[commit: ghc] master: [ghc-pkg] Fix #5442 by using the flag db stack to modify packages. (d7c807f)

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Mon Jul 21 13:57:10 UTC 2014

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/d7c807f7975c13444e1ce79e4c36dd802321cf40/ghc


commit d7c807f7975c13444e1ce79e4c36dd802321cf40
Author: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang at cs.stanford.edu>
Date:   Mon Jul 21 05:50:19 2014 -0700

    [ghc-pkg] Fix #5442 by using the flag db stack to modify packages.
    Previously, the full database stack was used for ghc-pkg to
    modify packages, which meant that commands like
    'ghc-pkg unregister --user' worked the same as 'ghc-pkg unregister'.
    Since package modification is a "read and write" operation, we
    should use the flag db stack (which is currently used for reads)
    to determine which database to update.
    There is also a new flag --user-package-db, which lets you explicitly
    set the user database (as seen by --user).  This was mostly added
    to aid in testing, but could be useful for end users as well.
    Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <ezyang at cs.stanford.edu>
    Test Plan: validate
    Reviewers: simonmar, hvr, austin
    Subscribers: simonmar, relrod, carter
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D84


 docs/users_guide/7.10.1-notes.xml   | 16 ++++++++++-
 testsuite/.gitignore                |  2 +-
 testsuite/tests/cabal/Makefile      | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442a.stdout |  5 ++++
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442b.stderr |  1 +
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442b.stdout |  3 +++
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442c.stderr |  1 +
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442c.stdout |  6 +++++
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442d.stderr |  1 +
 testsuite/tests/cabal/T5442d.stdout |  8 ++++++
 testsuite/tests/cabal/all.T         | 22 +++++++++++++++
 utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs               | 36 ++++++++++++++++---------
 12 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:

    git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color --find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --cc d7c807f7975c13444e1ce79e4c36dd802321cf40

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