[commit: packages/containers] zip-devel: Make <*> fast (73c06d4)
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On branch : zip-devel
Link : http://git.haskell.org/packages/containers.git/commitdiff/73c06d4421aaca2dc3c06d07d452d3e8f586ecf4
commit 73c06d4421aaca2dc3c06d07d452d3e8f586ecf4
Author: David Feuer <David.Feuer at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Dec 6 18:46:49 2014 -0500
Make <*> fast
Use the `splitTraverse` mechanism to implement `<*>` with optimal
incremental performance. Stop exporting `splitTraverse`.
Many thanks to Joachim Breitner for writing the splitting code for
Data/Sequence.hs | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Data/Sequence.hs b/Data/Sequence.hs
index 9e78ce1..f7d551c 100644
--- a/Data/Sequence.hs
+++ b/Data/Sequence.hs
@@ -133,7 +133,6 @@ module Data.Sequence (
-- * Transformations
mapWithIndex, -- :: (Int -> a -> b) -> Seq a -> Seq b
reverse, -- :: Seq a -> Seq a
- splitTraverse, -- :: (Int -> s -> (s, s)) -> (s -> a -> b) -> s -> Seq a -> Seq b
-- ** Zips
zip, -- :: Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq (a, b)
zipWith, -- :: (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c
@@ -257,10 +256,65 @@ instance Monad Seq where
instance Applicative Seq where
pure = singleton
- fs <*> xs = foldl' add empty fs
- where add ys f = ys >< fmap f xs
+ Seq Empty <*> _ = empty
+ _ <*> Seq Empty = empty
+ Seq (Single (Elem f)) <*> xs = fmap f xs
+ fs <*> Seq (Single (Elem x)) = fmap ($x) fs
+ fs <*> xs = splitTraverse splitCPs
+ (\s _ -> uncurry ($) (getSingletonCPs s))
+ (createCPs fs xs)
+ (replicate (length fs * length xs) ())
xs *> ys = replicateSeq (length xs) ys
+-- The splitCPs code below, for splitting ragged-ended Cartesian products,
+-- was generously provided by Joachim Breitner.
+data CPs x y =
+ CPs (Seq x)
+ (Seq y)
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {- beginning column -}
+ {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {- last column -}
+ | SingleCPs x (Seq y)
+#ifdef TESTING
+ deriving Show
+-- Note: The total length of CPs xs ys fc lc is
+-- (length xs - 1) * length ys - fc + lc + 1
+-- Create a non-trivial Cps given two sequences
+createCPs :: Seq x -> Seq y -> CPs x y
+createCPs xs ys = CPs xs ys 0 (length ys - 1)
+-- Smart constructor
+mkCPs :: Seq x -> Seq y -> Int -> Int -> CPs x y
+mkCPs (Seq (Single (Elem x))) ys fc lc = SingleCPs x (drop fc $ take (lc+1) ys)
+mkCPs xs ys fc lc = CPs xs ys fc lc
+splitCPs:: Int -> CPs x y -> (CPs x y, CPs x y)
+splitCPs n (SingleCPs x ys)
+ = ( SingleCPs x ys1, SingleCPs x ys2 )
+ where (ys1, ys2) = splitAt n ys
+splitCPs n (CPs xs ys fc lc)
+ = ( mkCPs (take r_end xs) ys fc c_end
+ , mkCPs (drop r_begin xs) ys c_begin lc
+ )
+ where
+ -- Coordinates of the beginning of the second chunk
+ (r_begin, -- number of rows that do not go into the second chunk
+ c_begin) = (n + fc) `quotRem` length ys
+ -- Coordinates of the end of the first chunk
+ r_end | c_begin == 0 = r_begin -- cut nicely along rows, keep the other rows
+ | otherwise = r_begin + 1 -- we need to keep one row in both chunks
+ c_end = (c_begin - 1 + length ys) `rem` length ys
+getSingletonCPs :: CPs x y -> (x, y)
+getSingletonCPs (SingleCPs x ys) = (x, getSingleton ys)
+getSingletonCPs _ = error "getSingletonCPs: Not a singleton"
instance MonadPlus Seq where
mzero = empty
mplus = (><)
@@ -1370,7 +1424,6 @@ mapWithIndex# f (Seq xs) = Seq $ mapWithIndexTree# (\s (Elem a) -> Elem (f s a))
!(I# sb) = size b
!sPsa = s +# sa
!sPsab = sPsa +# sb
-- | /O(n)/. Convert a given sequence length and a function representing that
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