[commit: packages/base] master: Improve Haddock markup in `Control.Concurrent.MVar` (826f3bd)

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Wed Jan 29 21:09:37 UTC 2014

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/826f3bddabdc9c3287cb6d91349427890acdc8f3/base


commit 826f3bddabdc9c3287cb6d91349427890acdc8f3
Author: Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr at gnu.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 29 22:05:47 2014 +0100

    Improve Haddock markup in `Control.Concurrent.MVar`
    This adds a labeled hyperlink to the Concurrent Haskell paper, and
    replaces the itemized-list headings with proper section
    headings (available since Haddock-2.14).
    Signed-off-by: Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvr at gnu.org>


 Control/Concurrent/MVar.hs |   20 +++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Control/Concurrent/MVar.hs b/Control/Concurrent/MVar.hs
index 5908729..c988c62 100644
--- a/Control/Concurrent/MVar.hs
+++ b/Control/Concurrent/MVar.hs
@@ -24,12 +24,14 @@
 --   3. As a binary semaphore @'MVar' ()@, with 'takeMVar' and 'putMVar' as
 --      wait and signal.
--- They were introduced in the paper "Concurrent Haskell" by Simon
--- Peyton Jones, Andrew Gordon and Sigbjorn Finne, though some details
--- of their implementation have since then changed (in particular, a
--- put on a full MVar used to error, but now merely blocks.)
+-- They were introduced in the paper
+-- <http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/papers/concurrent-haskell.ps.gz "Concurrent Haskell">
+-- by Simon Peyton Jones, Andrew Gordon and Sigbjorn Finne, though
+-- some details of their implementation have since then changed (in
+-- particular, a put on a full 'MVar' used to error, but now merely
+-- blocks.)
--- * Applicability
+-- === Applicability
 -- 'MVar's offer more flexibility than 'IORef's, but less flexibility
 -- than 'STM'.  They are appropriate for building synchronization
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
 -- perform a 'takeMVar' before a 'putMVar' as well;  otherwise, they may
 -- block.
--- * Fairness
+-- === Fairness
 -- No thread can be blocked indefinitely on an 'MVar' unless another
 -- thread holds that 'MVar' indefinitely.  One usual implementation of
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@
 -- served in a first-in-first-out fashion, but this is not guaranteed
 -- in the semantics.
--- * Gotchas
+-- === Gotchas
 -- Like many other Haskell data structures, 'MVar's are lazy.  This
 -- means that if you place an expensive unevaluated thunk inside an
@@ -64,14 +66,14 @@
 -- in an 'MVar' to the appropriate normal form, or utilize a strict
 -- MVar provided by the strict-concurrency package.
--- * Ordering
+-- === Ordering
 -- 'MVar' operations are always observed to take place in the order
 -- they are written in the program, regardless of the memory model of
 -- the underlying machine.  This is in contrast to 'IORef' operations
 -- which may appear out-of-order to another thread in some cases.
--- * Example
+-- === Example
 -- Consider the following concurrent data structure, a skip channel.
 -- This is a channel for an intermittent source of high bandwidth

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