[commit: ghc] master: Binary: Use ByteString's copy in getBS (24f5f36)

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Sun Jul 17 07:53:37 UTC 2016

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/24f5f368d8ed0b5f113c2753b2b2bdc99957dcb2/ghc


commit 24f5f368d8ed0b5f113c2753b2b2bdc99957dcb2
Author: Ben Gamari <bgamari.foss at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 16 23:41:46 2016 +0200

    Binary: Use ByteString's copy in getBS
    It's unclear how much of an effect on runtime this will have, but if
    nothing else the code generation may be a tad better since the system's
    `memcpy` will be used.
    Test Plan: Validate
    Reviewers: simonmar, austin
    Subscribers: thomie
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D2401


 compiler/utils/Binary.hs | 31 ++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
index 9f8d926..9f7c03d 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ import SrcLoc
 import Foreign
 import Data.Array
 import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe   as BS
 import Data.IORef
 import Data.Char                ( ord, chr )
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ getDictionary bh = do
 -- The Symbol Table
--- On disk, the symbol table is an array of IfaceExtName, when
+-- On disk, the symbol table is an array of IfExtName, when
 -- reading it in we turn it into a SymbolTable.
 type SymbolTable = Array Int Name
@@ -692,25 +692,18 @@ putBS bh bs =
                 go (n+1)
   go 0
-{- -- possible faster version, not quite there yet:
-getBS bh at BinMem{} = do
-  (I# l) <- get bh
-  arr <- readIORef (arr_r bh)
-  off <- readFastMutInt (off_r bh)
-  return $! (mkFastSubBytesBA# arr off l)
 getBS :: BinHandle -> IO ByteString
 getBS bh = do
-  l <- get bh
-  fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes l
-  withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> do
-    let go n | n == l = return $ BS.fromForeignPtr fp 0 l
-             | otherwise = do
-                b <- getByte bh
-                pokeElemOff ptr n b
-                go (n+1)
-    --
-    go 0
+  l <- get bh :: IO Int
+  arr <- readIORef (_arr_r bh)
+  sz <- readFastMutInt (_sz_r bh)
+  off <- readFastMutInt (_off_r bh)
+  when (off + l > sz) $
+        ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType "Data.Binary.getBS" Nothing Nothing)
+  writeFastMutInt (_off_r bh) (off+l)
+  withForeignPtr arr $ \ptr -> do
+      bs <- BS.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr $ ptr `plusPtr` off, fromIntegral l)
+      return $! BS.copy bs
 instance Binary ByteString where
   put_ bh f = putBS bh f

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