[commit: packages/hpc] master: Testsuite: AMPify tests/raytrace/Eval.hs (a3882aa)

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Tue Apr 26 08:49:50 UTC 2016

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/hpc.git/commitdiff/a3882aa98eb801278adc1f063e6724c035e1adfa


commit a3882aa98eb801278adc1f063e6724c035e1adfa
Author: Thomas Miedema <thomasmiedema at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 25 18:13:36 2016 +0200

    Testsuite: AMPify tests/raytrace/Eval.hs


 tests/raytrace/Eval.hs | 23 +++++++++++++++++++----
 tests/raytrace/test.T  | 15 +++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/raytrace/Eval.hs b/tests/raytrace/Eval.hs
index 3ce24e4..bd9d419 100644
--- a/tests/raytrace/Eval.hs
+++ b/tests/raytrace/Eval.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 module Eval where
+import Control.Monad
 import Data.Array
 import Geometry
@@ -22,9 +23,16 @@ class Monad m => MonadEval m where
 newtype Pure a = Pure a deriving Show
+instance Functor Pure where
+    fmap = liftM
+instance Applicative Pure where
+    pure = Pure
+    (<*>) = ap
 instance Monad Pure where
     Pure x >>= k = k x
-    return       = Pure
+    return       = pure
     fail s       = error s
 instance MonadEval Pure where
@@ -248,7 +256,7 @@ doPrimOp primOp op args
       types = getPrimOpType primOp
--- Render is somewhat funny, becauase it can only get called at top level.
+-- Render is somewhat funny, because it can only get called at top level.
 -- All other operations are purely functional.
 doAllOp :: PrimOp -> GMLOp -> Stack -> IO Stack
@@ -286,11 +294,18 @@ newtype Abs a   = Abs { runAbs :: Int -> AbsState a }
 data AbsState a = AbsState a !Int
                 | AbsFail String
+instance Functor Abs where
+    fmap = liftM
+instance Applicative Abs where
+    pure x = Abs (\ n -> AbsState x n)
+    (<*>) = ap
 instance Monad Abs where
     (Abs fn) >>= k = Abs (\ s -> case fn s of
 			           AbsState r s' -> runAbs (k r) s'
                                    AbsFail m     -> AbsFail m)
-    return x     = Abs (\ n -> AbsState x n)
+    return       = pure
     fail s       = Abs (\ n -> AbsFail s)
 instance MonadEval Abs where
@@ -325,7 +340,7 @@ mainEval prog = do { stk <- eval (State emptyEnv [] prog)
-done = "Items still on stack at (successfull) termination of program"
+done = "Items still on stack at (successful) termination of program"
 -- testing
diff --git a/tests/raytrace/test.T b/tests/raytrace/test.T
index 882fce2..a65423c 100644
--- a/tests/raytrace/test.T
+++ b/tests/raytrace/test.T
@@ -2,8 +2,15 @@ setTestOpts([omit_ways(['ghci']), when(fast(), skip)])
 hpc_prefix = "perl ../hpcrun.pl --clear --exeext={exeext} --hpc={hpc}"
-test('hpc_raytrace', \
-	[ when(fast(), skip), cmd_prefix(hpc_prefix), reqlib('parsec') ], \
-	multimod_compile_and_run, \
-	['Main','-fhpc -package parsec'])
+# TODO. It is unclear what the purpose of this test is. It produces lots of
+# output, but the expected output file is missing. I (thomie) added
+# the ignore_output setup function, just to make the test pass for the
+# moment.
+# Note that the subdirectory tixs also has a test.T file, and those tests
+# depend on some of the files in this directory.
+# Also note that testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace has a similar (but
+# not the same) copy of this program.
+     [cmd_prefix(hpc_prefix), reqlib('parsec'), ignore_output],
+     multimod_compile_and_run, ['Main','-fhpc -package parsec'])

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