[commit: ghc] ghc-8.0: base: A selection of fixes to the comments in GHC.Stats (2b79025)

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Sat Feb 27 14:39:54 UTC 2016

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On branch  : ghc-8.0
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/2b7902585cda6a091d33054c93bcf4c94cc56f81/ghc


commit 2b7902585cda6a091d33054c93bcf4c94cc56f81
Author: David Turner <dave.c.turner at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 14:46:28 2016 +0100

    base: A selection of fixes to the comments in GHC.Stats
    Use `-- |` comments throughout.
    Note that numByteUsageSamples is also the number of major GCs
    Note that numGcs counts GCs for all generations
    Note that 'current' really means 'at the end of the last major GC'
    Reviewers: ezyang, hvr, simonmar, austin, bgamari
    Reviewed By: ezyang, simonmar, bgamari
    Subscribers: thomie
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D1929
    GHC Trac Issues: #11603
    (cherry picked from commit 8e19d3a3066b883d9bc10a75c8d3183907272a9f)


 libraries/base/GHC/Stats.hsc | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Stats.hsc b/libraries/base/GHC/Stats.hsc
index 0e501da..73e2de9 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Stats.hsc
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Stats.hsc
@@ -39,26 +39,37 @@ foreign import ccall "getGCStatsEnabled" getGCStatsEnabled :: IO Bool
 -- I'm probably violating a bucket of constraints here... oops.
--- | Global garbage collection and memory statistics.
+-- | Statistics about memory usage and the garbage collector. Apart from
+-- 'currentBytesUsed' and 'currentBytesSlop' all are cumulative values since
+-- the program started.
 -- @since
 data GCStats = GCStats
-    { bytesAllocated :: !Int64 -- ^ Total number of bytes allocated
-    , numGcs :: !Int64 -- ^ Number of garbage collections performed
-    , maxBytesUsed :: !Int64 -- ^ Maximum number of live bytes seen so far
-    , numByteUsageSamples :: !Int64 -- ^ Number of byte usage samples taken
+    { -- | Total number of bytes allocated
+    bytesAllocated :: !Int64
+    -- | Number of garbage collections performed (any generation, major and
+    -- minor)
+    , numGcs :: !Int64
+    -- | Maximum number of live bytes seen so far
+    , maxBytesUsed :: !Int64
+    -- | Number of byte usage samples taken, or equivalently
+    -- the number of major GCs performed.
+    , numByteUsageSamples :: !Int64
     -- | Sum of all byte usage samples, can be used with
     -- 'numByteUsageSamples' to calculate averages with
     -- arbitrary weighting (if you are sampling this record multiple
     -- times).
     , cumulativeBytesUsed :: !Int64
-    , bytesCopied :: !Int64 -- ^ Number of bytes copied during GC
-    , currentBytesUsed :: !Int64 -- ^ Current number of live bytes
-    , currentBytesSlop :: !Int64 -- ^ Current number of bytes lost to slop
-    , maxBytesSlop :: !Int64 -- ^ Maximum number of bytes lost to slop at any one time so far
-    , peakMegabytesAllocated :: !Int64 -- ^ Maximum number of megabytes allocated
+    -- | Number of bytes copied during GC
+    , bytesCopied :: !Int64
+    -- | Number of live bytes at the end of the last major GC
+    , currentBytesUsed :: !Int64
+    -- | Current number of bytes lost to slop
+    , currentBytesSlop :: !Int64
+    -- | Maximum number of bytes lost to slop at any one time so far
+    , maxBytesSlop :: !Int64
+    -- | Maximum number of megabytes allocated
+    , peakMegabytesAllocated :: !Int64
     -- | CPU time spent running mutator threads.  This does not include
     -- any profiling overhead or initialization.
     , mutatorCpuSeconds :: !Double
@@ -66,11 +77,14 @@ data GCStats = GCStats
     -- | Wall clock time spent running mutator threads.  This does not
     -- include initialization.
     , mutatorWallSeconds :: !Double
-    , gcCpuSeconds :: !Double -- ^ CPU time spent running GC
-    , gcWallSeconds :: !Double -- ^ Wall clock time spent running GC
-    , cpuSeconds :: !Double -- ^ Total CPU time elapsed since program start
-    , wallSeconds :: !Double -- ^ Total wall clock time elapsed since start
+    -- | CPU time spent running GC
+    , gcCpuSeconds :: !Double
+    -- | Wall clock time spent running GC
+    , gcWallSeconds :: !Double
+    -- | Total CPU time elapsed since program start
+    , cpuSeconds :: !Double
+    -- | Total wall clock time elapsed since start
+    , wallSeconds :: !Double
     -- | Number of bytes copied during GC, minus space held by mutable
     -- lists held by the capabilities.  Can be used with
     -- 'parMaxBytesCopied' to determine how well parallel GC utilized

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