[commit: ghc] ghc-7.8: Add comments & notes explaining the typing of pattern synonym definitions (a43d536)

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commit a43d536b2f55340f1f749fe7504b732fecacf3a7
Author: Dr. ERDI Gergo <gergo at erdi.hu>
Date:   Tue Apr 8 22:29:23 2014 +0800

    Add comments & notes explaining the typing of pattern synonym definitions
    (cherry picked from commit d2c4f9758ca735f294033401efef225699c292f8)


 compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs
index 1464980..4e63a1e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs
@@ -36,6 +36,27 @@ import BuildTyCl
 #include "HsVersions.h"
+Note [Pattern synonym typechecking]
+Consider the following pattern synonym declaration
+        pattern P x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
+        data T a where
+              MkT :: (Show a, Ord b) => [b] -> a -> T a
+The pattern synonym's type is described with five axes, given here for
+the above example:
+  Pattern type: T (Maybe t)
+  Arguments: [x :: b]
+  Universal type variables: [t]
+  Required theta: (Eq t, Num t)
+  Existential type variables: [b]
+  Provided theta: (Show (Maybe t), Ord b)
 tcPatSynDecl :: Located Name
              -> HsPatSynDetails (Located Name)
@@ -104,6 +125,44 @@ tcPatSynDecl lname@(L _ name) details lpat dir
                         matcher_id (fmap fst m_wrapper)
        ; return (patSyn, binds) }
+Note [Matchers and wrappers for pattern synonyms]
+For each pattern synonym, we generate a single matcher function which
+implements the actual matching. For the above example, the matcher
+will have type:
+        $mP :: forall r t. (Eq t, Num t)
+            => T (Maybe t)
+            -> (forall b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b) => b -> r)
+            -> r
+            -> r
+with the following implementation:
+        $mP @r @t $dEq $dNum scrut cont fail = case scrut of
+            MkT @b $dShow $dOrd [x] (Just 42) -> cont @b $dShow $dOrd x
+            _                                 -> fail
+For bidirectional pattern synonyms, we also generate a single wrapper
+function which implements the pattern synonym in an expression
+context. For our running example, it will be:
+        $WP :: forall t b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b, Eq t, Num t)
+            => b -> T (Maybe t)
+        $WP x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
+N.b. the existential/universal and required/provided split does not
+apply to the wrapper since you are only putting stuff in, not getting
+stuff out.
+Injectivity of bidirectional pattern synonyms is checked in
+tcPatToExpr which walks the pattern and returns its corresponding
+expression when available.
 tcPatSynMatcher :: Located Name
                 -> LPat Id
                 -> [Var]
@@ -227,14 +286,29 @@ tc_pat_syn_wrapper_from_expr (L loc name) lexpr args univ_tvs ex_tvs theta pat_t
        ; traceTc "tcPatSynDecl wrapper type" $ ppr (varType wrapper_id)
        ; return (wrapper_id, wrapper_binds) }
-tcNothing :: MaybeT TcM a
-tcNothing = MaybeT (return Nothing)
-withLoc :: (a -> MaybeT TcM b) -> Located a -> MaybeT TcM (Located b)
-withLoc fn (L loc x) = MaybeT $ setSrcSpan loc $
-    do { y <- runMaybeT $ fn x
-       ; return (fmap (L loc) y) }
+Note [As-patterns in pattern synonym definitions]
+Beside returning the inverted pattern (when injectivity holds), we
+also check the pattern on its own here. In particular, we reject
+The rationale for that is that an as-pattern would introduce
+nonindependent pattern synonym arguments, e.g. given a pattern synonym
+        pattern K x y = x@(Just y)
+one could write a nonsensical function like
+        f (K Nothing x) = ...
+        g (K (Just True) False) = ...
 tcPatToExpr :: NameSet -> LPat Name -> MaybeT TcM (LHsExpr Name)
 tcPatToExpr lhsVars = go
@@ -287,6 +361,20 @@ cannotInvertPatSynErr (L loc pat)
     hang (ptext (sLit "Right-hand side of bidirectional pattern synonym cannot be used as an expression"))
        2 (ppr pat)
+tcNothing :: MaybeT TcM a
+tcNothing = MaybeT (return Nothing)
+withLoc :: (a -> MaybeT TcM b) -> Located a -> MaybeT TcM (Located b)
+withLoc fn (L loc x) = MaybeT $ setSrcSpan loc $
+    do { y <- runMaybeT $ fn x
+       ; return (fmap (L loc) y) }
+-- Walk the whole pattern and for all ConPatOuts, collect the
+-- existentially-bound type variables and evidence binding variables.
+-- These are used in computing the type of a pattern synonym and also
+-- in generating matcher functions, since success continuations need
+-- to be passed these pattern-bound evidences.
 tcCollectEx :: LPat Id -> TcM (TyVarSet, [EvVar])
 tcCollectEx = return . go

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