[commit: packages/filepath] master: Improve the formatting of the generated code, makes the messages more pleasant (8916216)

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Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/filepath

On branch  : master
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/filepath.git/commitdiff/8916216d3bb96be2b662a73c529c8a162384fbb4


commit 8916216d3bb96be2b662a73c529c8a162384fbb4
Author: Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 3 15:50:08 2014 +0000

    Improve the formatting of the generated code, makes the messages more pleasant


 Generate.hs | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Generate.hs b/Generate.hs
index 4289fa2..36b19a2 100755
--- a/Generate.hs
+++ b/Generate.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ main = do
         ,"import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as P"
         ,"tests :: [(String, Test)]"
         ,"tests ="] ++
-        ["    " ++ c ++ "(" ++ show t1 ++ "," ++ t2 ++ ")" | (c,(t1,t2)) <- zip ("[":repeat ",") tests] ++
+        ["    " ++ c ++ "(" ++ show t1 ++ ", " ++ t2 ++ ")" | (c,(t1,t2)) <- zip ("[":repeat ",") tests] ++
         ["    ]"]
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ parseTest (stripPrefix "-- > " -> Just x) = platform $ toLexemes x
             where (a,b) = break (== "=>") x
         valid p x = free p [] x
-        free p val x = Test p [(ctor v, v) | v <- nub vars] x
-            where vars = [v | v@[c] <- x, isAlpha c]
+        free p val x = Test p [(ctor v, v) | v <- vars] x
+            where vars = nub $ sort [v | v@[c] <- x, isAlpha c]
                   ctor v = if v < "x" then "" else if v `elem` val then "QFilePathValid" ++ show p else "QFilePath"
 parseTest _ = []
@@ -58,13 +58,22 @@ toLexemes x = case lex x of
     y -> error $ "Generate.toLexemes, " ++ show x ++ " -> " ++ show y
+fromLexemes :: [String] -> String
+fromLexemes = unwords . f
+    where
+        f ("`":x:"`":xs) = ("`" ++ x ++ "`") : f xs
+        f (x:y:xs) | x `elem` ["[","("] || y `elem` [",",")","]"] = f $ (x ++ y) : xs
+        f (x:xs) = x : f xs
+        f [] = []
 renderTest :: Test -> (String, String)
 renderTest Test{..} = (body, code)
         code = "test $ " ++ if null testVars then body else "\\" ++ unwords vars ++ " -> " ++ body
-        vars = ["(" ++ ctor ++ " " ++ v ++ ")" | (ctor,v) <- testVars]
+        vars = [if null ctor then v else "(" ++ ctor ++ " " ++ v ++ ")" | (ctor,v) <- testVars]
-        body = unwords $ map (qualify testPlatform) testBody
+        body = fromLexemes $ map (qualify testPlatform) testBody
 qualify :: PW -> String -> String

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