[commit: ghc] wip/impredicativity: Fix problem in RULES simplification (604c8d4)
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git at git.haskell.org
Wed Jul 29 09:38:01 UTC 2015
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc
On branch : wip/impredicativity
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/604c8d446027651f50b886b2fb81a500d1375ef8/ghc
commit 604c8d446027651f50b886b2fb81a500d1375ef8
Author: Alejandro Serrano <trupill at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Jul 29 09:50:11 2015 +0200
Fix problem in RULES simplification
compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.hs | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs | 8 ++++++++
2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.hs
index 47d7905..f69e512 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSubst.hs
@@ -866,9 +866,13 @@ simpleOptExpr expr
-- It's a bit painful to call exprFreeVars, because it makes
-- three passes instead of two (occ-anal, and go)
+simplePassesOfSimplification :: Int
+simplePassesOfSimplification = 3
simpleOptExprWith :: Subst -> InExpr -> OutExpr
--- Make two passes of simplification
-simpleOptExprWith subst = simpleOptExprWith_ subst . simpleOptExprWith_ subst
+-- Make three passes of simplification
+simpleOptExprWith subst expr
+ = iterate (simpleOptExprWith_ subst) expr !! simplePassesOfSimplification
simpleOptExprWith_ :: Subst -> InExpr -> OutExpr
simpleOptExprWith_ subst expr = simple_opt_expr subst (occurAnalyseExpr expr)
@@ -993,11 +997,11 @@ simple_opt_bind,simple_opt_bind',simple_opt_bind_pgm
simple_opt_bind s b -- Can add trace stuff here
= simple_opt_bind' s b
-simple_opt_bind' = simple_opt_bind'' False
-simple_opt_bind_pgm = simple_opt_bind'' True
+simple_opt_bind' = simple_opt_bind'' 1
+simple_opt_bind_pgm = simple_opt_bind'' simplePassesOfSimplification
-simple_opt_bind'' :: Bool -> Subst -> CoreBind -> (Subst, Maybe CoreBind)
-simple_opt_bind'' two_passes subst (Rec prs)
+simple_opt_bind'' :: Int -> Subst -> CoreBind -> (Subst, Maybe CoreBind)
+simple_opt_bind'' simpl_passes subst (Rec prs)
= (subst'', res_bind)
res_bind = Just (Rec (reverse rev_prs'))
@@ -1009,14 +1013,10 @@ simple_opt_bind'' two_passes subst (Rec prs)
Nothing -> (subst, (b2,r2):prs)
b2 = add_info subst b b'
- r2 = if two_passes
- then simple_opt_expr subst (simple_opt_expr subst r)
- else simple_opt_expr subst r
-simple_opt_bind'' False subst (NonRec b r)
- = simple_opt_out_bind subst (b, simple_opt_expr subst r)
-simple_opt_bind'' True subst (NonRec b r) -- Two passes
- = simple_opt_out_bind subst (b, simple_opt_expr subst (simple_opt_expr subst r))
+ r2 = iterate (simple_opt_expr subst) r !! simpl_passes
+simple_opt_bind'' simpl_passes subst (NonRec b r)
+ = simple_opt_out_bind subst (b, iterate (simple_opt_expr subst) r !! simpl_passes)
simple_opt_out_bind :: Subst -> (InVar, OutExpr) -> (Subst, Maybe CoreBind)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index ee1a009..5ff14fe 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -631,6 +631,14 @@ decomposeRuleLhs orig_bndrs orig_lhs
split_lets :: CoreExpr -> ([(DictId,CoreExpr)], CoreExpr)
split_lets e
+ -- <~ constraints sometimes lead to dictionaries
+ -- of the form $dict1 = $dict2.
+ -- Those dictionaries shall not be removed,
+ -- otherwise the code will be deemed wrong.
+ | Let (NonRec d r) _body <- e
+ , isDictId d
+ , Var _ <- r
+ = ([], e)
| Let (NonRec d r) body <- e
, isDictId d
, (bs, body') <- split_lets body
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