[commit: ghc] master: Optimize flattener by trying to reduce a TF before reducing its args. (8e2d858)

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Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/8e2d858bb837a322f26face78df1b6ef3898e762/ghc


commit 8e2d858bb837a322f26face78df1b6ef3898e762
Author: Richard Eisenberg <eir at cis.upenn.edu>
Date:   Wed Dec 17 23:30:15 2014 -0500

    Optimize flattener by trying to reduce a TF before reducing its args.
    This has a demonstrated 2x speed boost on the T9872{a,b,c} tests.


 compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs     | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T | 14 +++++++----
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
index 818965d..2c72c93 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcFlatten.hs
@@ -900,7 +900,9 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app fmode tc tys
     roles = tyConRolesX (feRole fmode) tc
 flatten_exact_fam_app_fully fmode tc tys
-  = do { (xis, cos) <- flatten_many_nom (setFEEqRel (setFEMode fmode FM_FlattenAll) NomEq) tys
+  -- See Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
+  = try_to_reduce tc tys False id $
+    do { (xis, cos) <- flatten_many_nom (setFEEqRel (setFEMode fmode FM_FlattenAll) NomEq) tys
        ; let ret_co = mkTcTyConAppCo (feRole fmode) tc cos
               -- ret_co :: F xis ~ F tys
@@ -922,15 +924,7 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully fmode tc tys
            -- Try to reduce the family application right now
            -- See Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
-           _ -> do { mb_match <- matchFam tc xis
-                   ; case mb_match of {
-                        Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
-                            -> do { (xi, final_co) <- flatten_one fmode norm_ty
-                                  ; let co = norm_co `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo final_co
-                                  ; extendFlatCache tc xis ( co, xi
-                                                           , fe_flavour fmode )
-                                  ; return (xi, mkTcSymCo co `mkTcTransCo` ret_co) } ;
-                        Nothing ->
+           _ -> try_to_reduce tc xis True (`mkTcTransCo` ret_co) $
                 do { let fam_ty = mkTyConApp tc xis
                    ; (ev, fsk) <- newFlattenSkolem (fe_flavour fmode)
                                                    (fe_loc fmode)
@@ -951,7 +945,28 @@ flatten_exact_fam_app_fully fmode tc tys
                    ; return (fsk_ty, maybeTcSubCo (fe_eq_rel fmode)
                                                   (mkTcSymCo co)
                                      `mkTcTransCo` ret_co) }
-        } } }
+        }
+  where
+    try_to_reduce :: TyCon   -- F, family tycon
+                  -> [Type]  -- args, not necessarily flattened
+                  -> Bool    -- add to the flat cache?
+                  -> (   TcCoercion     -- :: xi ~ F args
+                      -> TcCoercion )   -- what to return from outer function
+                  -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)  -- continuation upon failure
+                  -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)
+    try_to_reduce tc tys cache update_co k
+      = do { mb_match <- matchFam tc tys
+           ; case mb_match of
+               Just (norm_co, norm_ty)
+                 -> do { traceTcS "Eager T.F. reduction success" $
+                         vcat [ppr tc, ppr tys, ppr norm_ty, ppr cache]
+                       ; (xi, final_co) <- flatten_one fmode norm_ty
+                       ; let co = norm_co `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo final_co
+                       ; when cache $
+                         extendFlatCache tc tys (co, xi, fe_flavour fmode)
+                       ; return (xi, update_co $ mkTcSymCo co) }
+               Nothing -> k }
 {- Note [Reduce type family applications eagerly]
@@ -960,9 +975,13 @@ then, rather than flattening to a skolem etc, we may as well just reduce
 it on the spot to (Cons x t).  This saves a lot of intermediate steps.
 Examples that are helped are tests T9872, and T5321Fun.
-So just before we create the new skolem, we attempt to reduce it by one
-step (using matchFam).  If that works, then recursively flatten the rhs,
-which may in turn do lots more reductions.
+Performance testing indicates that it's best to try this *twice*, once
+before flattening arguments and once after flattening arguments.
+Adding the extra reduction attempt before flattening arguments cut
+the allocation amounts for the T9872{a,b,c} tests by half. Testing
+also indicated that the early reduction should not use the flat-cache,
+but that the later reduction should. It's possible that with more
+examples, we might learn that these knobs should be set differently.
 Once we've got a flat rhs, we extend the flatten-cache to record the
 result.  Doing so can save lots of work when the same redex shows up
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
index 45fc504..517d284 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
@@ -559,9 +559,10 @@ test('T9675',
      [ only_ways(['normal']),
        compiler_stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
-          [(wordsize(64), 5848657456, 5)
+          [(wordsize(64), 2680733672, 5)
           # 2014-12-10    5521332656    Initally created
           # 2014-12-16    5848657456    Flattener parameterized over roles
+          # 2014-12-18    2680733672    Reduce type families even more eagerly
@@ -570,9 +571,10 @@ test('T9872a',
      [ only_ways(['normal']),
        compiler_stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
-          [(wordsize(64), 6892251912, 5)
+          [(wordsize(64), 3480212048, 5)
           # 2014-12-10    6483306280    Initally created
           # 2014-12-16    6892251912    Flattener parameterized over roles
+          # 2014-12-18    3480212048    Reduce type families even more eagerly
@@ -580,9 +582,10 @@ test('T9872b',
      [ only_ways(['normal']),
        compiler_stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
-          [(wordsize(64), 5842024784, 5)
+          [(wordsize(64), 2963554096, 5)
           # 2014-12-10    5495850096    Initally created
           # 2014-12-16    5842024784    Flattener parameterized over roles
+          # 2014-12-18    2963554096    Reduce type families even more eagerly
@@ -590,8 +593,9 @@ test('T9872c',
      [ only_ways(['normal']),
        compiler_stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
-          [(wordsize(64), 796071864, 5)
-          # 2014-12-19    796071864   Initally created
+          [(wordsize(64), 739189056, 5)
+          # 2014-12-18    796071864   Initally created
+          # 2014-12-18    739189056   Reduce type families even more eagerly

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