[commit: ghc] ghc-7.8: Fix the treatment of lexically scoped kind variables (Trac #8856) (935dc72)

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Sun Mar 23 20:37:39 UTC 2014

Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/ghc

On branch  : ghc-7.8
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/935dc721cf02e3778615d3a40d04bdae17bfef0e/ghc


commit 935dc721cf02e3778615d3a40d04bdae17bfef0e
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 7 16:50:17 2014 +0000

    Fix the treatment of lexically scoped kind variables (Trac #8856)
    The issue here is described in Note [Binding scoped type variables] in
    TcPat.  When implementing this fix I was able to make things quite a
    bit simpler:
     * The type variables in a type signature now never unify
       with each other, and so can be straightfoward skolems.
     * We only need the SigTv stuff for signatures in patterns,
       and for kind variables.
    (cherry picked from commit cf1a0f971966af633fbd932ad012ce716680465b)


 compiler/typecheck/FamInst.lhs                     |    2 +-
 compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs                     |   45 +++------------
 compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs                      |    9 ++-
 compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs                     |   49 ++++++----------
 compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs                       |   60 ++++++++++++++++----
 compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs                    |    2 +-
 compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs                      |   36 +++++-------
 compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Generic/PData.hs      |    2 +-
 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/MutRec.hs |   11 ++++
 testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T     |    1 +
 10 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --cc 935dc721cf02e3778615d3a40d04bdae17bfef0e

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