[commit: ghc] master: Whitespace only (713b271)

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Sat Jun 28 11:11:34 UTC 2014

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/713b271fdb3c626848e1ae33703d3088ab7336a7/ghc


commit 713b271fdb3c626848e1ae33703d3088ab7336a7
Author: Gabor Greif <ggreif at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 16 15:50:45 2014 +0200

    Whitespace only


 libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH.hs | 122 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH.hs b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH.hs
index 5852145..29e3787 100644
--- a/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH.hs
+++ b/libraries/template-haskell/Language/Haskell/TH.hs
@@ -5,52 +5,52 @@ For other documentation, refer to:
 module Language.Haskell.TH(
-	-- * The monad and its operations
-	Q,
-	runQ,
+        -- * The monad and its operations
+        Q,
+        runQ,
         -- ** Administration: errors, locations and IO
-	reportError,		  -- :: String -> Q ()
-	reportWarning,		  -- :: String -> Q ()
-	report,			  -- :: Bool -> String -> Q ()
-	recover, 	  -- :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a
-	location,	  -- :: Q Loc
-	Loc(..),
-	runIO, 		  -- :: IO a -> Q a
-	-- ** Querying the compiler
-	-- *** Reify
-	reify, 		  -- :: Name -> Q Info
-	reifyModule,
-	thisModule,
-	Info(..), ModuleInfo(..),
-	InstanceDec,
-	ParentName,
-	Arity,
-	Unlifted,
-	-- *** Name lookup
-	lookupTypeName,	 -- :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
-	lookupValueName, -- :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
-	-- *** Instance lookup
-	reifyInstances,
-	isInstance,
+        reportError,              -- :: String -> Q ()
+        reportWarning,            -- :: String -> Q ()
+        report,                   -- :: Bool -> String -> Q ()
+        recover,          -- :: Q a -> Q a -> Q a
+        location,         -- :: Q Loc
+        Loc(..),
+        runIO,            -- :: IO a -> Q a
+        -- ** Querying the compiler
+        -- *** Reify
+        reify,            -- :: Name -> Q Info
+        reifyModule,
+        thisModule,
+        Info(..), ModuleInfo(..),
+        InstanceDec,
+        ParentName,
+        Arity,
+        Unlifted,
+        -- *** Name lookup
+        lookupTypeName,  -- :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
+        lookupValueName, -- :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
+        -- *** Instance lookup
+        reifyInstances,
+        isInstance,
         -- *** Roles lookup
         -- *** Annotation lookup
         reifyAnnotations, AnnLookup(..),
-	-- * Typed expressions
-	TExp, unType,
-	-- * Names
-	Name, NameSpace,	-- Abstract
-	-- ** Constructing names
-	mkName,  	-- :: String -> Name
-	newName, 	-- :: String -> Q Name
-	-- ** Deconstructing names
-	nameBase,	-- :: Name -> String
-	nameModule,	-- :: Name -> Maybe String
-	-- ** Built-in names
-	tupleTypeName, tupleDataName,	-- Int -> Name
-	unboxedTupleTypeName, unboxedTupleDataName, -- :: Int -> Name
+        -- * Typed expressions
+        TExp, unType,
+        -- * Names
+        Name, NameSpace,	-- Abstract
+        -- ** Constructing names
+        mkName,         -- :: String -> Name
+        newName,        -- :: String -> Q Name
+        -- ** Deconstructing names
+        nameBase,	-- :: Name -> String
+        nameModule,	-- :: Name -> Maybe String
+        -- ** Built-in names
+        tupleTypeName, tupleDataName,	-- Int -> Name
+        unboxedTupleTypeName, unboxedTupleDataName, -- :: Int -> Name
     -- * The algebraic data types
     -- | The lowercase versions (/syntax operators/) of these constructors are
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ module Language.Haskell.TH(
     -- quotations (@[| |]@) and splices (@$( ... )@)
     -- ** Declarations
-	Dec(..), Con(..), Clause(..),
-	Strict(..), Foreign(..), Callconv(..), Safety(..), Pragma(..),
-	Inline(..), RuleMatch(..), Phases(..), RuleBndr(..), AnnTarget(..),
-	FunDep(..), FamFlavour(..), TySynEqn(..),
-	Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), defaultFixity, maxPrecedence,
+        Dec(..), Con(..), Clause(..),
+        Strict(..), Foreign(..), Callconv(..), Safety(..), Pragma(..),
+        Inline(..), RuleMatch(..), Phases(..), RuleBndr(..), AnnTarget(..),
+        FunDep(..), FamFlavour(..), TySynEqn(..),
+        Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), defaultFixity, maxPrecedence,
     -- ** Expressions
         Exp(..), Match(..), Body(..), Guard(..), Stmt(..), Range(..), Lit(..),
     -- ** Patterns
@@ -78,22 +78,22 @@ module Language.Haskell.TH(
     -- ** Constructors lifted to 'Q'
     -- *** Literals
-	intPrimL, wordPrimL, floatPrimL, doublePrimL, integerL, rationalL,
-	charL, stringL, stringPrimL,
+        intPrimL, wordPrimL, floatPrimL, doublePrimL, integerL, rationalL,
+        charL, stringL, stringPrimL,
     -- *** Patterns
-	litP, varP, tupP, conP, uInfixP, parensP, infixP,
-	tildeP, bangP, asP, wildP, recP,
-	listP, sigP, viewP,
-	fieldPat,
+        litP, varP, tupP, conP, uInfixP, parensP, infixP,
+        tildeP, bangP, asP, wildP, recP,
+        listP, sigP, viewP,
+        fieldPat,
     -- *** Pattern Guards
-	normalB, guardedB, normalG, normalGE, patG, patGE, match, clause,
+        normalB, guardedB, normalG, normalGE, patG, patGE, match, clause,
     -- *** Expressions
-	dyn, global, varE, conE, litE, appE, uInfixE, parensE,
-	infixE, infixApp, sectionL, sectionR,
-	lamE, lam1E, lamCaseE, tupE, condE, multiIfE, letE, caseE, appsE,
-	listE, sigE, recConE, recUpdE, stringE, fieldExp,
+        dyn, global, varE, conE, litE, appE, uInfixE, parensE,
+        infixE, infixApp, sectionL, sectionR,
+        lamE, lam1E, lamCaseE, tupE, condE, multiIfE, letE, caseE, appsE,
+        listE, sigE, recConE, recUpdE, stringE, fieldExp,
     -- **** Ranges
     fromE, fromThenE, fromToE, fromThenToE,
@@ -105,24 +105,24 @@ module Language.Haskell.TH(
     bindS, letS, noBindS, parS,
     -- *** Types
-	forallT, varT, conT, appT, arrowT, equalityT, listT, tupleT, sigT, litT,
+        forallT, varT, conT, appT, arrowT, equalityT, listT, tupleT, sigT, litT,
     promotedT, promotedTupleT, promotedNilT, promotedConsT,
     -- **** Type literals
     numTyLit, strTyLit,
     -- **** Strictness
-	isStrict, notStrict, strictType, varStrictType,
+        isStrict, notStrict, strictType, varStrictType,
     -- **** Class Contexts
     cxt, classP, equalP, normalC, recC, infixC, forallC,
     -- *** Kinds
-  varK, conK, tupleK, arrowK, listK, appK, starK, constraintK,
+    varK, conK, tupleK, arrowK, listK, appK, starK, constraintK,
     -- *** Roles
     nominalR, representationalR, phantomR, inferR,
     -- *** Top Level Declarations
     -- **** Data
-	valD, funD, tySynD, dataD, newtypeD,
+        valD, funD, tySynD, dataD, newtypeD,
     -- **** Class
     classD, instanceD, sigD,
     -- **** Role annotations
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.TH(
     ruleVar, typedRuleVar,
     pragInlD, pragSpecD, pragSpecInlD, pragSpecInstD, pragRuleD, pragAnnD,
-	-- * Pretty-printer
+        -- * Pretty-printer
     Ppr(..), pprint, pprExp, pprLit, pprPat, pprParendType
    ) where

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