[commit: packages/pretty] master: fix hslint warnings (ac1b41a)
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On branch : master
Link : http://git.haskell.org/packages/pretty.git/commitdiff/ac1b41a6a613376f0e864707a5117a77d82a2785
commit ac1b41a6a613376f0e864707a5117a77d82a2785
Author: David Terei <code at davidterei.com>
Date: Thu Dec 25 01:43:15 2014 -0800
fix hslint warnings
src/Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs b/src/Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs
index 4111202..86c4b71 100644
--- a/src/Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs
+++ b/src/Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.hs
@@ -366,9 +366,9 @@ rbrack = char ']'
lbrace = char '{'
rbrace = char '}'
-space_text, nl_text :: TextDetails
-space_text = Chr ' '
-nl_text = Chr '\n'
+spaceText, nlText :: TextDetails
+spaceText = Chr ' '
+nlText = Chr '\n'
int :: Int -> Doc -- ^ @int n = text (show n)@
integer :: Integer -> Doc -- ^ @integer n = text (show n)@
@@ -497,17 +497,17 @@ reduceAB (Beside Empty _ q) = q
reduceAB doc = doc
nilAbove_ :: RDoc -> RDoc
-nilAbove_ p = NilAbove p
+nilAbove_ = NilAbove
-- Arg of a TextBeside is always an RDoc
textBeside_ :: TextDetails -> Int -> RDoc -> RDoc
-textBeside_ s sl p = TextBeside s sl p
+textBeside_ = TextBeside
nest_ :: Int -> RDoc -> RDoc
-nest_ k p = Nest k p
+nest_ = Nest
union_ :: RDoc -> RDoc -> RDoc
-union_ p q = Union p q
+union_ = Union
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ above_ p g q = Above p g q
above :: Doc -> Bool -> RDoc -> RDoc
above (Above p g1 q1) g2 q2 = above p g1 (above q1 g2 q2)
-above p@(Beside _ _ _) g q = aboveNest (reduceDoc p) g 0 (reduceDoc q)
+above p@(Beside{}) g q = aboveNest (reduceDoc p) g 0 (reduceDoc q)
above p g q = aboveNest p g 0 (reduceDoc q)
-- Specfication: aboveNest p g k q = p $g$ (nest k q)
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ beside (Nest k p) g q = nest_ k $! beside p g q
beside p@(Beside p1 g1 q1) g2 q2
| g1 == g2 = beside p1 g1 $! beside q1 g2 q2
| otherwise = beside (reduceDoc p) g2 q2
-beside p@(Above _ _ _) g q = let !d = reduceDoc p in beside d g q
+beside p@(Above{}) g q = let !d = reduceDoc p in beside d g q
beside (NilAbove p) g q = nilAbove_ $! beside p g q
beside (TextBeside s sl p) g q = textBeside_ s sl $! rest
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ beside (TextBeside s sl p) g q = textBeside_ s sl $! rest
nilBeside :: Bool -> RDoc -> RDoc
nilBeside _ Empty = Empty -- Hence the text "" in the spec
nilBeside g (Nest _ p) = nilBeside g p
-nilBeside g p | g = textBeside_ space_text 1 p
+nilBeside g p | g = textBeside_ spaceText 1 p
| otherwise = p
@@ -759,8 +759,7 @@ best :: Int -- Line length
-> Int -- Ribbon length
-> RDoc
-> RDoc -- No unions in here!
-best w0 r p0
- = get w0 p0
+best w0 r = get w0
get w _ | w == 0 && False = undefined
get _ Empty = Empty
@@ -784,7 +783,7 @@ best w0 r p0
get1 _ _ (Beside {}) = error "best get1 Beside"
nicest :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
-nicest !w !r p q = nicest1 w r 0 p q
+nicest !w !r = nicest1 w r 0
nicest1 :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
nicest1 !w !r !sl p q | fits ((w `min` r) - sl) p = p
@@ -852,13 +851,13 @@ data Mode = PageMode -- ^ Normal
-- | Render the @Doc@ to a String using the default @Style at .
render :: Doc -> String
-render doc = fullRender (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
- txtPrinter "" doc
+render = fullRender (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
+ txtPrinter ""
-- | Render the @Doc@ to a String using the given @Style at .
renderStyle :: Style -> Doc -> String
-renderStyle s doc = fullRender (mode s) (lineLength s) (ribbonsPerLine s)
- txtPrinter "" doc
+renderStyle s = fullRender (mode s) (lineLength s) (ribbonsPerLine s)
+ txtPrinter ""
-- | Default TextDetails printer
txtPrinter :: TextDetails -> String -> String
@@ -875,9 +874,9 @@ fullRender :: Mode -- ^ Rendering mode
-> Doc -- ^ The document
-> a -- ^ Result
fullRender OneLineMode _ _ txt end doc
- = easy_display space_text (\_ y -> y) txt end (reduceDoc doc)
+ = easyDisplay spaceText (\_ y -> y) txt end (reduceDoc doc)
fullRender LeftMode _ _ txt end doc
- = easy_display nl_text first txt end (reduceDoc doc)
+ = easyDisplay nlText first txt end (reduceDoc doc)
fullRender m lineLen ribbons txt rest doc
= display m lineLen ribbonLen txt rest doc'
@@ -890,23 +889,23 @@ fullRender m lineLen ribbons txt rest doc
ZigZagMode -> maxBound
_ -> lineLen
-easy_display :: TextDetails
+easyDisplay :: TextDetails
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc)
-> (TextDetails -> a -> a)
-> a
-> Doc
-> a
-easy_display nl_space_text choose txt end doc
- = lay doc
+easyDisplay nlSpaceText choose txt end
+ = lay
- lay NoDoc = error "easy_display: NoDoc"
+ lay NoDoc = error "easyDisplay: NoDoc"
lay (Union p q) = lay (choose p q)
lay (Nest _ p) = lay p
lay Empty = end
- lay (NilAbove p) = nl_space_text `txt` lay p
+ lay (NilAbove p) = nlSpaceText `txt` lay p
lay (TextBeside s _ p) = s `txt` lay p
- lay (Above {}) = error "easy_display Above"
- lay (Beside {}) = error "easy_display Beside"
+ lay (Above {}) = error "easyDisplay Above"
+ lay (Beside {}) = error "easyDisplay Beside"
display :: Mode -> Int -> Int -> (TextDetails -> a -> a) -> a -> Doc -> a
display m !page_width !ribbon_width txt end doc
@@ -916,19 +915,19 @@ display m !page_width !ribbon_width txt end doc
lay k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
lay k (Nest k1 p) = lay (k + k1) p
lay _ Empty = end
- lay k (NilAbove p) = nl_text `txt` lay k p
+ lay k (NilAbove p) = nlText `txt` lay k p
lay k (TextBeside s sl p)
= case m of
ZigZagMode | k >= gap_width
- -> nl_text `txt` (
+ -> nlText `txt` (
Str (replicate shift '/') `txt` (
- nl_text `txt`
+ nlText `txt`
lay1 (k - shift) s sl p ))
| k < 0
- -> nl_text `txt` (
+ -> nlText `txt` (
Str (replicate shift '\\') `txt` (
- nl_text `txt`
+ nlText `txt`
lay1 (k + shift) s sl p ))
_ -> lay1 k s sl p
@@ -941,7 +940,7 @@ display m !page_width !ribbon_width txt end doc
in Str (indent k) `txt` (s `txt` lay2 r p)
lay2 k _ | k `seq` False = undefined
- lay2 k (NilAbove p) = nl_text `txt` lay k p
+ lay2 k (NilAbove p) = nlText `txt` lay k p
lay2 k (TextBeside s sl p) = s `txt` lay2 (k + sl) p
lay2 k (Nest _ p) = lay2 k p
lay2 _ Empty = end
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