[commit: ghc] master: Kill off ifaceTyVarsOfType (a5a3926)
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git at git.haskell.org
Fri Nov 25 17:47:40 UTC 2016
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc
On branch : master
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/a5a392649b10f956aaf3c84ac9321e242a383bbe/ghc
commit a5a392649b10f956aaf3c84ac9321e242a383bbe
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date: Thu Nov 24 12:26:24 2016 +0000
Kill off ifaceTyVarsOfType
IfaceTypes are really not well suited to finding free variables etc.
Nevertheless, there was quite a lot of code to do just that; but it
was only used to see if a kind is variable-free so as to decide
whether to print a forall binder.
This patch simplifies to deal with just that case, replacing all
the free-vars stuff with just ifTypeIsVarFree
compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs | 90 +++++++++++----------------------------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs b/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs
index d6a9a21..a797b9e 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceType.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ import Binary
import Outputable
import FastString
import FastStringEnv
-import UniqSet
import UniqFM
import Util
@@ -321,73 +320,26 @@ ifTyConBinderTyVar = binderVar
ifTyConBinderName :: IfaceTyConBinder -> IfLclName
ifTyConBinderName tcb = ifaceTvBndrName (ifTyConBinderTyVar tcb)
-ifTyVarsOfType :: IfaceType -> UniqSet IfLclName
-ifTyVarsOfType ty
- = case ty of
- IfaceTyVar v -> unitUniqSet v
- IfaceAppTy fun arg
- -> ifTyVarsOfType fun `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfType arg
- IfaceFunTy arg res
- -> ifTyVarsOfType arg `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfType res
- IfaceDFunTy arg res
- -> ifTyVarsOfType arg `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfType res
- IfaceForAllTy bndr ty
- -> let (free, bound) = ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr bndr in
- delListFromUniqSet (ifTyVarsOfType ty) bound `unionUniqSets` free
- IfaceTyConApp _ args -> ifTyVarsOfArgs args
- IfaceLitTy _ -> emptyUniqSet
- IfaceCastTy ty co
- -> ifTyVarsOfType ty `unionUniqSets` ifTyVarsOfCoercion co
- IfaceCoercionTy co -> ifTyVarsOfCoercion co
- IfaceTupleTy _ _ args -> ifTyVarsOfArgs args
-ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr :: IfaceForAllBndr
- -> ( UniqSet IfLclName -- names used free in the binder
- , [IfLclName] ) -- names bound by this binder
-ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr (TvBndr (name, kind) _) = (ifTyVarsOfType kind, [name])
-ifTyVarsOfArgs :: IfaceTcArgs -> UniqSet IfLclName
-ifTyVarsOfArgs args = argv emptyUniqSet args
- where
- argv vs (ITC_Vis t ts) = argv (vs `unionUniqSets` (ifTyVarsOfType t)) ts
- argv vs (ITC_Invis k ks) = argv (vs `unionUniqSets` (ifTyVarsOfType k)) ks
- argv vs ITC_Nil = vs
-ifTyVarsOfCoercion :: IfaceCoercion -> UniqSet IfLclName
-ifTyVarsOfCoercion = go
+ifTypeIsVarFree :: IfaceType -> Bool
+-- Returns True if the type definitely has no variables at all
+-- Just used to control pretty printing
+ifTypeIsVarFree ty = go ty
- go (IfaceReflCo _ ty) = ifTyVarsOfType ty
- go (IfaceFunCo _ c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
- go (IfaceTyConAppCo _ _ cos) = ifTyVarsOfCoercions cos
- go (IfaceAppCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
- go (IfaceForAllCo (bound, _) kind_co co)
- = go co `delOneFromUniqSet` bound `unionUniqSets` go kind_co
- go (IfaceCoVarCo cv) = unitUniqSet cv
- go (IfaceAxiomInstCo _ _ cos) = ifTyVarsOfCoercions cos
- go (IfaceUnivCo p _ ty1 ty2) = go_prov p `unionUniqSets`
- ifTyVarsOfType ty1 `unionUniqSets`
- ifTyVarsOfType ty2
- go (IfaceSymCo co) = go co
- go (IfaceTransCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
- go (IfaceNthCo _ co) = go co
- go (IfaceLRCo _ co) = go co
- go (IfaceInstCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
- go (IfaceCoherenceCo c1 c2) = go c1 `unionUniqSets` go c2
- go (IfaceKindCo co) = go co
- go (IfaceSubCo co) = go co
- go (IfaceAxiomRuleCo rule cos)
- = unionManyUniqSets
- [ unitUniqSet rule
- , ifTyVarsOfCoercions cos ]
- go_prov IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv = emptyUniqSet
- go_prov (IfacePhantomProv co) = go co
- go_prov (IfaceProofIrrelProv co) = go co
- go_prov (IfacePluginProv _) = emptyUniqSet
- go_prov (IfaceHoleProv _) = emptyUniqSet
-ifTyVarsOfCoercions :: [IfaceCoercion] -> UniqSet IfLclName
-ifTyVarsOfCoercions = foldr (unionUniqSets . ifTyVarsOfCoercion) emptyUniqSet
+ go (IfaceTyVar {}) = False
+ go (IfaceTcTyVar {}) = False
+ go (IfaceAppTy fun arg) = go fun && go arg
+ go (IfaceFunTy arg res) = go arg && go res
+ go (IfaceDFunTy arg res) = go arg && go res
+ go (IfaceForAllTy {}) = False
+ go (IfaceTyConApp _ args) = go_args args
+ go (IfaceTupleTy _ _ args) = go_args args
+ go (IfaceLitTy _) = True
+ go (IfaceCastTy {}) = False -- Safe
+ go (IfaceCoercionTy {}) = False -- Safe
+ go_args ITC_Nil = True
+ go_args (ITC_Vis arg args) = go arg && go_args args
+ go_args (ITC_Invis arg args) = go arg && go_args args
Substitutions on IfaceType. This is only used during pretty-printing to construct
@@ -927,8 +879,8 @@ pprUserIfaceForAll tvs
ppWhen (any tv_has_kind_var tvs || gopt Opt_PrintExplicitForalls dflags) $
pprIfaceForAll tvs
- tv_has_kind_var bndr
- = not (isEmptyUniqSet (fst (ifTyVarsOfForAllBndr bndr)))
+ tv_has_kind_var (TvBndr (_,kind) _) = not (ifTypeIsVarFree kind)
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