[commit: ghc] wip/ggreif: BranchList refactoring, wip (0c6e811)

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Sun Aug 2 21:40:02 UTC 2015

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On branch  : wip/ggreif
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/0c6e8116c1b525304beed4a9d89ec780485c5e18/ghc


commit 0c6e8116c1b525304beed4a9d89ec780485c5e18
Author: Gabor Greif <ggreif at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Aug 2 23:34:49 2015 +0200

    BranchList refactoring, wip


 compiler/types/CoAxiom.hs    | 34 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 compiler/types/FamInstEnv.hs |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/types/CoAxiom.hs b/compiler/types/CoAxiom.hs
index 9a85185..4380ca8 100644
--- a/compiler/types/CoAxiom.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/CoAxiom.hs
@@ -130,17 +130,17 @@ deriving instance Typeable 'Unbranched
 data BranchList a (br :: BranchFlag) where
   FirstBranch :: a -> BranchList a br
-  NextBranch :: a -> BranchList a br -> BranchList a Branched
+  NextBranch :: a -> [a] -> BranchList a Branched
 -- convert to/from lists
 toBranchList :: [a] -> BranchList a Branched
 toBranchList [] = pprPanic "toBranchList" empty
 toBranchList [b] = FirstBranch b
-toBranchList (h:t) = NextBranch h (toBranchList t)
+toBranchList (h:t) = NextBranch h t
 fromBranchList :: BranchList a br -> [a]
 fromBranchList (FirstBranch b) = [b]
-fromBranchList (NextBranch h t) = h : (fromBranchList t)
+fromBranchList (NextBranch h t) = h : t
 -- convert from any BranchList to a Branched BranchList
 toBranchedList :: BranchList a br -> BranchList a Branched
@@ -155,45 +155,49 @@ toUnbranchedList _ = pprPanic "toUnbranchedList" empty
 -- length
 brListLength :: BranchList a br -> Int
 brListLength (FirstBranch _) = 1
-brListLength (NextBranch _ t) = 1 + brListLength t
+brListLength (NextBranch _ t) = 1 + length t
 -- lookup
 brListNth :: BranchList a br -> BranchIndex -> a
 brListNth (FirstBranch b) 0 = b
 brListNth (NextBranch h _) 0 = h
-brListNth (NextBranch _ t) n = brListNth t (n-1)
+brListNth (NextBranch _ t) n = t !! (n-1)
 brListNth _ _ = pprPanic "brListNth" empty
 -- map, fold
 brListMap :: (a -> b) -> BranchList a br -> [b]
 brListMap f (FirstBranch b) = [f b]
-brListMap f (NextBranch h t) = f h : (brListMap f t)
+brListMap f (NextBranch h t) = f h : map f t
 brListFoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BranchList a br -> b
 brListFoldr f x (FirstBranch b) = f b x
-brListFoldr f x (NextBranch h t) = f h (brListFoldr f x t)
+brListFoldr f x (NextBranch h t) = f h (foldr f x t)
 brListMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> BranchList a br -> m [b]
 brListMapM f (FirstBranch b) = f b >>= \fb -> return [fb]
 brListMapM f (NextBranch h t) = do { fh <- f h
-                                   ; ft <- brListMapM f t
+                                   ; ft <- mapM f t
                                    ; return (fh : ft) }
 brListFoldlM_ :: forall a b m br. Monad m
               => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> BranchList b br -> m ()
-brListFoldlM_ f z brs = do { _ <- go z brs
-                           ; return () }
-  where go :: forall br'. a -> BranchList b br' -> m a
-        go acc (FirstBranch b)  = f acc b
-        go acc (NextBranch h t) = do { fh <- f acc h
-                                     ; go fh t }
+brListFoldlM_ f z (FirstBranch b) = do { _ <- f z b
+                                       ; return () }
+brListFoldlM_ f z (NextBranch h t) = do { z' <- f z h
+                                        ; _ <- go z' t
+                                        ; return () }
+   where go :: a -> [b] -> m a
+         go acc [b]  = f acc b
+         go acc (h : t) = do { fh <- f acc h
+                             ; go fh t }
+         go _ _ = pprPanic "brListFoldlM_" empty
 -- zipWith
 brListZipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> BranchList a br1 -> BranchList b br2 -> [c]
 brListZipWith f (FirstBranch a) (FirstBranch b) = [f a b]
 brListZipWith f (FirstBranch a) (NextBranch b _) = [f a b]
 brListZipWith f (NextBranch a _) (FirstBranch b) = [f a b]
-brListZipWith f (NextBranch a ta) (NextBranch b tb) = f a b : brListZipWith f ta tb
+brListZipWith f (NextBranch a ta) (NextBranch b tb) = f a b : zipWith f ta tb
 -- pretty-printing
diff --git a/compiler/types/FamInstEnv.hs b/compiler/types/FamInstEnv.hs
index bea00fc..b22b10f 100644
--- a/compiler/types/FamInstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/FamInstEnv.hs
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ computeAxiomIncomps ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches })
       = FirstBranch (br { cab_incomps = mk_incomps br prev_branches })
     go prev_branches (NextBranch br tail)
       = let br' = br { cab_incomps = mk_incomps br prev_branches } in
-        NextBranch br' (go (br' : prev_branches) tail)
+        NextBranch br' (fromBranchList (go (br' : prev_branches) tail))
     mk_incomps :: CoAxBranch -> [CoAxBranch] -> [CoAxBranch]
     mk_incomps br = filter (not . compatibleBranches br)

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