[commit: ghc] ghc-7.10: testsuite: format commands using config dict (4ce0453)

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Wed Mar 11 21:06:58 UTC 2015

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On branch  : ghc-7.10
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/4ce0453f306e11c79da1ddd60a3c3cec021be8ac/ghc


commit 4ce0453f306e11c79da1ddd60a3c3cec021be8ac
Author: Thomas Miedema <thomasmiedema at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 6 20:17:41 2015 +0100

    testsuite: format commands using config dict
    Allow `cmd_wrapper` to return a format string that can refer to config values.
    Very useful! This allows for many tests to be defined in pure Python, instead
    of in an additional script or Makefile.
      def Thpc(cmd):
        return(cmd + ' && {hpc} report Thpc.tix')
      test('Thpc', [cmd_wrapper(Thpc), only_ways['hpc']), compile_and_run, [''])
    The `{hpc}` is replaced by the value of `config.hpc`. The result is that the
    module `Thpc` first gets compiled, then the binary `Thpc` is run, and then the
    `hpc report` command is run. The output of all of this is redirected
    (and later appended) to Thpc.run.stdout/stderr as normally.
    (cherry picked from commit 91c11feacc4c66a7ebcf8a88ab1cb851ce48142a)


 testsuite/driver/testlib.py | 24 +++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/testsuite/driver/testlib.py b/testsuite/driver/testlib.py
index 6fc86e4..d359fe3 100644
--- a/testsuite/driver/testlib.py
+++ b/testsuite/driver/testlib.py
@@ -1314,11 +1314,11 @@ def simple_run( name, way, prog, args ):
         stdin_comes_from = ' <' + use_stdin
     if opts.combined_output:
-        redirection = ' >' + run_stdout \
-                    + ' 2>&1'
+        redirection        = ' > {} 2>&1'.format(run_stdout)
+        redirection_append = ' >> {} 2>&1'.format(run_stdout)
-        redirection = ' >' + run_stdout \
-                    + ' 2>' + run_stderr
+        redirection        = ' > {} 2> {}'.format(run_stdout, run_stderr)
+        redirection_append = ' >> {} 2>> {}'.format(run_stdout, run_stderr)
     cmd = prog + ' ' + args + ' '  \
         + my_rts_flags + ' '       \
@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ def simple_run( name, way, prog, args ):
         + redirection
     if opts.cmd_wrapper != None:
-        cmd = opts.cmd_wrapper(cmd);
+        cmd = opts.cmd_wrapper(cmd) + redirection_append
     cmd = 'cd ' + opts.testdir + ' && ' + cmd
@@ -1426,16 +1426,23 @@ def interpreter_run( name, way, extra_hc_opts, compile_only, top_mod ):
     if getTestOpts().outputdir != None:
         flags.extend(["-outputdir", getTestOpts().outputdir])
+    if getTestOpts().combined_output:
+        redirection        = ' > {} 2>&1'.format(outname)
+        redirection_append = ' >> {} 2>&1'.format(outname)
+    else:
+        redirection        = ' > {} 2> {}'.format(outname, errname)
+        redirection_append = ' >> {} 2>> {}'.format(outname, errname)
     cmd = "'" + config.compiler + "' " \
           + ' '.join(flags) + ' ' \
           + srcname + ' ' \
           + ' '.join(config.way_flags(name)[way]) + ' ' \
           + extra_hc_opts + ' ' \
           + getTestOpts().extra_hc_opts + ' ' \
-          + '<' + scriptname +  ' 1>' + outname + ' 2>' + errname
+          + '<' + scriptname + redirection
     if getTestOpts().cmd_wrapper != None:
-        cmd = getTestOpts().cmd_wrapper(cmd);
+        cmd = getTestOpts().cmd_wrapper(cmd) + redirection_append;
     cmd = 'cd ' + getTestOpts().testdir + " && " + cmd
@@ -1830,6 +1837,9 @@ def runCmd( cmd ):
     return r << 8
 def runCmdFor( name, cmd, timeout_multiplier=1.0 ):
+    # Format cmd using config. Example: cmd='{hpc} report A.tix'
+    cmd = cmd.format(**config.__dict__)
     if_verbose( 3, cmd )
     r = 0
     if config.os == 'mingw32':

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