[commit: ghc] ghc-7.10: Do not decompose => (Trac #9858) (ff2aa3f)
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Mon May 11 11:47:23 UTC 2015
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On branch : ghc-7.10
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/ff2aa3f934d8f7ae7ae37ecdf28030b7cf14acb5/ghc
commit ff2aa3f934d8f7ae7ae37ecdf28030b7cf14acb5
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date: Wed Apr 22 09:45:52 2015 +0100
Do not decompose => (Trac #9858)
We really don't want to unify (a b) with (Eq a => ty).
The ever-ingenious Oerjan discovered this problem;
see comment:101 in Trac #9858.
See Note [Decomposing fat arrow c=>t] in Type.hs
(cherry picked from commit c0b5adbd1a04dd1c7916c1240e50a936e826136d)
compiler/types/Type.hs | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.hs b/compiler/types/Type.hs
index edc3067..854776c 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.hs
@@ -337,6 +337,26 @@ allDistinctTyVars tkvs = go emptyVarSet tkvs
We need to be pretty careful with AppTy to make sure we obey the
invariant that a TyConApp is always visibly so. mkAppTy maintains the
invariant: use it.
+Note [Decomposing fat arrow c=>t]
+Can we unify (a b) with (Eq a => ty)? If we do so, we end up with
+a partial application like ((=>) Eq a) which doesn't make sense in
+source Haskell. In constrast, we *can* unify (a b) with (t1 -> t2).
+Here's an example (Trac #9858) of how you might do it:
+ i :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Proxy (a b) -> TypeRep
+ i p = typeRep p
+ j = i (Proxy :: Proxy (Eq Int => Int))
+The type (Proxy (Eq Int => Int)) is only accepted with -XImpredicativeTypes,
+but suppose we want that. But then in the call to 'i', we end
+up decomposing (Eq Int => Int), and we definitely don't want that.
+This really only applies to the type checker; in Core, '=>' and '->'
+are the same, as are 'Constraint' and '*'. But for now I've put
+the test in repSplitAppTy_maybe, which applies throughout, because
+the other calls to splitAppTy are in Unify, which is also used by
+the type checker (e.g. when matching type-function equations).
-- | Applies a type to another, as in e.g. @k a@
@@ -370,7 +390,9 @@ splitAppTy_maybe ty = repSplitAppTy_maybe ty
repSplitAppTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type,Type)
-- ^ Does the AppTy split as in 'splitAppTy_maybe', but assumes that
-- any Core view stuff is already done
-repSplitAppTy_maybe (FunTy ty1 ty2) = Just (TyConApp funTyCon [ty1], ty2)
+repSplitAppTy_maybe (FunTy ty1 ty2)
+ | isConstraintKind (typeKind ty1) = Nothing -- See Note [Decomposing fat arrow c=>t]
+ | otherwise = Just (TyConApp funTyCon [ty1], ty2)
repSplitAppTy_maybe (AppTy ty1 ty2) = Just (ty1, ty2)
repSplitAppTy_maybe (TyConApp tc tys)
| isDecomposableTyCon tc || tys `lengthExceeds` tyConArity tc
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