[commit: ghc] master: Replace fixVarSet with transCloVarSet (8e2ed2c)
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Tue Jan 6 15:10:07 UTC 2015
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc
On branch : master
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/8e2ed2c7b1eab2468a061af61fe69efbe959b091/ghc
commit 8e2ed2c7b1eab2468a061af61fe69efbe959b091
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date: Sat Jan 3 23:36:09 2015 +0000
Replace fixVarSet with transCloVarSet
I think the new implementation is a bit more efficient, because
it uses a work-list, rather than iterating over the entire set
every time
compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs | 31 +++++++++++++++++--------------
2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
index c134124..6c920ba 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/VarSet.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module VarSet (
unionVarSet, unionVarSets, mapUnionVarSet,
intersectVarSet, intersectsVarSet, disjointVarSet,
isEmptyVarSet, delVarSet, delVarSetList, delVarSetByKey,
- minusVarSet, foldVarSet, filterVarSet, fixVarSet,
+ minusVarSet, foldVarSet, filterVarSet,
+ transCloVarSet,
lookupVarSet, mapVarSet, sizeVarSet, seqVarSet,
elemVarSetByKey, partitionVarSet
) where
@@ -69,7 +70,6 @@ extendVarSet_C :: (Var->Var->Var) -> VarSet -> Var -> VarSet
delVarSetByKey :: VarSet -> Unique -> VarSet
elemVarSetByKey :: Unique -> VarSet -> Bool
-fixVarSet :: (VarSet -> VarSet) -> VarSet -> VarSet
partitionVarSet :: (Var -> Bool) -> VarSet -> (VarSet, VarSet)
emptyVarSet = emptyUniqSet
@@ -110,11 +110,26 @@ intersectsVarSet s1 s2 = not (s1 `disjointVarSet` s2)
disjointVarSet s1 s2 = isEmptyVarSet (s1 `intersectVarSet` s2)
subVarSet s1 s2 = isEmptyVarSet (s1 `minusVarSet` s2)
--- Iterate f to a fixpoint
-fixVarSet f s | new_s `subVarSet` s = s
- | otherwise = fixVarSet f new_s
- where
- new_s = f s
+transCloVarSet :: (VarSet -> VarSet)
+ -- Map some variables in the set to
+ -- *extra* variables that should be in it
+ -> VarSet -> VarSet
+-- (transCloVarSet f s) repeatedly applies f to the set s, adding any
+-- new variables to s that it finds thereby, until it reaches a fixed
+-- point. The actual algorithm is a bit more efficient.
+transCloVarSet fn seeds
+ = go seeds seeds
+ where
+ go :: VarSet -- Accumulating result
+ -> VarSet -- Work-list; un-processed subset of accumulating result
+ -> VarSet
+ -- Specification: go acc vs = acc `union` transClo fn vs
+ go acc candidates
+ | isEmptyVarSet new_vs = acc
+ | otherwise = go (acc `unionVarSet` new_vs) new_vs
+ where
+ new_vs = fn candidates `minusVarSet` acc
seqVarSet :: VarSet -> ()
seqVarSet s = sizeVarSet s `seq` ()
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs
index 01da61f..0c9b093 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.hs
@@ -468,17 +468,18 @@ quantifyPred qtvs pred
growThetaTyVars :: ThetaType -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
-- See Note [Growing the tau-tvs using constraints]
growThetaTyVars theta tvs
- | null theta = tvs
- | isEmptyVarSet seed_tvs = tvs
- | otherwise = fixVarSet mk_next seed_tvs
+ | null theta = tvs
+ | otherwise = transCloVarSet mk_next seed_tvs
seed_tvs = tvs `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes ips
(ips, non_ips) = partition isIPPred theta
-- See note [Inheriting implicit parameters]
- mk_next tvs = foldr grow_one tvs non_ips
- grow_one pred tvs
- | pred_tvs `intersectsVarSet` tvs = tvs `unionVarSet` pred_tvs
- | otherwise = tvs
+ mk_next :: VarSet -> VarSet -- Maps current set to newly-grown ones
+ mk_next so_far = foldr (grow_one so_far) emptyVarSet non_ips
+ grow_one so_far pred tvs
+ | pred_tvs `intersectsVarSet` so_far = tvs `unionVarSet` pred_tvs
+ | otherwise = tvs
pred_tvs = tyVarsOfType pred
@@ -990,14 +991,16 @@ approximateWC wc
= filterBag is_floatable simples `unionBags`
do_bag (float_implic new_trapping_tvs) implics
- new_trapping_tvs = fixVarSet grow trapping_tvs
is_floatable ct = tyVarsOfCt ct `disjointVarSet` new_trapping_tvs
- grow tvs = foldrBag grow_one tvs simples
- grow_one ct tvs | ct_tvs `intersectsVarSet` tvs = tvs `unionVarSet` ct_tvs
- | otherwise = tvs
- where
- ct_tvs = tyVarsOfCt ct
+ new_trapping_tvs = transCloVarSet grow trapping_tvs
+ grow :: VarSet -> VarSet -- Maps current trapped tyvars to newly-trapped ones
+ grow so_far = foldrBag (grow_one so_far) emptyVarSet simples
+ grow_one so_far ct tvs
+ | ct_tvs `intersectsVarSet` so_far = tvs `unionVarSet` ct_tvs
+ | otherwise = tvs
+ where
+ ct_tvs = tyVarsOfCt ct
float_implic :: TcTyVarSet -> Implication -> Cts
float_implic trapping_tvs imp
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