[commit: ghc] master: Clarify comments and liberalise stack-check optimisation slightly (41212fd)

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Fri Oct 18 13:35:37 UTC 2013

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On branch  : master
Link       : http://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/41212fd652b59d949a993225e90cb202f2a33087/ghc


commit 41212fd652b59d949a993225e90cb202f2a33087
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 18 14:35:07 2013 +0100

    Clarify comments and liberalise stack-check optimisation slightly
    The only substantive change here is to change "==" into ">=" in
    the Note [Always false stack check] code.  This is semantically
    correct, but won't have any practical impact.


 compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs |   19 ++++++++++---------
 compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs        |    6 +++++-
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
index 2efb806..23da5d0 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLayoutStack.hs
@@ -775,23 +775,24 @@ areaToSp dflags sp_old _sp_hwm area_off (CmmStackSlot area n) =
 areaToSp dflags _ sp_hwm _ (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark) = mkIntExpr dflags sp_hwm
 areaToSp dflags _ _ _ (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt _)  -- Note [Always false stack check]
                           [CmmMachOp (MO_Sub _)
-                                  [ CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) off
-                                  , CmmLit (CmmInt lit _)],
+                                  [ CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) x_off
+                                  , CmmLit (CmmInt y_lit _)],
                            CmmReg (CmmGlobal SpLim)])
-                              | fromIntegral off == lit = zeroExpr dflags
+                              | fromIntegral x_off >= y_lit = zeroExpr dflags
 areaToSp _ _ _ _ other = other
 -- Note [Always false stack check]
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 -- We can optimise stack checks of the form
---   if ((Sp + x) - x < SpLim) then .. else ..
+--   if ((Sp + x) - y < SpLim) then .. else ..
--- where x is an integer offset. Optimising this away depends on knowing that
--- SpLim <= Sp, so it is really the job of the stack layout algorithm, hence we
--- do it now.  This is also convenient because sinking pass will later drop the
--- dead code.
+-- where are non-negative integer byte offsets.  Since we know that
+-- SpLim <= Sp (remember the stack grows downwards), this test must
+-- yield False if (x >= y), so we can rewrite the comparison to False.
+-- A subsequent sinking pass will later drop the dead code.
+-- Optimising this away depends on knowing that SpLim <= Sp, so it is
+-- really the job of the stack layout algorithm, hence we do it now.
 optStackCheck :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
 optStackCheck n = -- Note [null stack check]
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
index 7a4fb98..5c520d3 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
@@ -421,8 +421,10 @@ mapForeignTarget :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> ForeignTarget -> ForeignTarget
 mapForeignTarget exp   (ForeignTarget e c) = ForeignTarget (exp e) c
 mapForeignTarget _   m@(PrimTarget _)      = m
--- Take a transformer on expressions and apply it recursively.
 wrapRecExp :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+-- Take a transformer on expressions and apply it recursively.
+-- (wrapRecExp f e) first recursively applies itself to sub-expressions of e
+--                  then  uses f to rewrite the resulting expression
 wrapRecExp f (CmmMachOp op es)    = f (CmmMachOp op $ map (wrapRecExp f) es)
 wrapRecExp f (CmmLoad addr ty)    = f (CmmLoad (wrapRecExp f addr) ty)
 wrapRecExp f e                    = f e
@@ -450,6 +452,8 @@ mapForeignTargetM f (ForeignTarget e c) = (\x -> ForeignTarget x c) `fmap` f e
 mapForeignTargetM _ (PrimTarget _)      = Nothing
 wrapRecExpM :: (CmmExpr -> Maybe CmmExpr) -> (CmmExpr -> Maybe CmmExpr)
+-- (wrapRecExpM f e) first recursively applies itself to sub-expressions of e
+--                   then  gives f a chance to rewrite the resulting expression
 wrapRecExpM f n@(CmmMachOp op es)  = maybe (f n) (f . CmmMachOp op)    (mapListM (wrapRecExpM f) es)
 wrapRecExpM f n@(CmmLoad addr ty)  = maybe (f n) (f . flip CmmLoad ty) (wrapRecExpM f addr)
 wrapRecExpM f e                    = f e

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