[commit: packages/time] master: add GNU and other extensions to formatting (ce92c0a)
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Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/time
On branch : master
Link : http://git.haskell.org/packages/time.git/commitdiff/ce92c0a6f8d88ab2f1aa6de6dce271b1d790ce1b
commit ce92c0a6f8d88ab2f1aa6de6dce271b1d790ce1b
Author: Ashley Yakeley <ashley at semantic.org>
Date: Sun May 1 05:08:16 2005 -0700
add GNU and other extensions to formatting
System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs | 12 +++++++++---
System/Time/Calendar/TimeOfDay.hs | 7 ++++++-
TestFormat.hs | 3 ++-
3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs b/System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs
index 3d0dcce..b10c509 100644
--- a/System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs
+++ b/System/Time/Calendar/Gregorian.hs
@@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ weekNumber day = (div (dayOfYear day) 7) + 1
weekNumber' :: ModJulianDay -> Int
weekNumber' day = (div (dayOfYear day) 7) + 1
-weekNumber'' :: ModJulianDay -> Int
-weekNumber'' day = (div (dayOfYear day) 7) + 1
+isoWeekFormat :: ModJulianDay -> (Integer,Int,Int)
+isoWeekFormat day = (y,div k 7,fromInteger (mod day 7) + 1) where
+ (year,yd,_) = dayToYearDay day
+ k = yd -- WRONG
+ y = year -- WRONG
instance FormatTime GregorianDay where
formatCharacter locale 'a' day = Just (snd ((wDays locale) !! (weekDay (calendarToDay day))))
@@ -51,12 +54,15 @@ instance FormatTime GregorianDay where
formatCharacter _ 'd' (GregorianDay _ _ d) = Just (show2 d)
formatCharacter locale 'D' day = Just (formatTime locale "%m/%d/%y" day)
formatCharacter _ 'e' (GregorianDay _ _ d) = Just (show2Space d)
+ formatCharacter locale 'F' day = Just (formatTime locale "%Y-%m-%d" day)
+ formatCharacter _ 'g' day = let (y,_,_) = isoWeekFormat (calendarToDay day) in Just (show2 (fromInteger (mod y 100)))
+ formatCharacter _ 'G' day = let (y,_,_) = isoWeekFormat (calendarToDay day) in Just (show y)
formatCharacter locale 'h' (GregorianDay _ m _) = Just (snd ((months locale) !! (m - 1)))
formatCharacter _ 'j' day = Just (show3 (dayOfYear (calendarToDay day)))
formatCharacter _ 'm' (GregorianDay _ m _) = Just (show2 m)
formatCharacter _ 'u' day = Just (show (weekDay' (calendarToDay day)))
formatCharacter _ 'U' day = Just (show2 (weekNumber (calendarToDay day)))
- formatCharacter _ 'V' day = Just (show2 (weekNumber'' (calendarToDay day)))
+ formatCharacter _ 'V' day = let (_,n,_) = isoWeekFormat (calendarToDay day) in Just (show2 n)
formatCharacter _ 'w' day = Just (show (weekDay (calendarToDay day)))
formatCharacter _ 'W' day = Just (show2 (weekNumber' (calendarToDay day)))
formatCharacter locale 'x' day = Just (formatTime locale (dateFmt locale) day)
diff --git a/System/Time/Calendar/TimeOfDay.hs b/System/Time/Calendar/TimeOfDay.hs
index 17cdc93..ba1c891 100644
--- a/System/Time/Calendar/TimeOfDay.hs
+++ b/System/Time/Calendar/TimeOfDay.hs
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import System.Time.Calendar.Timezone
import System.Time.Calendar.Format
import System.Time.Calendar.Private
import System.Time.Clock
-import System.Locale
import Data.Fixed
+import System.Locale
+import Data.Char
-- | time of day as represented in hour, minute and second (with picoseconds), typically used to express local time of day
data TimeOfDay = TimeOfDay {
todHour :: Int,
@@ -34,8 +36,11 @@ instance Show TimeOfDay where
instance FormatTime TimeOfDay where
formatCharacter _ 'H' (TimeOfDay h _ _) = Just (show2 h)
formatCharacter _ 'I' (TimeOfDay h _ _) = Just (show2 ((mod (h - 1) 12) + 1))
+ formatCharacter _ 'k' (TimeOfDay h _ _) = Just (show2Space h)
+ formatCharacter _ 'l' (TimeOfDay h _ _) = Just (show2Space ((mod (h - 1) 12) + 1))
formatCharacter _ 'M' (TimeOfDay _ m _) = Just (show2 m)
formatCharacter locale 'p' (TimeOfDay h _ _) = Just ((if h < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm locale))
+ formatCharacter locale 'P' (TimeOfDay h _ _) = Just (map toLower ((if h < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm locale)))
formatCharacter locale 'r' time = Just (formatTime locale (time12Fmt locale) time)
formatCharacter locale 'R' time = Just (formatTime locale "%H:%M" time)
formatCharacter _ 'S' (TimeOfDay _ _ s) = Just (show2Fixed s)
diff --git a/TestFormat.hs b/TestFormat.hs
index 4d7f800..8534c77 100644
--- a/TestFormat.hs
+++ b/TestFormat.hs
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ times :: [UTCTime]
times = [baseTime1,addUTCTime posixDay baseTime1,addUTCTime (2 * posixDay) baseTime1]
-- as found in http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/strftime.html
+-- plus FgGklPsz
chars :: [Char]
-chars = "aAbBcCdDehHIjmMnprRStTuUVwWxXyYzZ%"
+chars = "aAbBcCdDeFgGhHIjklmMnpPrRsStTuUVwWxXyYzZ%"
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (\char -> let fmt = '%':char:[] in mapM_ (\time -> mapM_ (\zone -> let
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