[commit: ghc] master: Preserve evaluated-ness in CoreTidy (35be701)

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Thu May 8 12:06:38 UTC 2014

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/35be701121056b83e9f1ef911156aec829180a6b/ghc


commit 35be701121056b83e9f1ef911156aec829180a6b
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Thu May 8 10:38:52 2014 +0100

    Preserve evaluated-ness in CoreTidy
    The main effect of this patch is to preserve the evaluated-ness of
    case binders and suchlike, to avoid spurious Lint complaints after
    tidying.  See Note [Preserve evaluatedness] in CoreTidy.
    Plus a bit of associated refactoring of tidyIdBndr, tidyLetBndr.


 compiler/coreSyn/CoreTidy.lhs | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreTidy.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreTidy.lhs
index 8c0ae4a..cb2af7c 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreTidy.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreTidy.lhs
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import Name hiding (tidyNameOcc)
 import SrcLoc
 import Maybes
 import Data.List
-import Outputable
@@ -141,46 +140,6 @@ tidyBndr env var
 tidyBndrs :: TidyEnv -> [Var] -> (TidyEnv, [Var])
 tidyBndrs env vars = mapAccumL tidyBndr env vars
-tidyLetBndr :: TidyEnv	       -- Knot-tied version for unfoldings
-            -> TidyEnv 	       -- The one to extend
-            -> (Id, CoreExpr) -> (TidyEnv, Var)
--- Used for local (non-top-level) let(rec)s
-tidyLetBndr rec_tidy_env env (id,rhs) 
-  = ((tidy_occ_env,new_var_env), final_id)
-  where
-    ((tidy_occ_env,var_env), new_id) = tidyIdBndr env id
-    new_var_env = extendVarEnv var_env id final_id
-       -- Override the env we get back from tidyId with the 
-       -- new IdInfo so it gets propagated to the usage sites.
-	-- We need to keep around any interesting strictness and
-	-- demand info because later on we may need to use it when
-	-- converting to A-normal form.
-	-- eg.
-	--	f (g x),  where f is strict in its argument, will be converted
-	--	into  case (g x) of z -> f z  by CorePrep, but only if f still
-	-- 	has its strictness info.
-	--
-	-- Similarly for the demand info - on a let binder, this tells 
-	-- CorePrep to turn the let into a case.
-	--
-	-- Similarly arity info for eta expansion in CorePrep
-	-- 
-	-- Set inline-prag info so that we preseve it across 
-	-- separate compilation boundaries
-    final_id = new_id `setIdInfo` new_info
-    idinfo   = idInfo id
-    new_info = idInfo new_id
-		`setArityInfo`		exprArity rhs
-                `setStrictnessInfo`	strictnessInfo idinfo
-                `setDemandInfo`	        demandInfo idinfo
-		`setInlinePragInfo`	inlinePragInfo idinfo
-		`setUnfoldingInfo`	new_unf
-    new_unf | isStableUnfolding unf = tidyUnfolding rec_tidy_env unf (panic "tidy_unf")
-            | otherwise	            = noUnfolding
-    unf = unfoldingInfo idinfo
 -- Non-top-level variables
 tidyIdBndr :: TidyEnv -> Id -> (TidyEnv, Id)
 tidyIdBndr env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
@@ -199,11 +158,60 @@ tidyIdBndr env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
 	-- Note [Tidy IdInfo]
         new_info = vanillaIdInfo `setOccInfo` occInfo old_info
+                                 `setUnfoldingInfo` new_unf
 	old_info = idInfo id
+        old_unf  = unfoldingInfo old_info
+        new_unf | isEvaldUnfolding old_unf = evaldUnfolding
+                | otherwise                = noUnfolding
+          -- See Note [Preserve evaluatedness]
     ((tidy_env', var_env'), id')
+tidyLetBndr :: TidyEnv	       -- Knot-tied version for unfoldings
+            -> TidyEnv 	       -- The one to extend
+            -> (Id, CoreExpr) -> (TidyEnv, Var)
+-- Used for local (non-top-level) let(rec)s
+-- Just like tidyIdBndr above, but with more IdInfo
+tidyLetBndr rec_tidy_env env@(tidy_env, var_env) (id,rhs)
+  = case tidyOccName tidy_env (getOccName id) of { (tidy_env', occ') ->
+    let
+        ty'      = tidyType env (idType id)
+        name'    = mkInternalName (idUnique id) occ' noSrcSpan
+	id'      = mkLocalIdWithInfo name' ty' new_info
+	var_env' = extendVarEnv var_env id id'
+	-- Note [Tidy IdInfo]
+	-- We need to keep around any interesting strictness and
+	-- demand info because later on we may need to use it when
+	-- converting to A-normal form.
+	-- eg.
+	--	f (g x),  where f is strict in its argument, will be converted
+	--	into  case (g x) of z -> f z  by CorePrep, but only if f still
+	-- 	has its strictness info.
+	--
+	-- Similarly for the demand info - on a let binder, this tells
+	-- CorePrep to turn the let into a case.
+	--
+	-- Similarly arity info for eta expansion in CorePrep
+	--
+	-- Set inline-prag info so that we preseve it across
+	-- separate compilation boundaries
+	old_info = idInfo id
+        new_info = vanillaIdInfo
+                    `setOccInfo`        occInfo old_info
+                    `setArityInfo`	exprArity rhs
+                    `setStrictnessInfo`	strictnessInfo old_info
+                    `setDemandInfo`	demandInfo old_info
+                    `setInlinePragInfo`	inlinePragInfo old_info
+                    `setUnfoldingInfo`	new_unf
+        new_unf | isStableUnfolding old_unf = tidyUnfolding rec_tidy_env old_unf old_unf
+                | otherwise	            = noUnfolding
+        old_unf = unfoldingInfo old_info
+    in
+    ((tidy_env', var_env'), id') }
 ------------ Unfolding  --------------
 tidyUnfolding :: TidyEnv -> Unfolding -> Unfolding -> Unfolding
 tidyUnfolding tidy_env df@(DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args }) _
@@ -237,6 +245,23 @@ two reasons:
 Note that tidyLetBndr puts more IdInfo back.
+Note [Preserve evaluatedness]
+  data T = MkT !Bool
+  ....(case v of MkT y ->
+       let z# = case y of
+                  True -> 1#
+                  False -> 2#
+       in ...)
+The z# binding is ok becuase the RHS is ok-for-speculation,
+but Lint will complain unless it can *see* that.  So we
+preserve the evaluated-ness on 'y' in tidyBndr.
+(Another alterantive would be to tidy unboxed lets into cases,
+but that seems more indirect and surprising.)
 (=:) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b

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