[commit: ghc] ghc-8.0: Some tiding up in TcGenDeriv (cec5066)

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Thu Oct 13 15:16:18 UTC 2016

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On branch  : ghc-8.0
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/cec5066594842f046ae7ded99ebbc31f4cdb86b0/ghc


commit cec5066594842f046ae7ded99ebbc31f4cdb86b0
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 8 15:29:12 2016 +0000

    Some tiding up in TcGenDeriv
    ..around newtype deriving instances.
    See esp the new Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
    No change in behaviour
    (cherry picked from commit 96d451450923a80b043b5314c5eaaa9d0eab7c56)


 compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs     |  20 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs
index 8c6bc81..139fdae 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs
@@ -2137,65 +2137,102 @@ mk_appE_app a b = nlHsApps appE_RDR [a, b]
 *                                                                      *
+Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
 We take every method in the original instance and `coerce` it to fit
 into the derived instance. We need a type annotation on the argument
 to `coerce` to make it obvious what instantiation of the method we're
-coercing from.
+coercing from.  So from, say,
+  class C a b where
+    op :: a -> [b] -> Int
+  newtype T x = MkT <rep-ty>
+  instance C a <rep-ty> => C a (T x) where
+    op = (coerce
+             (op :: a -> [<rep-ty>] -> Int)
+         ) :: a -> [T x] -> Int
+Notice that we give the 'coerce' call two type signatures: one to
+fix the of the inner call, and one for the expected type.  The outer
+type signature ought to be redundant, but may improve error messages.
+The inner one is essential to fix the type at which 'op' is called.
 See #8503 for more discussion.
+Here's a wrinkle. Supppose 'op' is locally overloaded:
+  class C2 b where
+    op2 :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [b] -> Int
+Then we could do exactly as above, but it's a bit redundant to
+instantiate op, then re-generalise with the inner signature.
+(The inner sig is only there to fix the type at which 'op' is
+called.)  So we just instantiate the signature, and add
+  instance C2 <rep-ty> => C2 (T x) where
+    op2 = (coerce
+             (op2 :: a -> [<rep-ty>] -> Int)
+          ) :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [T x] -> Int
+gen_Newtype_binds :: SrcSpan
+                  -> Class   -- the class being derived
+                  -> [TyVar] -- the tvs in the instance head
+                  -> [Type]  -- instance head parameters (incl. newtype)
+                  -> Type    -- the representation type (already eta-reduced)
+                  -> LHsBinds RdrName
+-- See Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
+gen_Newtype_binds loc cls inst_tvs cls_tys rhs_ty
+  = listToBag $ map mk_bind (classMethods cls)
+  where
+    coerce_RDR = getRdrName coerceId
+    mk_bind :: Id -> LHsBind RdrName
+    mk_bind meth_id
+      = mkRdrFunBind (L loc meth_RDR) [mkSimpleMatch [] rhs_expr]
+      where
+        Pair from_ty to_ty = mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls inst_tvs cls_tys rhs_ty meth_id
+        -- See "wrinkle" in Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
+        (_, _, from_ty') = tcSplitSigmaTy from_ty
+        meth_RDR = getRdrName meth_id
+        rhs_expr = ( nlHsVar coerce_RDR
+                      `nlHsApp`
+                    (nlHsVar meth_RDR `nlExprWithTySig` toLHsSigWcType from_ty'))
+                  `nlExprWithTySig` toLHsSigWcType to_ty
+    nlExprWithTySig :: LHsExpr RdrName -> LHsSigWcType RdrName -> LHsExpr RdrName
+    nlExprWithTySig e s = noLoc (ExprWithTySig e s)
 mkCoerceClassMethEqn :: Class   -- the class being derived
                      -> [TyVar] -- the tvs in the instance head
                      -> [Type]  -- instance head parameters (incl. newtype)
                      -> Type    -- the representation type (already eta-reduced)
                      -> Id      -- the method to look at
                      -> Pair Type
+-- See Note [Newtype-deriving instances]
+-- The pair is the (from_type, to_type), where to_type is
+-- the type of the method we are tyrying to get
 mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls inst_tvs cls_tys rhs_ty id
-  = Pair (substTy rhs_subst user_meth_ty) (substTy lhs_subst user_meth_ty)
+  = Pair (substTy rhs_subst user_meth_ty)
+         (substTy lhs_subst user_meth_ty)
     cls_tvs = classTyVars cls
     in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ mkVarSet inst_tvs
     lhs_subst = mkTvSubst in_scope (zipTyEnv cls_tvs cls_tys)
     rhs_subst = mkTvSubst in_scope (zipTyEnv cls_tvs (changeLast cls_tys rhs_ty))
     (_class_tvs, _class_constraint, user_meth_ty)
-      = tcSplitSigmaTy (varType id)
+      = tcSplitMethodTy (varType id)
     changeLast :: [a] -> a -> [a]
     changeLast []     _  = panic "changeLast"
     changeLast [_]    x  = [x]
     changeLast (x:xs) x' = x : changeLast xs x'
-gen_Newtype_binds :: SrcSpan
-                  -> Class   -- the class being derived
-                  -> [TyVar] -- the tvs in the instance head
-                  -> [Type]  -- instance head parameters (incl. newtype)
-                  -> Type    -- the representation type (already eta-reduced)
-                  -> LHsBinds RdrName
-gen_Newtype_binds loc cls inst_tvs cls_tys rhs_ty
-  = listToBag $ zipWith mk_bind
-        (classMethods cls)
-        (map (mkCoerceClassMethEqn cls inst_tvs cls_tys rhs_ty) (classMethods cls))
-  where
-    coerce_RDR = getRdrName coerceId
-    mk_bind :: Id -> Pair Type -> LHsBind RdrName
-    mk_bind id (Pair tau_ty user_ty)
-      = mkRdrFunBind (L loc meth_RDR) [mkSimpleMatch [] rhs_expr]
-      where
-        meth_RDR = getRdrName id
-        rhs_expr
-          = ( nlHsVar coerce_RDR
-                `nlHsApp`
-              (nlHsVar meth_RDR `nlExprWithTySig` toLHsSigWcType tau_ty'))
-            `nlExprWithTySig` toLHsSigWcType user_ty
-        -- Open the representation type here, so that it's forall'ed type
-        -- variables refer to the ones bound in the user_ty
-        (_, _, tau_ty')  = tcSplitSigmaTy tau_ty
-nlExprWithTySig :: LHsExpr RdrName -> LHsSigWcType RdrName -> LHsExpr RdrName
-nlExprWithTySig e s = noLoc (ExprWithTySig e s)
 *                                                                      *
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs
index d26dc5f..e5037d1 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module TcType (
   TcType, TcSigmaType, TcRhoType, TcTauType, TcPredType, TcThetaType,
   TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet, TcDTyVarSet, TcTyCoVarSet, TcDTyCoVarSet,
   TcKind, TcCoVar, TcTyCoVar, TcTyBinder, TcTyCon,
+  tcSplitMethodTy,
   ExpType(..), ExpSigmaType, ExpRhoType, mkCheckExpType,
@@ -1397,6 +1398,25 @@ tcSplitDFunTy ty
 tcSplitDFunHead :: Type -> (Class, [Type])
 tcSplitDFunHead = getClassPredTys
+tcSplitMethodTy :: Type -> ([TyVar], PredType, Type)
+-- A class method (selector) always has a type like
+--   forall as. C as => blah
+-- So if the class looks like
+--   class C a where
+--     op :: forall b. (Eq a, Ix b) => a -> b
+-- the class method type looks like
+--  op :: forall a. C a => forall b. (Eq a, Ix b) => a -> b
+-- tcSplitMethodTy just peels off the outer forall and
+-- that first predicate
+tcSplitMethodTy ty
+  | (sel_tyvars,sel_rho) <- tcSplitForAllTys ty
+  , Just (first_pred, local_meth_ty) <- tcSplitPredFunTy_maybe sel_rho
+  = (sel_tyvars, first_pred, local_meth_ty)
+  | otherwise
+  = pprPanic "tcSplitMethodTy" (ppr ty)
 tcEqKind :: TcKind -> TcKind -> Bool
 tcEqKind = tcEqType

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