[commit: packages/pretty] master: Add renderDecorated, and renderDecoratedM (aca8d01)

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/pretty.git/commitdiff/aca8d0163b0d4f0e06856d6dde22da40546ca8c2


commit aca8d0163b0d4f0e06856d6dde22da40546ca8c2
Author: Trevor Elliott <trevor at galois.com>
Date:   Sat Jan 24 13:47:04 2015 -0800

    Add renderDecorated, and renderDecoratedM
      Also, go back to storing the annotation value in the AnnotEnd constructor, as
    that makes it easier to use that value when processing both the start and end of
    an annotation.


 src/Text/PrettyPrint/Annotated/HughesPJ.hs | 88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Text/PrettyPrint/Annotated/HughesPJ.hs b/src/Text/PrettyPrint/Annotated/HughesPJ.hs
index 971a53f..de89c8e 100644
--- a/src/Text/PrettyPrint/Annotated/HughesPJ.hs
+++ b/src/Text/PrettyPrint/Annotated/HughesPJ.hs
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ module Text.PrettyPrint.Annotated.HughesPJ (
         -- ** Annotation rendering
         renderSpans, Span(..),
+        renderDecorated,
+        renderDecoratedM,
         -- ** Rendering with a particular style
@@ -235,15 +237,15 @@ Notice the difference between
 -- | RDoc is a "reduced GDoc", guaranteed not to have a top-level Above or Beside.
 type RDoc = Doc
-data AnnotDetails a = AnnotStart a
+data AnnotDetails a = AnnotStart
                     | NoAnnot TextDetails {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
-                    | AnnotEnd
+                    | AnnotEnd a
                       deriving (Show,Eq)
 instance Functor AnnotDetails where
-  fmap f (AnnotStart a) = AnnotStart (f a)
+  fmap _ AnnotStart     = AnnotStart
   fmap _ (NoAnnot d i)  = NoAnnot d i
-  fmap _ AnnotEnd       = AnnotEnd
+  fmap f (AnnotEnd a)   = AnnotEnd (f a)
 -- NOTE: Annotations are assumed to have zero length; only text has a length.
 annotSize :: AnnotDetails a -> Int
@@ -300,9 +302,9 @@ instance NFData a => NFData (Doc a) where
   rnf (Above ud s ld)     = rnf ud `seq` rnf s `seq` rnf ld
 instance NFData a => NFData (AnnotDetails a) where
-  rnf (AnnotStart a) = rnf a
+  rnf AnnotStart     = ()
   rnf (NoAnnot d sl) = rnf d `seq` rnf sl
-  rnf AnnotEnd       = ()
+  rnf (AnnotEnd a)   = rnf a
 instance NFData TextDetails where
   rnf (Chr c)    = rnf c
@@ -314,9 +316,9 @@ instance NFData TextDetails where
 -- | Attach an annotation to a document.
 annotate :: a -> Doc a -> Doc a
-annotate a d = TextBeside (AnnotStart a)
+annotate a d = TextBeside AnnotStart
              $ beside (reduceDoc d) False
-             $ TextBeside AnnotEnd Empty
+             $ TextBeside (AnnotEnd a) Empty
 -- | A document of height and width 1, containing a literal character.
@@ -1056,7 +1058,7 @@ instance Functor Span where
 -- State required for generating document spans.
 data Spans a = Spans { sOffset :: !Int
                        -- ^ Current offset from the end of the document
-                     , sStack  :: [Int -> a -> Span a]
+                     , sStack  :: [Int -> Span a]
                        -- ^ Currently open spans
                      , sSpans  :: [Span a]
                        -- ^ Collected annotation regions
@@ -1075,7 +1077,7 @@ renderSpans  = finalize
     adjust s = s { spanStart = size - spanStart s }
-  mkSpan end start a = Span { spanStart      = start
+  mkSpan a end start = Span { spanStart      = start
                             , spanLength     = start - end
                               -- ^ this seems wrong, but remember that it's
                               -- working backwards at this point
@@ -1083,16 +1085,74 @@ renderSpans  = finalize
   -- the document gets generated in reverse, which is why the starting
   -- annotation ends the annotation.
-  spanPrinter (AnnotStart a) s =
+  spanPrinter AnnotStart s =
     case sStack s of
-      sp : rest -> s { sSpans = sp (sOffset s) a : sSpans s, sStack = rest }
+      sp : rest -> s { sSpans = sp (sOffset s) : sSpans s, sStack = rest }
       _         -> error "renderSpans: stack underflow"
-  spanPrinter AnnotEnd s =
-    s { sStack = mkSpan (sOffset s) : sStack s }
+  spanPrinter (AnnotEnd a) s =
+    s { sStack = mkSpan a (sOffset s) : sStack s }
   spanPrinter (NoAnnot td l) s =
     case td of
       Chr  c -> s { sOutput = c  : sOutput s, sOffset = sOffset s + l }
       Str  t -> s { sOutput = t ++ sOutput s, sOffset = sOffset s + l }
       PStr t -> s { sOutput = t ++ sOutput s, sOffset = sOffset s + l }
+-- | Render out a String, interpreting the annotations as part of the resulting
+-- document.
+-- IMPORTANT: the size of the annotation string does NOT figure into the layout
+-- of the document, so the document will lay out as though the annotations are
+-- not present.
+renderDecorated :: (ann -> String) -- ^ Starting an annotation
+                -> (ann -> String) -- ^ Ending an annotation
+                -> Doc ann -> String
+renderDecorated startAnn endAnn =
+  finalize . fullRenderAnn (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
+                 annPrinter
+                 ("", [])
+  where
+  annPrinter AnnotStart (rest,stack) =
+    case stack of
+      a : as -> (startAnn a ++ rest, as)
+      _      -> error "renderDecorated: stack underflow"
+  annPrinter (AnnotEnd a) (rest,stack) =
+    (endAnn a ++ rest, a : stack)
+  annPrinter (NoAnnot s _) (rest,stack) =
+    (txtPrinter s rest, stack)
+  finalize (str,_) = str
+-- | Render a document with annotations, by interpreting the start and end of
+-- the annotations, as well as the text details in the context of a monad.
+renderDecoratedM :: Monad m
+                 => (ann    -> m r) -- ^ Starting an annotation
+                 -> (ann    -> m r) -- ^ Ending an annotation
+                 -> (String -> m r) -- ^ Text formatting
+                 -> m r             -- ^ Document end
+                 -> Doc ann -> m r
+renderDecoratedM startAnn endAnn txt docEnd =
+  finalize . fullRenderAnn (mode style) (lineLength style) (ribbonsPerLine style)
+                 annPrinter
+                 (docEnd, [])
+  where
+  annPrinter AnnotStart (rest,stack) =
+    case stack of
+      a : as -> (startAnn a >> rest, as)
+      _      -> error "renderDecorated: stack underflow"
+  annPrinter (AnnotEnd a) (rest,stack) =
+    (endAnn a >> rest, a : stack)
+  annPrinter (NoAnnot td _) (rest,stack) =
+    case td of
+      Chr  c -> (txt [c] >> rest, stack)
+      Str  s -> (txt s   >> rest, stack)
+      PStr s -> (txt s   >> rest, stack)
+  finalize (m,_) = m

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