[commit: ghc] wip/gadtpm: More haddock-compatible comments (d1f8a3f)

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Sat Nov 28 18:50:32 UTC 2015

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On branch  : wip/gadtpm
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/d1f8a3fe30560c703047b3d275cb1b19087f6b4a/ghc


commit d1f8a3fe30560c703047b3d275cb1b19087f6b4a
Author: George Karachalias <george.karachalias at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Nov 28 14:50:13 2015 +0100

    More haddock-compatible comments


 compiler/deSugar/Check.hs | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 57343ff..6fb673c 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ The algorithm used is described in the paper:
 type PmM a = DsM a
-data PmConstraint = TmConstraint Id PmExpr -- Term equalities: x ~ e
-                  | TyConstraint [EvVar]   -- Type equalities
-                  | BtConstraint Id        -- Strictness constraints: x ~ _|_
+data PmConstraint = TmConstraint Id PmExpr -- ^ Term equalities: x ~ e
+                  | TyConstraint [EvVar]   -- ^ Type equalities
+                  | BtConstraint Id        -- ^ Strictness constraints: x ~ _|_
 -- The *arity* of a PatVec [p1,..,pn] is
 -- the number of p1..pn that are not Guards
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ data PmPat p = PmCon { pm_con_con     :: DataCon
 --     MkT :: forall p q. (Eq p, Ord q) => p -> q -> T [p]
 -- or  MkT :: forall p q r. (Eq p, Ord q, [p] ~ r) => p -> q -> T r
-data Pattern = PmGuard PatVec PmExpr      -- Guard Patterns
-             | NonGuard (PmPat Pattern)   -- Other Patterns
+data Pattern = PmGuard PatVec PmExpr      -- ^ Guard Patterns
+             | NonGuard (PmPat Pattern)   -- ^ Other Patterns
 newtype ValAbs = VA (PmPat ValAbs) -- Value Abstractions
@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@ data ValSetAbs   -- Reprsents a set of value vector abstractions
   -- INVARIANT VsaInvariant: an empty ValSetAbs is always represented by Empty
   -- INVARIANT VsaArity: the number of Cons's in any path to a leaf is the same
   -- The *arity* of a ValSetAbs is the number of Cons's in any path to a leaf
-  = Empty                               -- {}
-  | Union ValSetAbs ValSetAbs           -- S1 u S2
-  | Singleton                           -- { |- empty |> empty }
-  | Constraint [PmConstraint] ValSetAbs -- Extend Delta
-  | Cons ValAbs ValSetAbs               -- map (ucon u) vs
+  = Empty                               -- ^ {}
+  | Union ValSetAbs ValSetAbs           -- ^ S1 u S2
+  | Singleton                           -- ^ { |- empty |> empty }
+  | Constraint [PmConstraint] ValSetAbs -- ^ Extend Delta
+  | Cons ValAbs ValSetAbs               -- ^ map (ucon u) vs
-type PmResult = ( [[LPat Id]] -- redundant clauses
-                , [[LPat Id]] -- clauses with inaccessible rhs
-                , [([PmExpr], [ComplexEq])] ) -- missing
+type PmResult = ( [[LPat Id]] -- ^ redundant clauses
+                , [[LPat Id]] -- ^ clauses with inaccessible rhs
+                , [([PmExpr], [ComplexEq])] ) -- ^ missing
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ initial_uncovered vars = do
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Utilities
+-- * Utilities
 nullaryConPattern :: DataCon -> Pattern
 -- Nullary data constructor and nullary type constructor
@@ -234,16 +234,18 @@ oStrToHsLit_mb olit
   | otherwise = Nothing
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Transform a Pat Id into a list of (PmPat Id) -- Note [Translation to PmPat]
+-- * Transform (Pat Id) into of (PmPat Id)
 translatePat :: Pat Id -> UniqSM PatVec
 translatePat pat = case pat of
   WildPat ty         -> mkPatternVarsSM [ty]
   VarPat  id         -> return [idPatternVar (unLoc id)]
   ParPat p           -> translatePat (unLoc p)
-  LazyPat _          -> mkPatternVarsSM [hsPatType pat] -- translatePat (unLoc p) -- COMEHERE: We ignore laziness   for now
-  BangPat p          -> translatePat (unLoc p)                                    -- COMEHERE: We ignore strictness for now
-                                                                                  -- This might affect the divergence checks?
+  LazyPat _          -> mkPatternVarsSM [hsPatType pat]
+  -- ignore strictness annotations for now
+  BangPat p          -> translatePat (unLoc p)
   AsPat lid p -> do
     ps <- translatePat (unLoc p)
     let [e] = map valAbsToPmExpr (coercePatVec ps) -- Note [Translating As Patterns]
@@ -371,7 +373,7 @@ translateConPatVec  univ_tys  ex_tvs c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
         pvec <- translatePat pat
         return (x, pvec)
-      let zipped = zip orig_lbls [ x | NonGuard (PmVar x) <- arg_var_pats ] -- [(Name, Id)]
+      let zipped = zip orig_lbls [ x | NonGuard (PmVar x) <- arg_var_pats ]
           guards = map (\(name,pvec) -> case lookup name zipped of
                             Just x  -> PmGuard pvec (PmExprVar x)
                             Nothing -> panic "translateConPatVec: lookup")
@@ -407,7 +409,7 @@ translateMatch (L _ (Match _ lpats _ grhss)) = do
     guards = map extractGuards (grhssGRHSs grhss)
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Transform source guards (GuardStmt Id) to PmPats (Pattern)
+-- * Transform source guards (GuardStmt Id) to PmPats (Pattern)
 translateGuards :: [GuardStmt Id] -> UniqSM PatVec
 translateGuards guards = do
@@ -436,6 +438,7 @@ translateGuards guards = do
       | isNotPmExprOther e = True  -- expensive but we want it
     shouldKeep _other_pat  = False -- let the rest..
+-- | Translate a guard statement to Pattern
 translateGuard :: GuardStmt Id -> UniqSM PatVec
 translateGuard (BodyStmt   e _ _ _) = translateBoolGuard e
 translateGuard (LetStmt      binds) = translateLet (unLoc binds)
@@ -446,17 +449,20 @@ translateGuard (TransStmt       {}) = panic "translateGuard TransStmt"
 translateGuard (RecStmt         {}) = panic "translateGuard RecStmt"
 translateGuard (ApplicativeStmt {}) = panic "translateGuard ApplicativeLastStmt"
+-- | Translate let-bindings
 translateLet :: HsLocalBinds Id -> UniqSM PatVec
 translateLet _binds = return [] -- NOT CORRECT: A let cannot fail so in a way we
   -- are fine with it but it can bind things which we do not bring in scope.
   -- Hence, they are free while they shouldn't. More constraints would make it
-  -- more expressive but omitting some is always safe (Is it? Make sure it is)
+  -- more expressive but omitting some is always safe
+-- | Translate a pattern guard
 translateBind :: LPat Id -> LHsExpr Id -> UniqSM PatVec
 translateBind (L _ p) e = do
   ps <- translatePat p
   return [mkGuard ps (unLoc e)]
+-- | Translate a boolean guard
 translateBoolGuard :: LHsExpr Id -> UniqSM PatVec
 translateBoolGuard e
   | isJust (isTrueLHsExpr e) = return []
@@ -474,7 +480,7 @@ translateBoolGuard e
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Process a vector
+-- * Process a vector
 -- Covered, Uncovered, Divergent
 process_guards :: UniqSupply -> [PatVec] -> (ValSetAbs, ValSetAbs, ValSetAbs)
@@ -495,7 +501,7 @@ process_guards us  gs
         (css, uss, dss) = go us4 us gvs
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Basic utilities
+-- * Basic utilities
 patternType :: Pattern -> Type
 patternType (PmGuard pv _) = ASSERT (patVecArity pv == 1) (patternType p)
@@ -652,7 +658,7 @@ mkPmId2FormsSM ty = do
   return (idPatternVar x, noLoc (HsVar (noLoc x)))
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Converting between Value Abstractions, Patterns and PmExpr
+-- * Converting between Value Abstractions, Patterns and PmExpr
 valAbsToPmExpr :: ValAbs -> PmExpr
 valAbsToPmExpr (VA va) = pmPatToPmExpr va
@@ -826,7 +832,7 @@ uncovered us gvsa vec vsa = pmTraverse us gvsa uMatcher vec vsa
 divergent us gvsa vec vsa = pmTraverse us gvsa dMatcher vec vsa
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- | Generic traversal function
+-- * Generic traversal function
 -- | Because we represent Value Set Abstractions as a different datatype, more
 -- cases than the ones described in the paper appear. Since they are the same

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