[commit: haddock] T6018-injective-type-families, adamse-D1033, ghc-head, master, wip/10268, wip/10313, wip/D538, wip/D538-1, wip/D538-2, wip/D538-3, wip/D538-4, wip/D538-5, wip/D538-6, wip/D548-master, wip/D548-master-2, wip/T10483, wip/T9840, wip/api-annot-tweaks-7.10, wip/api-annots-ghc-7.10-3, wip/orf-reboot: Properly render package ID (not package key) in index, fixes #329. (6e95f42)
git at git.haskell.org
git at git.haskell.org
Wed Jul 8 08:34:27 UTC 2015
- Previous message: [commit: haddock] T6018-injective-type-families, adamse-D1033, ghc-head, master, wip/10268, wip/10313, wip/D538, wip/D538-1, wip/D538-2, wip/D538-3, wip/D538-4, wip/D538-5, wip/D538-6, wip/D548-master, wip/D548-master-2, wip/T10483, wip/T9840, wip/api-annot-tweaks-7.10, wip/api-annots-ghc-7.10-3, wip/orf-reboot: Followup changes to addition of -fwarn-context-quantification (GHC Trac #4426) (0833291)
- Next message: [commit: haddock] T6018-injective-type-families, adamse-D1033, ghc-head, master, wip/10268, wip/10313, wip/D538, wip/D538-1, wip/D538-2, wip/D538-3, wip/D538-4, wip/D538-5, wip/D538-6, wip/D548-master, wip/D548-master-2, wip/T10483, wip/T9840, wip/api-annot-tweaks-7.10, wip/api-annots-ghc-7.10-3, wip/orf-reboot: Disambiguate string-literals (4f93def)
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Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/haddock
On branches: T6018-injective-type-families,adamse-D1033,ghc-head,master,wip/10268,wip/10313,wip/D538,wip/D538-1,wip/D538-2,wip/D538-3,wip/D538-4,wip/D538-5,wip/D538-6,wip/D548-master,wip/D548-master-2,wip/T10483,wip/T9840,wip/api-annot-tweaks-7.10,wip/api-annots-ghc-7.10-3,wip/orf-reboot
Link : http://git.haskell.org/haddock.git/commitdiff/6e95f42907970c9cbb9f6279509a4bf5542ffae4
commit 6e95f42907970c9cbb9f6279509a4bf5542ffae4
Author: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang at cs.stanford.edu>
Date: Thu Sep 18 13:38:11 2014 -0700
Properly render package ID (not package key) in index, fixes #329.
Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang at cs.stanford.edu>
haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs | 4 ++--
haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs | 14 ++++++++------
haddock-api/src/Haddock/ModuleTree.hs | 13 ++++++++-----
3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
index 0bf9412..ef03f8f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
@@ -270,14 +270,14 @@ render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces srcMap = do
copyHtmlBits odir libDir themes
when (Flag_GenContents `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtmlContents odir title pkgStr
+ ppHtmlContents dflags odir title pkgStr
themes opt_index_url sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
allVisibleIfaces True prologue pretty
(makeContentsQual qual)
copyHtmlBits odir libDir themes
when (Flag_Html `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtml title pkgStr visibleIfaces odir
+ ppHtml dflags title pkgStr visibleIfaces odir
themes sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
opt_contents_url opt_index_url unicode qual
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
index d117652..f065104 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ import Module
-ppHtml :: String
+ppHtml :: DynFlags
+ -> String -- ^ Title
-> Maybe String -- ^ Package
-> [Interface]
-> FilePath -- ^ Destination directory
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ ppHtml :: String
-> Bool -- ^ Output pretty html (newlines and indenting)
-> IO ()
-ppHtml doctitle maybe_package ifaces odir prologue
+ppHtml dflags doctitle maybe_package ifaces odir prologue
themes maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode
qual debug = do
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ ppHtml doctitle maybe_package ifaces odir prologue
visible i = OptHide `notElem` ifaceOptions i
when (isNothing maybe_contents_url) $
- ppHtmlContents odir doctitle maybe_package
+ ppHtmlContents dflags odir doctitle maybe_package
themes maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
(map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces)
False -- we don't want to display the packages in a single-package contents
@@ -239,7 +240,8 @@ moduleInfo iface =
- :: FilePath
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath
-> String
-> Maybe String
-> Themes
@@ -250,10 +252,10 @@ ppHtmlContents
-> Bool
-> Qualification -- ^ How to qualify names
-> IO ()
-ppHtmlContents odir doctitle _maybe_package
+ppHtmlContents dflags odir doctitle _maybe_package
themes maybe_index_url
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces showPkgs prologue debug qual = do
- let tree = mkModuleTree showPkgs
+ let tree = mkModuleTree dflags showPkgs
[(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface) | iface <- ifaces]
html =
headHtml doctitle Nothing themes +++
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/ModuleTree.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/ModuleTree.hs
index 662d702..eec1342 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/ModuleTree.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/ModuleTree.hs
@@ -15,18 +15,21 @@ module Haddock.ModuleTree ( ModuleTree(..), mkModuleTree ) where
import Haddock.Types ( MDoc )
import GHC ( Name )
-import Module ( Module, moduleNameString, moduleName, modulePackageKey,
- packageKeyString )
+import Module ( Module, moduleNameString, moduleName, modulePackageKey )
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags )
+import Packages ( lookupPackage )
+import PackageConfig ( sourcePackageIdString )
data ModuleTree = Node String Bool (Maybe String) (Maybe (MDoc Name)) [ModuleTree]
-mkModuleTree :: Bool -> [(Module, Maybe (MDoc Name))] -> [ModuleTree]
-mkModuleTree showPkgs mods =
+mkModuleTree :: DynFlags -> Bool -> [(Module, Maybe (MDoc Name))] -> [ModuleTree]
+mkModuleTree dflags showPkgs mods =
foldr fn [] [ (splitModule mdl, modPkg mdl, short) | (mdl, short) <- mods ]
- modPkg mod_ | showPkgs = Just (packageKeyString (modulePackageKey mod_))
+ modPkg mod_ | showPkgs = fmap sourcePackageIdString
+ (lookupPackage dflags (modulePackageKey mod_))
| otherwise = Nothing
fn (mod_,pkg,short) = addToTrees mod_ pkg short
- Previous message: [commit: haddock] T6018-injective-type-families, adamse-D1033, ghc-head, master, wip/10268, wip/10313, wip/D538, wip/D538-1, wip/D538-2, wip/D538-3, wip/D538-4, wip/D538-5, wip/D538-6, wip/D548-master, wip/D548-master-2, wip/T10483, wip/T9840, wip/api-annot-tweaks-7.10, wip/api-annots-ghc-7.10-3, wip/orf-reboot: Followup changes to addition of -fwarn-context-quantification (GHC Trac #4426) (0833291)
- Next message: [commit: haddock] T6018-injective-type-families, adamse-D1033, ghc-head, master, wip/10268, wip/10313, wip/D538, wip/D538-1, wip/D538-2, wip/D538-3, wip/D538-4, wip/D538-5, wip/D538-6, wip/D548-master, wip/D548-master-2, wip/T10483, wip/T9840, wip/api-annot-tweaks-7.10, wip/api-annots-ghc-7.10-3, wip/orf-reboot: Disambiguate string-literals (4f93def)
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