[commit: ghc] wip/ttypeable: Fix a few TTypeRep references (58b2cf7)

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On branch  : wip/ttypeable
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/58b2cf7b112c7638880bc225b4988112a18af8a2/ghc


commit 58b2cf7b112c7638880bc225b4988112a18af8a2
Author: Ben Gamari <ben at smart-cactus.org>
Date:   Wed Mar 16 11:51:00 2016 +0100

    Fix a few TTypeRep references


 compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index c492074..8c8642e 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -1127,10 +1127,10 @@ type TypeRepExpr = CoreExpr
 ds_ev_typeable :: Type -> EvTypeable -> DsM CoreExpr
 ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyCon tc kind_ev)
   = do { mkTrCon <- dsLookupGlobalId mkTrConName
-                    -- mkTrCon :: forall k (a :: k). TyCon -> TTypeRep k -> TTypeRep a
+                    -- mkTrCon :: forall k (a :: k). TyCon -> TypeRep k -> TypeRep a
        ; tc_rep <- tyConRep tc                      -- :: TyCon
-       ; kind_rep <- getRep kind_ev (typeKind ty)   -- :: TTypeRep k
+       ; kind_rep <- getRep kind_ev (typeKind ty)   -- :: TypeRep k
          -- Note that we use the kind of the type, not the TyCon from which it is
          -- constructed since the latter may be kind polymorphic whereas the
@@ -1161,8 +1161,8 @@ ds_ev_typeable ty (EvTypeableTyLit ev)
     ty_kind = typeKind ty
     -- tr_fun is the Name of
-    --       typeNatTypeRep    :: KnownNat    a => Proxy# a -> TTypeRep a
-    -- of    typeSymbolTypeRep :: KnownSymbol a => Proxy# a -> TTypeRep a
+    --       typeNatTypeRep    :: KnownNat    a => Proxy# a -> TypeRep a
+    -- of    typeSymbolTypeRep :: KnownSymbol a => Proxy# a -> TypeRep a
     tr_fun | ty_kind `eqType` typeNatKind    = typeNatTypeRepName
            | ty_kind `eqType` typeSymbolKind = typeSymbolTypeRepName
            | otherwise = panic "dsEvTypeable: unknown type lit kind"
@@ -1176,10 +1176,10 @@ ds_ev_typeable ty ev
 getRep :: EvTerm          -- ^ EvTerm for @Typeable ty@
        -> Type            -- ^ The type @ty@
-       -> DsM TypeRepExpr -- ^ Return @CoreExpr :: TTypeRep ty@
+       -> DsM TypeRepExpr -- ^ Return @CoreExpr :: TypeRep ty@
                           -- namely @typeRep# dict@
 -- Remember that
---   typeRep# :: forall k (a::k). Typeable k a -> TTypeRep a
+--   typeRep# :: forall k (a::k). Typeable k a -> TypeRep a
 getRep ev ty
   = do { typeable_expr <- dsEvTerm ev
        ; typeRepId     <- dsLookupGlobalId typeRepIdName

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