[commit: nofib] master: nofib-analyize: Include % in LaTeX output (d224bbb)
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git at git.haskell.org
Sat Mar 15 16:18:58 UTC 2014
Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/nofib
On branch : master
Link : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/d224bbb3576f57923be1685c903c7bdbf9b34be3/nofib
commit d224bbb3576f57923be1685c903c7bdbf9b34be3
Author: Joachim Breitner <breitner at kit.edu>
Date: Sat Mar 15 16:36:14 2014 +0100
nofib-analyize: Include % in LaTeX output
I see no reason why this should be different from the text output,
especially as it is important to distinguish absolute from relative
values in the runtime column. It is also easier to remove the % (using
search-and-replace) than to add it.
nofib-analyse/Main.hs | 27 ++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nofib-analyse/Main.hs b/nofib-analyse/Main.hs
index ad043f5..a1340d9 100644
--- a/nofib-analyse/Main.hs
+++ b/nofib-analyse/Main.hs
@@ -586,10 +586,7 @@ ascii_summary_table latex (rbase:rs) (_:names) specs mb_restrict
progs = map BoxString (Map.keys rbase)
rows0 = map TableRow (zipWith (:) progs (transpose columns))
- rows1 = restrictRows mb_restrict rows0
- rows | latex = mungeForLaTeX rows1
- | otherwise = rows1
+ rows = restrictRows mb_restrict rows0
av_rows = map TableRow (zipWith (:) av_heads (transpose av_cols))
@@ -614,18 +611,6 @@ restrictRows (Just these) rows = filter keep_it rows
keep_it TableLine = True
keep_it _ = False
-mungeForLaTeX :: [TableRow] -> [TableRow]
-mungeForLaTeX = map transrow
- where
- transrow (TableRow boxes) = TableRow (map transbox boxes)
- transrow row = row
- transbox (BoxString s) = BoxString (foldr transchar "" s)
- transbox box = box
- transchar '_' s = '\\':'_':s
- transchar c s = c:s
table_layout :: Int -> Int -> Layout
table_layout n w boxes = foldr (.) id $ intersperse (str (space 1)) $ zipWith ($) fns boxes
where fns = (str . rjustify 15 . show ) :
@@ -949,10 +934,14 @@ latexTableLayout boxes =
foldr (.) id . intersperse (str " & ") . map abox $ boxes
abox (RunFailed NotDone) = id
- abox s = str (foldr transchar "" (show s))
+ abox s = str (mungeForLaTeX (show s))
- transchar '%' s = s -- leave out the percentage signs
- transchar c s = c : s
+mungeForLaTeX :: String -> String
+mungeForLaTeX = foldr transchar ""
+ where
+ transchar '_' s = '\\':'_':s
+ transchar '%' s = '\\':'%':s
+ transchar c s = c:s
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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