[commit: ghc] wip/gadtpm: Major rewrite: Pt 7: Some cleanup and print to see current state of the impl (9bbe8f5)

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Thu Mar 19 16:21:01 UTC 2015

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On branch  : wip/gadtpm
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/9bbe8f5965a26b179e3d3c7d9577a639c54a4fc2/ghc


commit 9bbe8f5965a26b179e3d3c7d9577a639c54a4fc2
Author: George Karachalias <george.karachalias at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Mar 19 17:19:42 2015 +0100

    Major rewrite: Pt 7: Some cleanup and print to see current state of the impl


 compiler/deSugar/Check.hs | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 7fc22e7..9328660 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import MonadUtils -- MonadIO
 import Var (EvVar)
 import Type
+import TcRnTypes ( pprInTcRnIf )
 import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply
                   , splitUniqSupply      -- :: UniqSupply -> (UniqSupply, UniqSupply)
                   , listSplitUniqSupply  -- :: UniqSupply -> [UniqSupply]
@@ -146,6 +147,14 @@ checkpm tys eq_info
 checkpm' :: [Type] -> Uncovered -> [EquationInfo] -> PmM PmResult
 checkpm' _tys uncovered_set [] = return ([],[], bagToList uncovered_set)
 checkpm'  tys uncovered_set (eq_info:eq_infos) = do
+  -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  -- Let's check how well we do at the moment
+  usupply <- getUniqueSupplyM
+  let translated = translateEqnInfo usupply eq_info
+  pprInTcRnIf (ppr translated)
+  -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   invec <- preprocess_match eq_info
   (covers, us, forces) <- process_vector tys uncovered_set invec
   let (redundant, inaccessible)
@@ -781,12 +790,10 @@ translatePat usupply pat = case pat of
   SigPatOut p ty     -> translatePat usupply (unLoc p) -- COMEHERE: FIXME: Exploit the signature?
   CoPat wrapper p ty -> translatePat usupply p         -- COMEHERE: Make sure the coercion is not useful
   NPlusKPat n k ge minus ->
-    let x  = mkPmId usupply (idType (unLoc n)) -- x as Id
-        xe = noLoc (HsVar x)                   -- x as located expression
+    let (xp, xe) = mkPmId2Forms usupply (idType (unLoc n))
         ke = noLoc (HsOverLit k)               -- k as located expression
         np = [VarAbs (unLoc n)]                -- n as a list of value abstractions
-        xp = VarAbs x                                          -- x
         g1 = eqTrueExpr  $ OpApp xe (noLoc ge)    no_fixity ke -- True <- (x >= k)
         g2 = GBindAbs np $ OpApp xe (noLoc minus) no_fixity ke -- n    <- (x -  k)
     in  [xp, g1, g2]
@@ -794,27 +801,22 @@ translatePat usupply pat = case pat of
   ViewPat lexpr lpat arg_ty ->
     let (usupply1, usupply2) = splitUniqSupply usupply
-        x  = mkPmId usupply1 arg_ty             -- x as Id
-        xe = noLoc (HsVar x)                    -- x as located expression
+        (xp, xe) = mkPmId2Forms usupply1 arg_ty
         ps = translatePat usupply2 (unLoc lpat) -- p translated recursively
-        xp = VarAbs x                     -- x
         g  = GBindAbs ps (HsApp lexpr xe) -- p <- f x
     in  [xp,g]
   ListPat lpats elem_ty (Just (pat_ty, to_list)) ->
     let (usupply1, usupply2) = splitUniqSupply usupply
-        x  = mkPmId usupply1 (hsPatType pat)          -- x as Id
-        xe = noLoc (HsVar x)                          -- x as located expression
+        (xp, xe) = mkPmId2Forms usupply1 (hsPatType pat)
         ps = translatePats usupply2 (map unLoc lpats) -- list as value abstraction
-        xp = VarAbs x                                        -- x
         g  = GBindAbs (concat ps) $ HsApp (noLoc to_list) xe -- [...] <- toList x
     in  [xp,g]
-  ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _) } -> error "COMEHERE: FIXME: Pattern Synonym" -- PATTERN SYNONYM - WHAT TO DO WITH IT?
+  ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _) } -> [mkPmVar usupply (hsPatType pat)] -- ERROR
   ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con), pat_args = ps } -> -- DO WE NEED OTHER STUFF FROM IT?
     [ConAbs con (translateConPats usupply con ps)]
@@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ translatePat usupply pat = case pat of
         expr     = OpApp hs_var (noLoc eq) no_fixity expr_lit -- COMEHERE: I do not like the noLoc thing
     in  [VarAbs var, eqTrueExpr expr]
-  LitPat lit -> error "COMEHERE" -- [mkPmVar usupply (hsPatType pat)] -- COMEHERE: Wrong. Should be like NPat (which eq to use?)
+  LitPat lit -> [mkPmVar usupply (hsPatType pat)] -- ERROR: Which eq to use??
   ListPat ps ty Nothing -> -- WHAT TO DO WITH TY??
     let tidy_ps       = translatePats usupply (map unLoc ps)
@@ -864,6 +866,12 @@ translatePats :: UniqSupply -> [Pat Id] -> [PatternVec] -- Do not concatenate th
 translatePats usupply pats = map (uncurry translatePat) uniqs_pats
   where uniqs_pats = listSplitUniqSupply usupply `zip` pats
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Temporary function
+translateEqnInfo :: UniqSupply -> EquationInfo -> [PatternVec]
+translateEqnInfo usupply (EqnInfo { eqn_pats = ps }) = translatePats usupply ps
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 translateConPats :: UniqSupply -> DataCon -> HsConPatDetails Id -> PatternVec
 translateConPats usupply _ (PrefixCon ps)   = concat (translatePats usupply (map unLoc ps))
 translateConPats usupply _ (InfixCon p1 p2) = concat (translatePats usupply (map unLoc [p1,p2]))
@@ -891,6 +899,12 @@ mkPmId usupply ty = mkLocalId name ty
     occname = mkVarOccFS (fsLit (show unique))
     name    = mkInternalName unique occname noSrcSpan
+-- Generate a *fresh* Id using the given UniqSupply and Type. We often need it
+-- in 2 different forms: Variable Abstraction and Variable Expression
+mkPmId2Forms :: UniqSupply -> Type -> (PmPat2 abs, LHsExpr Id)
+mkPmId2Forms usupply ty = (VarAbs x, noLoc (HsVar x))
+  where x = mkPmId usupply ty
 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- | Utility function `tailValSetAbs' and `wrapK'

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