[commit: ghc] wip/rae: Clean up comments around kind checking strategies. (a7bb93d)

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Thu Aug 7 18:08:00 UTC 2014

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On branch  : wip/rae
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/a7bb93d00f8d3b6d07a361805d5d7596da459bbc/ghc


commit a7bb93d00f8d3b6d07a361805d5d7596da459bbc
Author: Richard Eisenberg <eir at cis.upenn.edu>
Date:   Thu Aug 7 08:40:21 2014 -0400

    Clean up comments around kind checking strategies.
    This is all *much* simpler than it was before! (#9200)


 compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs | 154 ++--------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
index fef1603..a8df9e5 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
@@ -905,155 +905,11 @@ addTypeCtxt (L _ ty) thing
 Note [Kind-checking strategies]
-There are three main declarations that we have to kind check carefully in the
-presence of -XPolyKinds: classes, datatypes, and data/type families. They each
-have a different kind-checking strategy (labeled in the parentheses above each
-section). This should potentially be cleaned up in the future, but this is how
-it stands now (June 2013).
-Classes (ParametricKinds):
-  - kind-polymorphic by default
-  - each un-annotated type variable is given a fresh meta kind variable
-  - every explicit kind variable becomes a SigTv during inference
-  - no generalisation is done while kind-checking the recursive group
-  Taken together, this means that classes cannot participate in polymorphic
-  recursion. Thus, the following is not definable:
-  class Fugly (a :: k) where
-    foo :: forall (b :: k -> *). Fugly b => b a
-  But, because explicit kind variables are SigTvs, it is OK for the kind to
-  be forced to be the same kind that is used in a separate declaration. See
-  test case polykinds/T7020.hs.
-  Here we have two cases, whether or not a Full Kind Signature is provided.
-  A Full Kind Signature means that there is a top-level :: in the definition
-  of the datatype. For example:
-  data T1 :: k -> Bool -> * where ...         -- YES
-  data T2 (a :: k) :: Bool -> * where ...     -- YES
-  data T3 (a :: k) (b :: Bool) :: * where ... -- YES
-  data T4 (a :: k) (b :: Bool) where ...      -- NO
-  Kind signatures are not allowed on datatypes declared in the H98 style,
-  so those always have no Full Kind Signature.
-  Full Kind Signature (FullKindSignature):
-    - each un-annotated type variable defaults to *
-    - every explicit kind variable becomes a skolem during type inference
-    - these kind variables are generalised *before* kind-checking the group
-    With these rules, polymorphic recursion is possible. This is essentially
-    because of the generalisation step before kind-checking the group -- it
-    gives the kind-checker enough flexibility to supply the right kind arguments
-    to support polymorphic recursion.
-  no Full Kind Signature (ParametricKinds):
-    - kind-polymorphic by default
-    - each un-annotated type variable is given a fresh meta kind variable
-    - every explicit kind variable becomes a SigTv during inference
-    - no generalisation is done while kind-checking the recursive group
-    Thus, no polymorphic recursion in this case. See also Trac #6093 & #6049.
-Type families:
-  Here we have three cases: open top-level families, closed top-level families,
-  and open associated types. (There are no closed associated types, for good
-  reason.)
-  Open top-level families (FullKindSignature):
-    - All open top-level families are considered to have a Full Kind Signature
-    - All arguments and the result default to *
-    - All kind variables are skolems
-    - All kind variables are generalised before kind-checking the group
-    This behaviour supports kind-indexed type and data families, because we
-    need to have generalised before kind-checking for this to work. For example:
-    type family F (a :: k)
-    type instance F Int = Bool
-    type instance F Maybe = Char
-    type instance F (x :: * -> * -> *) = Double
-  Closed top-level families (NonParametricKinds):
-    - kind-monomorphic by default
-    - each un-annotated type variable is given a fresh meta kind variable
-    - every explicit kind variable becomes a skolem during inference
-    - all such skolems are generalised before kind-checking; other kind
-      variables are not generalised
-    - all unconstrained meta kind variables are defaulted to * at the
-      end of kind checking
-    This behaviour is to allow kind inference to occur in closed families, but
-    without becoming too polymorphic. For example:
-    type family F a where
-      F Int = Bool
-      F Bool = Char
-    We would want F to have kind * -> * from this definition, although something
-    like k1 -> k2 would be perfectly sound. The reason we want this restriction is
-    that it is better to have (F Maybe) be a kind error than simply stuck.
-    The kind inference gives us also
-    type family Not b where
-      Not False = True
-      Not True  = False
-    With an open family, the above would need kind annotations in its header.
-    The tricky case is
-    type family G a (b :: k) where
-      G Int Int    = False
-      G Bool Maybe = True
-    We want this to work. But, we also want (G Maybe Maybe) to be a kind error
-    (in the first argument). So, we need to generalise the skolem "k" but not
-    the meta kind variable associated with "a".
-  Associated families (FullKindSignature):
-    - Kind-monomorphic by default
-    - Result kind defaults to *
-    - Each type variable is either in the class header or not:
-      - Type variables in the class header are given the kind inherited from
-        the class header (and checked against an annotation, if any)
-      - Un-annotated type variables default to *
-    - Each kind variable mentioned in the class header becomes a SigTv during
-      kind inference.
-    - Each kind variable not mentioned in the class header becomes a skolem during
-      kind inference.
-    - Only the skolem kind variables are generalised before kind checking.
-    Here are some examples:
-    class Foo1 a b where
-      type Bar1 (a :: k) (b :: k)
-    The kind of Foo1 will be k -> k -> Constraint. Kind annotations on associated
-    type declarations propagate to the header because the type variables in Bar1's
-    declaration inherit the (meta) kinds of the class header.
-    class Foo2 a where
-      type Bar2 a
-    The kind of Bar2 will be k -> *.
-    class Foo3 a where
-      type Bar3 a (b :: k)
-      meth :: Bar3 a Maybe -> ()
-    The kind of Bar3 will be k1 -> k2 -> *. This only kind-checks because the kind
-    of b is generalised before kind-checking.
-    class Foo4 a where
-      type Bar4 a b
-    Here, the kind of Bar4 will be k -> * -> *, because b is not mentioned in the
-    class header, so it defaults to *.
+We kind-check declarations differently if they have a complete, user-supplied
+kind signature (CUSK). This is because we can safely generalise a CUSKed
+declaration before checking all of the others, supporting polymorphic recursion.
+See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/GhcKinds/KindInference#Proposednewstrategy
+and #9200 for lots of discussion of how we got here.
 data KindCheckingStrategy   -- See Note [Kind-checking strategies]

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