[commit: packages/bytestring] ghc-head: Remove unneeded and/or commented-out code. (1a0ede3)

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Fri Oct 4 08:27:57 UTC 2013

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On branch  : ghc-head
Link       : http://git.haskell.org/packages/bytestring.git/commitdiff/1a0ede3a606ec8f3ae0c03ecc802557249753ca2


commit 1a0ede3a606ec8f3ae0c03ecc802557249753ca2
Author: Simon Meier <simon.meier at erudify.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 17 18:40:54 2013 +0200

    Remove unneeded and/or commented-out code.


 Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim.hs                 |   29 --------
 Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal.hs        |   84 -----------------------
 Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal/Base16.hs |   47 +------------
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim.hs b/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim.hs
index aec47f7..c3ceabb 100644
--- a/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim.hs
+++ b/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim.hs
@@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ module Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim (
 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal
 import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal.UncheckedShifts
-import           Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal.Base16 (lowerTable, encode4_as_8)
 import qualified Data.ByteString               as S
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal      as S
@@ -736,31 +735,3 @@ encodeCharUtf8 f1 f2 f3 f4 c = case ord c of
            in f4 x1 x2 x3 x4
--- Testing encodings
--- | /For testing use only./ Evaluate a 'FixedPrim' on a given value.
-evalF :: FixedPrim a -> a -> [Word8]
-evalF fe = S.unpack . S.unsafeCreate (I.size fe) . runF fe
--- | /For testing use only./ Evaluate a 'BoundedPrim' on a given value.
-evalB :: BoundedPrim a -> a -> [Word8]
-evalB be x = S.unpack $ unsafePerformIO $
-    S.createAndTrim (I.sizeBound be) $ \op -> do
-        op' <- runB be x op
-        return (op' `minusPtr` op)
--- | /For testing use only./ Show the result of a 'FixedPrim' of a given
--- value as a 'String' by interpreting the resulting bytes as Unicode
--- codepoints.
-showF :: FixedPrim a -> a -> String
-showF fe = map (chr . fromIntegral) . evalF fe
--- | /For testing use only./ Show the result of a 'BoundedPrim' of a given
--- value as a 'String' by interpreting the resulting bytes as Unicode
--- codepoints.
-showB :: BoundedPrim a -> a -> String
-showB be = map (chr . fromIntegral) . evalB be
diff --git a/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal.hs b/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal.hs
index 607d380..772ed81 100644
--- a/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal.hs
+++ b/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal.hs
@@ -278,87 +278,3 @@ eitherB (BE b1 io1) (BE b2 io2) =
 condB :: (a -> Bool) -> BoundedPrim a -> BoundedPrim a -> BoundedPrim a
 condB p be1 be2 =
     contramapB (\x -> if p x then Left x else Right x) (eitherB be1 be2)
-{-# INLINE withSizeFB #-}
-withSizeFB :: (Word -> FixedPrim Word) -> BoundedPrim a -> BoundedPrim a
-withSizeFB feSize (BE b io) =
-    BE (lSize + b)
-       (\x op0 -> do let !op1 = op0 `plusPtr` lSize
-                     op2 <- io x op1
-                     ioSize (fromIntegral $ op2 `minusPtr` op1) op0
-                     return op2)
-  where
-    FE lSize ioSize = feSize (fromIntegral b)
-{-# INLINE withSizeBB #-}
-withSizeBB :: BoundedPrim Word -> BoundedPrim a -> BoundedPrim a
-withSizeBB (BE bSize ioSize) (BE b io) =
-    BE (bSize + 2*b)
-       (\x op0 -> do let !opTmp = op0 `plusPtr` (bSize + b)
-                     opTmp' <- io x opTmp
-                     let !s = opTmp' `minusPtr` opTmp
-                     op1 <- ioSize (fromIntegral s) op0
-                     copyBytes op1 opTmp s
-                     return $! op1 `plusPtr` s)
-liftIOB :: BoundedPrim a -> BoundedPrim (IO a)
-liftIOB (BE l io) = BE l (\xWrapped op -> do x <- xWrapped; io x op)
--- Builder primitives from 'ByteString's.
--- | A 'FixedPrim' that always results in the same byte sequence given as a
--- strict 'S.ByteString'. We can use this primitive to insert fixed ...
-{-# INLINE CONLIKE constByteStringF #-}
-constByteStringF :: S.ByteString -> FixedPrim ()
-constByteStringF bs =
-    FE len io
-  where
-    (S.PS fp off len) = bs
-    io _ op = do
-        copyBytes op (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fp `plusPtr` off) len
-        touchForeignPtr fp
--- | Encode a fixed-length prefix of a strict 'S.ByteString' as-is. We can use
--- this function to
-{-# INLINE byteStringPrefixB #-}
-byteStringTakeB :: Int  -- ^ Length of the prefix. It should be smaller than
-                        -- 100 bytes, as otherwise
-                -> BoundedPrim S.ByteString
-byteStringTakeB n0 =
-    BE n io
-  where
-    n = max 0 n0 -- sanitize
-    io (S.PS fp off len) op = do
-        let !s = min len n
-        copyBytes op (unsafeForeignPtrToPtr fp `plusPtr` off) s
-        touchForeignPtr fp
-        return $! op `plusPtr` s
-httpChunkedTransfer :: Builder -> Builder
-httpChunkedTransfer =
-    encodeChunked 32 (word64HexFixedBound '0')
-                     ((\_ -> ('\r',('\n',('\r','\n')))) >$< char8x4)
-  where
-    char8x4 = toB (char8 >*< char8 >*< char8 >*< char8)
-chunked :: Builder -> Builder
-chunked = encodeChunked 16 word64VarFixedBound emptyB
diff --git a/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal/Base16.hs b/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal/Base16.hs
index 9fbb59b..a88da67 100644
--- a/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal/Base16.hs
+++ b/Data/ByteString/Builder/Prim/Internal/Base16.hs
@@ -17,11 +17,8 @@
 module Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal.Base16 (
-  -- , upperTable
   , lowerTable
-  , encode4_as_8
   , encode8_as_16h
-  -- , encode8_as_8_8
   ) where
 import qualified Data.ByteString          as S
@@ -35,8 +32,8 @@ import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
 import           Foreign
--- Creating the encoding tables
+-- Creating the encoding table
 -- TODO: Use table from C implementation.
@@ -56,19 +53,6 @@ base16EncodingTable alphabet = do
     ix = unsafeIndex alphabet
-{-# NOINLINE upperAlphabet #-}
-upperAlphabet :: EncodingTable
-upperAlphabet =
-    tableFromList $ map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) $ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['A'..'F']
--- | The encoding table for hexadecimal values with upper-case characters;
--- e.g., DEADBEEF.
-{-# NOINLINE upperTable #-}
-upperTable :: EncodingTable
-upperTable = unsafePerformIO $ base16EncodingTable upperAlphabet
 {-# NOINLINE lowerAlphabet #-}
 lowerAlphabet :: EncodingTable
 lowerAlphabet =
@@ -80,19 +64,6 @@ lowerAlphabet =
 lowerTable :: EncodingTable
 lowerTable = unsafePerformIO $ base16EncodingTable lowerAlphabet
--- Encoding nibbles and octets
--- | Encode a nibble as an octet.
--- > encode4_as_8 lowerTable 10 = fromIntegral (char 'a')
-{-# INLINE encode4_as_8 #-}
-encode4_as_8 :: EncodingTable -> Word8 -> IO Word8
-encode4_as_8 table x = unsafeIndex table (2 * fromIntegral x + 1)
--- TODO: Use a denser table to reduce cache utilization.
 -- | Encode an octet as 16bit word comprising both encoded nibbles ordered
 -- according to the host endianness. Writing these 16bit to memory will write
 -- the nibbles in the correct order (i.e. big-endian).
@@ -100,17 +71,3 @@ encode4_as_8 table x = unsafeIndex table (2 * fromIntegral x + 1)
 encode8_as_16h :: EncodingTable -> Word8 -> IO Word16
 encode8_as_16h (EncodingTable table) =
     peekElemOff (castPtr $ unsafeForeignPtrToPtr table) . fromIntegral
--- | Encode an octet as a big-endian ordered tuple of octets; i.e.,
--- >   encode8_as_8_8 lowerTable 10
--- > = (fromIntegral (chr '0'), fromIntegral (chr 'a'))
-{-# INLINE encode8_as_8_8 #-}
-encode8_as_8_8 :: EncodingTable -> Word8 -> IO (Word8, Word8)
-encode8_as_8_8 table x =
-    (,) <$> unsafeIndex table i <*> unsafeIndex table (i + 1)
-  where
-    i = 2 * fromIntegral x

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