[commit: packages/directory] master: Improve path normalisation on Windows (b82ca01)
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Mon Apr 17 21:35:38 UTC 2017
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On branch : master
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/b82ca0194767bf418330bd1ed89ea541716e596a/directory
commit b82ca0194767bf418330bd1ed89ea541716e596a
Author: Phil Ruffwind <rf at rufflewind.com>
Date: Sun Mar 5 00:36:19 2017 -0500
Improve path normalisation on Windows
Previously it did not handle ".." properly, nor did it remove extra
slashes after the drive.
System/Directory/Internal/Windows.hsc | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
changelog.md | 5 +++
tests/CanonicalizePath.hs | 10 +++++
3 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/System/Directory/Internal/Windows.hsc b/System/Directory/Internal/Windows.hsc
index c44cfc6..b46e8f8 100644
--- a/System/Directory/Internal/Windows.hsc
+++ b/System/Directory/Internal/Windows.hsc
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ module System.Directory.Internal.Windows where
#include <System/Directory/Internal/windows.h>
import Prelude ()
import System.Directory.Internal.Prelude
-import System.FilePath (isPathSeparator, isRelative, normalise,
- pathSeparator, splitDirectories)
+import System.FilePath (addTrailingPathSeparator, hasTrailingPathSeparator,
+ isPathSeparator, isRelative, joinDrive, joinPath,
+ normalise, pathSeparator, pathSeparators,
+ splitDirectories, splitDrive)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified System.Win32 as Win32
@@ -251,25 +253,72 @@ readSymbolicLink path = modifyIOError (`ioeSetFileName` path) $ do
strip sn = fromMaybe sn (List.stripPrefix "\\??\\" sn)
+-- | Given a list of path segments, expand @.@ and @.. at . The path segments
+-- must not contain path separators.
+expandDots :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
+expandDots = reverse . go []
+ where
+ go ys' xs' =
+ case xs' of
+ [] -> ys'
+ x : xs ->
+ case x of
+ "." -> go ys' xs
+ ".." ->
+ case ys' of
+ _ : ys -> go ys xs
+ [] -> go (x : ys') xs
+ _ -> go (x : ys') xs
+-- | Remove redundant trailing slashes and pick the right kind of slash.
+normaliseTrailingSep :: FilePath -> FilePath
+normaliseTrailingSep path = do
+ let path' = reverse path
+ let (sep, path'') = span isPathSeparator path'
+ let addSep = if null sep then id else (pathSeparator :)
+ reverse (addSep path'')
+-- | A variant of 'normalise' to handle Windows paths a little better. It
+-- * deduplicates trailing slashes after the drive,
+-- * expands parent dirs (@..@), and
+-- * preserves paths with @\\\\?\\@.
+normaliseW :: FilePath -> FilePath
+normaliseW path@('\\' : '\\' : '?' : '\\' : _) = path
+normaliseW path = normalise (joinDrive drive' subpath')
+ where
+ (drive, subpath) = splitDrive path
+ drive' = normaliseTrailingSep drive
+ subpath' = appendSep . prependSep . joinPath .
+ stripPardirs . expandDots . skipSeps .
+ splitDirectories $ subpath
+ skipSeps = filter (not . (`elem` (pure <$> pathSeparators)))
+ stripPardirs | not (isRelative path) = dropWhile (== "..")
+ | otherwise = id
+ prependSep | any isPathSeparator (take 1 subpath) = (pathSeparator :)
+ | otherwise = id
+ appendSep | hasTrailingPathSeparator subpath = addTrailingPathSeparator
+ | otherwise = id
-- | Normalise the path separators and prepend the @"\\\\?\\"@ prefix if
--- necessary or possible.
+-- necessary or possible. This is used for symbolic links targets because
+-- they can't handle forward slashes.
normaliseSeparators :: FilePath -> FilePath
normaliseSeparators path
| isRelative path = normaliseSep <$> path
| otherwise = toExtendedLengthPath path
where normaliseSep c = if isPathSeparator c then pathSeparator else c
--- | Add the @"\\\\?\\"@ prefix if necessary or possible.
--- The path remains unchanged if the prefix is not added.
+-- | Add the @"\\\\?\\"@ prefix if necessary or possible. The path remains
+-- unchanged if the prefix is not added. This function can sometimes be used
+-- to bypass the @MAX_PATH@ length restriction in Windows API calls.
toExtendedLengthPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
toExtendedLengthPath path
| isRelative path = path
| otherwise =
- case normalise path of
- -- note: as of filepath- normalise doesn't honor \\?\
- -- https://github.com/haskell/filepath/issues/56
- -- this means we cannot trust the result of normalise on
- -- paths that start with \\?\
+ case normaliseW path of
+ '\\' : '?' : '?' : '\\' : _ -> path
'\\' : '\\' : '?' : '\\' : _ -> path
'\\' : '\\' : '.' : '\\' : _ -> path
'\\' : subpath@('\\' : _) -> "\\\\?\\UNC" <> subpath
diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md
index d98bbd3..f528faf 100644
--- a/changelog.md
+++ b/changelog.md
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
Changelog for the [`directory`][1] package
+## (April 2017)
+ * Fix a bug where `createFileLink` and `createDirectoryLink` failed to
+ handle `..` in absolute paths.
## (March 2017)
* `findFile` (and similar functions): when an absolute path is given, the
diff --git a/tests/CanonicalizePath.hs b/tests/CanonicalizePath.hs
index ab74c7b..fe3631a 100644
--- a/tests/CanonicalizePath.hs
+++ b/tests/CanonicalizePath.hs
@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@ main _t = do
T(expectEq) () fooNon fooNon7
T(expectEq) () fooNon fooNon8
+ -- make sure ".." gets expanded properly by 'toExtendedLengthPath'
+ -- (turns out this test won't detect the problem because GetFullPathName
+ -- would expand them for us if we don't, but leaving it here anyway)
+ T(expectEq) () foo =<< canonicalizePath (foo </> ".." </> "foo")
supportsSymbolicLinks <- supportsSymlinks
when supportsSymbolicLinks $ do
@@ -102,6 +107,11 @@ main _t = do
T(expectEq) () loop1 (normalise (dot </> "loop1"))
T(expectEq) () loop2 (normalise (dot </> "loop2"))
+ -- make sure ".." gets expanded properly by 'toExtendedLengthPath'
+ createDirectoryLink (foo </> ".." </> "foo") "foolink"
+ _ <- listDirectory "foolink" -- make sure directory is accessible
+ T(expectEq) () foo =<< canonicalizePath "foolink"
caseInsensitive <-
(False <$ createDirectory "FOO")
`catch` \ e ->
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