.nr.mk                     |    3 -
 paper/bitly.simonpj.mk                |    3 -
 paper/code.sty                        |   94 -
 paper/defuse                          |  463 ----
 paper/dfopt.bib                       |  250 --
 paper/dfopt.tex                       | 4043 ---------------------------------
 paper/haskell-reviews.txt             |  222 --
 paper/hsprelude                       |   60 -
 paper/icfp2010response.txt            |   70 -
 paper/icfp2010reviews.html            |  424 ----
 paper/latex.mk                        |   18 -
 paper/mkfile                          |   82 -
 paper/notes-relatedwork               |   57 -
 paper/old-implementation-sections.tex |  344 ---
 paper/onepage.tex                     |  610 -----
 paper/proto-response.txt              |   87 -
 paper/refs.txt                        |   78 -
 paper/spell.mk                        |   21 -
 paper/xsource                         |   75 -
 src/Compiler/Hoopl/Combinators.hs     |    6 -
 src/Compiler/Hoopl/Dataflow.hs        |   57 +-
 src/Compiler/Hoopl/DataflowFold.hs    |  712 ------
 src/Compiler/Hoopl/OldDataflow.hs     |  698 ------
 38 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 8974 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --cc 26a429c02ab6333b7194bddcc91b35a4d994f3ff

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