[commit: ghc] master: Give lookupGRE_Name a better API (3e0af46)

git at git.haskell.org git at git.haskell.org
Thu Jun 23 09:16:00 UTC 2016

Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc

On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/3e0af469c97d34bea92032d54d155afc65bd4b20/ghc


commit 3e0af469c97d34bea92032d54d155afc65bd4b20
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 23 08:47:31 2016 +0100

    Give lookupGRE_Name a better API
    lookupGRE_Name should return either zero or one GREs, never
    several. This is a consequence of INVARIANT 1 on GlobalRdrEnv.
    So it's better if it returns a Maybe; the panic on multiple results
    is put in one place, instead of being scattered or ignored.
    Just refactoring, no change in behaviour


 compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.hs   | 16 +++++++++++-----
 compiler/main/InteractiveEval.hs |  3 +--
 compiler/rename/RnEnv.hs         |  2 +-
 compiler/rename/RnNames.hs       |  4 ++--
 compiler/rename/RnPat.hs         |  7 ++++---
 compiler/rename/RnSource.hs      | 10 +++++-----
 compiler/typecheck/FamInst.hs    |  2 +-
 compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs    |  2 +-
 compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs   |  2 +-
 compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.hs  |  2 +-
 10 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --cc 3e0af469c97d34bea92032d54d155afc65bd4b20

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