[commit: ghc] wip/impredicativity: Leave RULEs checking as before impredicativity (c4a49d8)
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git at git.haskell.org
Thu Jul 30 10:18:29 UTC 2015
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc
On branch : wip/impredicativity
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/c4a49d8d2baf0c051d6198e45b4c9d9b58e0fc51/ghc
commit c4a49d8d2baf0c051d6198e45b4c9d9b58e0fc51
Author: Alejandro Serrano <trupill at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 30 09:06:20 2015 +0200
Leave RULEs checking as before impredicativity
compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs | 8 --------
compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs | 40 ++++------------------------------------
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index 340b157..04df777 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -631,14 +631,6 @@ decomposeRuleLhs orig_bndrs orig_lhs
split_lets :: CoreExpr -> ([(DictId,CoreExpr)], CoreExpr)
split_lets e
- -- <~ constraints sometimes lead to dictionaries
- -- of the form $dict1 = $dict2.
- -- Those dictionaries shall not be removed,
- -- otherwise the code will be deemed wrong.
- | Let (NonRec d r) _body <- e
- , isDictId d
- , Var _ <- r
- = ([], e)
| Let (NonRec d r) body <- e
, isDictId d
, (bs, body') <- split_lets body
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
index 4803aa7..1cd803e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRules.hs
@@ -74,14 +74,9 @@ tcRule (HsRule name act hs_bndrs lhs fv_lhs rhs fv_rhs)
<- tcExtendTyVarEnv tv_bndrs $
tcExtendIdEnv id_bndrs' $
do { -- See Note [Solve order for RULES]
- ; lhs_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
- ; (lhs', lhs_wanted) <- captureConstraints (tcPolyMonoExpr lhs lhs_ty)
- ; rule_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
+ ((lhs', rule_ty), lhs_wanted) <- captureConstraints (tcInferRho lhs)
; (rhs', rhs_wanted) <- captureConstraints (tcPolyMonoExpr rhs rule_ty)
- -- Add the constraint that InstanceOf lhs_ty rule_ty
- ; inst_w <- newWanted AnnOrigin (mkTcInstanceOfPred lhs_ty rule_ty)
- ; let rhs_wanted' = mkSimpleWC [inst_w] `andWC` rhs_wanted
- ; return (lhs', lhs_wanted, rhs', rhs_wanted', rule_ty) }
+ ; return (lhs', lhs_wanted, rhs', rhs_wanted, rule_ty) }
; (lhs_evs, other_lhs_wanted) <- simplifyRule (snd $ unLoc name)
(bndr_wanted `andWC` lhs_wanted)
@@ -312,34 +307,15 @@ simplifyRule name lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
-- variables: runTcS runs with topTcLevel
tc_lvl <- getTcLevel
- -- Do not use <~ constraints in RULES,
- -- so we need to instantiate
- ; let lhs_wanted_simple = wc_simple lhs_wanted
- ; (lhs_wanted_inst, _) <- runTcS $
- fmap andManyCts $ mapM instantiateWC (bagToList lhs_wanted_simple)
- ; let lhs_wanted_inst' = remove_duplicates lhs_wanted_simple lhs_wanted_inst
- -- Build new WantedConstraints by adding the new instantiated
- -- We need to be careful not to duplicate constraints,
- -- because it would lead to too many forall's
- ; let new_lhs_wanted_simple = wc_simple lhs_wanted `unionBags` lhs_wanted_inst'
- new_lhs_wanted = lhs_wanted { wc_simple = new_lhs_wanted_simple }
; (insoluble, _) <- runTcS $
do { -- First solve the LHS and *then* solve the RHS
-- See Note [Solve order for RULES]
- lhs_resid <- solveWanteds new_lhs_wanted
+ lhs_resid <- solveWanteds lhs_wanted
; rhs_resid <- solveWanteds rhs_wanted
; return (insolubleWC tc_lvl lhs_resid || insolubleWC tc_lvl rhs_resid) }
; zonked_lhs_simples <- zonkSimples (wc_simple lhs_wanted)
- ; zonked_lhs_inst <- zonkSimples lhs_wanted_inst'
- -- We need to remove duplicates once again,
- -- because we might get new duplicated constraints
- -- from unification of variables
- ; let zonked_lhs = zonked_lhs_simples `unionBags`
- remove_duplicates zonked_lhs_simples zonked_lhs_inst
- ; let (q_cts, non_q_cts) = partitionBag quantify_me zonked_lhs
+ ; let (q_cts, non_q_cts) = partitionBag quantify_me zonked_lhs_simples
quantify_me -- Note [RULE quantification over equalities]
| insoluble = quantify_insol
| otherwise = quantify_normal
@@ -357,7 +333,6 @@ simplifyRule name lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
; traceTc "simplifyRule" $
vcat [ ptext (sLit "LHS of rule") <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)
, text "lhs_wantd" <+> ppr lhs_wanted
- , text "lhs_inst" <+> ppr lhs_wanted_inst
, text "rhs_wantd" <+> ppr rhs_wanted
, text "zonked_lhs" <+> ppr zonked_lhs_simples
, text "q_cts" <+> ppr q_cts
@@ -365,10 +340,3 @@ simplifyRule name lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
; return ( map (ctEvId . ctEvidence) (bagToList q_cts)
, lhs_wanted { wc_simple = non_q_cts }) }
-remove_duplicates :: Cts -> Cts -> Cts
-remove_duplicates main new
- = filterBag none_with_same_type new
- where
- same_type x y = ctPred x == ctPred y
- none_with_same_type x = not (anyBag (same_type x) main)
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