[commit: ghc] wip/impredicativity: Fix wrong canonicalization of InstanceOf constraints (3606e9a)

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Thu Jun 25 12:37:36 UTC 2015

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On branch  : wip/impredicativity
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/3606e9adbcb977b1a419c1ef60fae243b7157aa8/ghc


commit 3606e9adbcb977b1a419c1ef60fae243b7157aa8
Author: Alejandro Serrano <trupill at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 25 14:34:34 2015 +0200

    Fix wrong canonicalization of InstanceOf constraints
    Previously, constraints of the form
    > InstanceOf (forall a. F a => forall b. G a b => ty)
    that is, where the type is not directly of the form type variables
    then constraints then a forall-less type, were not handled correctly.
    This patch ensures that it now works, by replacing the equality
    constraint that was obtained in that situation with a more
    general InstanceOf constraint.
    The evidence generation and desugaring has been changed accordingly.


 compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs       |  3 +--
 compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs |  6 +++---
 compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs  | 16 +++++++++-------
 compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs      | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
 compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs     |  4 ++--
 5 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index 085c0e3..9d4d875 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -1166,8 +1166,7 @@ dsEvInstanceOf ty (EvInstanceOfInst qvars co qs)
        ; qs'  <- mapM dsEvTerm qs
        ; let exprTy = mkCoreApps (Var bndr) (map Type qvars)
              exprEv = mkCoreApps exprTy qs'
-       ; expr <- dsTcCoercion co (\c -> mkCast exprEv (mkSubCo c))
-       ; return (mkCoreLams [bndr] expr) }
+       ; return (mkCoreLams [bndr] (mkCoreApp (Var co) exprEv)) }
 dsEvInstanceOf ty (EvInstanceOfLet tyvars qvars qs rest)
   = do { bndr <- newSysLocalDs ty
        ; q_binds <- dsTcEvBinds qs
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
index 9fd5393..fd7a191 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
@@ -1671,16 +1671,16 @@ can_instance_of (CInstanceOfCan { cc_ev = ev, cc_lhs = lhs, cc_rhs = rhs })
         do { (qvars, q, ty) <- splitInst lhs
              -- generate new constraints
            ; new_ev_qs <- mapM (newWantedEvVarNC loc) q
-           ; let eq = mkTcEqPred ty rhs
+           ; let eq = mkInstanceOfPred ty rhs
            ; new_ev_ty <- newWantedEvVarNC loc eq
              -- compute the evidence for the instantiation
            ; let qvars' = map mkTyVarTy qvars
-           ; setWantedEvBind evar (mkInstanceOfInst lhs qvars' (ctEvCoercion new_ev_ty)
+           ; setWantedEvBind evar (mkInstanceOfInst lhs qvars' (ctEvId new_ev_ty)
                                                     (map ctev_evar new_ev_qs))
              -- emit new work
            ; emitWorkNC new_ev_qs
            ; traceTcS "can_instance_of/INST" (vcat [ ppr new_ev_ty, ppr new_ev_qs ])
-           ; canEqNC new_ev_ty NomEq ty rhs }
+           ; canInstanceOfNC new_ev_ty }
       _ -> stopWith ev "Given/Derived instanceOf instantiation"
   | Just _ <- splitForAllTy_maybe rhs
   = case ev of
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs
index c5c9660..faac293 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.hs
@@ -772,18 +772,20 @@ data EvCallStack
 data EvInstanceOf
   = EvInstanceOfVar  EvId
   | EvInstanceOfEq   TcCoercion  -- ^ term witnessing equality
-  | EvInstanceOfInst [Type] TcCoercion [EvTerm]
-  | EvInstanceOfLet  [TyVar]    -- ^ type variables
-                     [EvId]     -- ^ constraint variables
-                     TcEvBinds  -- ^ inner bindings
-                     EvId       -- ^ inner instantiation constraint
+  | EvInstanceOfInst [Type]      -- ^ type variables to apply
+                     EvId        -- ^ witness for inner instantiation
+                     [EvTerm]    -- ^ witness for inner constraints
+  | EvInstanceOfLet  [TyVar]     -- ^ type variables
+                     [EvId]      -- ^ constraint variables
+                     TcEvBinds   -- ^ inner bindings
+                     EvId        -- ^ inner instantiation constraint
     deriving ( Data.Data, Data.Typeable )
 mkInstanceOfEq :: Type -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
 mkInstanceOfEq ty co
   = EvInstanceOf ty (EvInstanceOfEq co)
-mkInstanceOfInst :: Type -> [Type] -> TcCoercion -> [EvVar] -> EvTerm
+mkInstanceOfInst :: Type -> [Type] -> EvId -> [EvVar] -> EvTerm
 mkInstanceOfInst ty vars co q
   = EvInstanceOf ty (EvInstanceOfInst vars co (map EvId q))
@@ -1056,7 +1058,7 @@ evVarsOfInstanceOf ev =
   case ev of
     EvInstanceOfVar  v      -> unitVarSet v
     EvInstanceOfEq   co     -> coVarsOfTcCo co
-    EvInstanceOfInst _ co q -> coVarsOfTcCo co `unionVarSet` evVarsOfTerms q
+    EvInstanceOfInst _ co q -> unitVarSet co `unionVarSet` evVarsOfTerms q
     EvInstanceOfLet  _ qvars (EvBinds bs) co ->
       (foldrBag (unionVarSet . go_bind) (unitVarSet co) bs
        `minusVarSet` get_bndrs bs) `minusVarSet` mkVarSet qvars
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
index 2a39b40..ea84eec 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hs
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ tcAppWorker special fun@(L loc (HsVar fun_name)) args res_ty
   , (actual_fun@(L loc (HsVar actual_fun_name)) : rest_args) <- args
   = do {   -- Typing without ($)
          actual_fun_ty <- tc_app_get_fn_ty actual_fun_name
-                            (tc_app_inst (length rest_args) res_ty)
+                            (tc_app_unknown_fn (length rest_args) res_ty)
        ; result <- tc_app actual_fun rest_args actual_fun_ty res_ty special
            -- Build the ($) application
        ; dollar <- tcCheckId fun_name (mkFunTy actual_fun_ty actual_fun_ty)
@@ -966,13 +966,13 @@ tcAppWorker special fun@(L loc (HsVar fun_name)) args res_ty
   | otherwise  -- fallback case
   = do { fun_ty <- tc_app_get_fn_ty fun_name
-                     (tc_app_inst (length args) res_ty)
+                     (tc_app_unknown_fn (length args) res_ty)
        ; tc_app fun args fun_ty res_ty special }
 tcAppWorker special fun args res_ty
     -- Normal case, where the function is not a variable
   = do  {   -- Create function type schema
-        ; fun_ty <- tc_app_inst (length args) res_ty
+        ; fun_ty <- tc_app_unknown_fn (length args) res_ty
             -- Run with new type schema
         ; tc_app fun args fun_ty res_ty special }
@@ -991,20 +991,28 @@ tc_app_get_fn_ty fun_name not_found
                      ; return pat_ty }
            _ -> not_found
            -- Instantiate type
-       ; let (tvs, theta, rho) = tcSplitSigmaTy fun_ty
-       ; (subst, _tvs') <- tcInstTyVars tvs
-       ; let theta' = substTheta subst theta
-             rho'   = substTy subst rho
+       ; (theta, rho) <- tc_app_inst fun_ty
            -- Run with instantiated type
-       ; _theta_w <- instCallConstraints (OccurrenceOf fun_name) theta'
-       ; return rho' }
+       ; _theta_w <- instCallConstraints (OccurrenceOf fun_name) theta
+       ; return rho }
-tc_app_inst :: Int -> TcSigmaType -> TcM TcRhoType
-tc_app_inst nb_args res_ty
+tc_app_unknown_fn :: Int -> TcSigmaType -> TcM TcRhoType
+tc_app_unknown_fn nb_args res_ty
   = do  { args_tys <- replicateM nb_args (newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind)
         ; let fun_ty = mkFunTys args_tys res_ty
         ; return fun_ty }
+tc_app_inst :: TcSigmaType -> TcM (ThetaType, TcRhoType)
+tc_app_inst sigma
+  | Just _ <- splitForAllTy_maybe sigma
+  = do { let (tvs, theta, ty) = tcSplitSigmaTy sigma
+       ; (subst, _tvs') <- tcInstTyVars tvs
+       ; let theta' = substTheta subst theta
+             ty'    = substTy subst ty
+       ; (theta'', ty'') <- tc_app_inst ty'
+       ; return (theta' ++ theta'', ty'') }
+tc_app_inst ty = return ([], ty)
 tc_app :: LHsExpr Name -> [LHsExpr Name]
        -> TcSigmaType  -- type pushed for the function
        -> TcRhoType    -- type pushed for the result
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
index 0f38770..f9eacf6 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
@@ -1335,8 +1335,8 @@ zonkEvInstanceOf env (EvInstanceOfEq co)
        ; return (EvInstanceOfEq co') }
 zonkEvInstanceOf env (EvInstanceOfInst tys co q)
   = do { tys' <- mapM (zonkTcTypeToType env) tys
-       ; co'  <- zonkTcCoToCo env co
-       ; q'   <- mapM (zonkEvTerm env) q
+       ; let co' = zonkIdOcc env co
+       ; q' <- mapM (zonkEvTerm env) q
        ; return (EvInstanceOfInst tys' co' q') }
 zonkEvInstanceOf env (EvInstanceOfLet tys qvars bnds i)
   = do { let qvars' = map (zonkIdOcc env) qvars

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