[commit: packages/containers] develop, develop-0.6, develop-0.6-questionable, master, zip-devel: Add Travis-CI job control file (234896a)
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git at git.haskell.org
Fri Jan 23 22:38:35 UTC 2015
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/containers
On branches: develop,develop-0.6,develop-0.6-questionable,master,zip-devel
Link : http://git.haskell.org/packages/containers.git/commitdiff/234896a2bb2c1f57f033b1f19f38ef039e99fe1e
commit 234896a2bb2c1f57f033b1f19f38ef039e99fe1e
Author: Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr at gnu.org>
Date: Tue Apr 22 22:48:36 2014 +0200
Add Travis-CI job control file
This builds and tests containers with GHC 7.0, 7.4, 7.6, 7.8, and GHC HEAD
(Once haskell/cabal#1806 is fixed we can use CABALVER=1.20 w/ GHCVER=7.8.2)
.travis.yml | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 60 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67d893c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# NB: don't set `language: haskell` here
+# See also https://github.com/hvr/multi-ghc-travis for more information
+ - GHCVER=7.0.4 CABALVER=1.16
+ # we have to use CABALVER=1.16 for GHC<7.6 as well, as there's
+ # no package for earlier cabal versions in the PPA
+ - GHCVER=7.4.2 CABALVER=1.16
+ - GHCVER=7.6.3 CABALVER=1.16
+ - GHCVER=7.8.2 CABALVER=1.18
+ # NOTE: we can't use Cabal 1.20 yet due to
+ # https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1806
+ - GHCVER=head CABALVER=1.18
+ allow_failures:
+ - env: GHCVER=head CABALVER=1.18
+# Note: the distinction between `before_install` and `install` is not
+# important.
+ - travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:hvr/ghc
+ - travis_retry sudo apt-get update
+ - travis_retry sudo apt-get install cabal-install-$CABALVER ghc-$GHCVER
+ - export PATH=/opt/ghc/$GHCVER/bin:/opt/cabal/$CABALVER/bin:$PATH
+ - cabal --version
+ - travis_retry cabal update
+ - cabal install --only-dependencies
+ # we need to install the test-suite deps manually as the cabal solver would
+ # otherwise complaing about cyclic deps
+ - cabal install 'test-framework >= 0.3.3' 'test-framework-quickcheck2 >= 0.2.9' 'QuickCheck >=' 'ChasingBottoms' 'HUnit' 'test-framework-hunit'
+# Here starts the actual work to be performed for the package under
+# test; any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the
+# build to fail.
+ # -v2 provides useful information for debugging
+ - cabal configure -v2 --enable-tests
+ # this builds all libraries and executables
+ # (including tests/benchmarks)
+ - cabal build
+ - cabal test
+ # tests that a source-distribution can be generated
+ - cabal sdist
+ # check that the generated source-distribution can be built & installed
+ - export SRC_TGZ=$(cabal info . | awk '{print $2 ".tar.gz";exit}') ;
+ cd dist/;
+ if [ -f "$SRC_TGZ" ]; then
+ cabal install --force-reinstalls "$SRC_TGZ";
+ else
+ echo "expected '$SRC_TGZ' not found";
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+# EOF
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