[commit: ghc] master: Fix our handling of literals and types in LLVM (#7575). (1a70306)

David Terei davidterei at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 09:55:09 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/ghc

On branch  : master



commit 1a703068117255592fb8d9d8d47a5d54640208d0
Author: David Terei <davidterei at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 23 00:38:43 2013 -0800

    Fix our handling of literals and types in LLVM (#7575).
    This bug was introduced in the recent fix for #7571, that extended some
    existing infastructure in the LLVM backend that handled the conflict
    between LLVM's return type from comparison operations (i1) and what GHC
    expects (word). By extending it to handle literals though, we forced all
    literals to be i1 or word, breaking other code.
    This patch resolves this breakage and handles #7571 still, cleaning up
    the code for both a little. The overall approach is not ideal but
    changing that is left for the future.


 compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs |   64 ++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
index f6cd118..a5f5737 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ genCondBranch :: LlvmEnv -> CmmExpr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> UniqSM StmtData
 genCondBranch env cond idT idF = do
     let labelT = blockIdToLlvm idT
     let labelF = blockIdToLlvm idF
-    -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions]
+    -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
     (env', vc, stmts, top) <- exprToVarOpt env i1Option cond
     if getVarType vc == i1
         then do
@@ -798,31 +798,30 @@ type ExprData = (LlvmEnv, LlvmVar, LlvmStatements, [LlvmCmmDecl])
 -- | Values which can be passed to 'exprToVar' to configure its
 -- behaviour in certain circumstances.
-data EOption = EOption {
-        -- | The expected LlvmType for the returned variable.
-        --
-        -- Currently just used for determining if a comparison should return
-        -- a boolean (i1) or a int (i32/i64).
-        eoExpectedType :: Maybe LlvmType
-  }
+-- Currently just used for determining if a comparison should return
+-- a boolean (i1) or a word. See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
+newtype EOption = EOption { i1Expected :: Bool }
+-- XXX: EOption is an ugly and inefficient solution to this problem.
+-- | i1 type expected (condition scrutinee).
 i1Option :: EOption
-i1Option = EOption (Just i1)
-wordOption :: DynFlags -> EOption
-wordOption dflags = EOption (Just (llvmWord dflags))
+i1Option = EOption True
+-- | Word type expected (usual).
+wordOption :: EOption
+wordOption = EOption False
 -- | Convert a CmmExpr to a list of LlvmStatements with the result of the
 -- expression being stored in the returned LlvmVar.
 exprToVar :: LlvmEnv -> CmmExpr -> UniqSM ExprData
-exprToVar env = exprToVarOpt env (wordOption (getDflags env))
+exprToVar env = exprToVarOpt env wordOption
 exprToVarOpt :: LlvmEnv -> EOption -> CmmExpr -> UniqSM ExprData
 exprToVarOpt env opt e = case e of
     CmmLit lit
-        -> genLit opt env lit -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions]
+        -> genLit opt env lit
     CmmLoad e' ty
         -> genLoad env e' ty
@@ -1072,26 +1071,16 @@ genMachOp_slow env opt op [x, y] = case op of
         -- | Need to use EOption here as Cmm expects word size results from
         -- comparisons while LLVM return i1. Need to extend to llvmWord type
-        -- if expected
+        -- if expected. See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
         genBinComp opt cmp = do
-            ed@(env', v1, stmts, top) <- binLlvmOp (\_ -> i1) $ Compare cmp
+            ed@(env', v1, stmts, top) <- binLlvmOp (\_ -> i1) (Compare cmp)
             if getVarType v1 == i1
-                then
-                    case eoExpectedType opt of
-                         Nothing ->
-                             return ed
-                         Just t | t == i1 ->
-                                    return ed
-                                | isInt t -> do
-                                    (v2, s1) <- doExpr t $ Cast LM_Zext v1 t
-                                    return (env', v2, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
-                                | otherwise ->
-                                    panic $ "genBinComp: Can't case i1 compare"
-                                        ++ "res to non int type " ++ show (t)
+                then case i1Expected opt of
+                    True  -> return ed
+                    False -> do
+                        let w_ = llvmWord dflags
+                        (v2, s1) <- doExpr w_ $ Cast LM_Zext v1 w_
+                        return (env', v2, stmts `snocOL` s1, top)
                     panic $ "genBinComp: Compare returned type other then i1! "
                         ++ (show $ getVarType v1)
@@ -1259,9 +1248,14 @@ allocReg _ = panic $ "allocReg: Global reg encountered! Global registers should"
 -- | Generate code for a literal
 genLit :: EOption -> LlvmEnv -> CmmLit -> UniqSM ExprData
-genLit (EOption opt) env (CmmInt i w)
-  -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions]
-  = let width = fromMaybe (LMInt $ widthInBits w) opt
+genLit opt env (CmmInt i w)
+  -- See Note [Literals and branch conditions].
+  = let width | i1Expected opt = i1
+              | otherwise      = LMInt (widthInBits w)
+        -- comm  = Comment [ fsLit $ "EOption: " ++ show opt
+        --                 , fsLit $ "Width  : " ++ show w
+        --                 , fsLit $ "Width' : " ++ show (widthInBits w)
+        --                 ]
     in return (env, mkIntLit width i, nilOL, [])
 genLit _ env (CmmFloat r w)

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