[commit: ghc] master: Use a version of the coverage condition even with UndecidableInstances. (fe61599)

Iavor Diatchki diatchki at galois.com
Mon Jan 14 01:30:19 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/ghc

On branch  : master



commit fe61599ffebb27924c4beef47b6237542644f3f4
Author: Iavor S. Diatchki <iavor.diatchki at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jan 13 16:29:10 2013 -0800

    Use a version of the coverage condition even with UndecidableInstances.
    This fixes bug #1241 and #2247.  When UndecidableInstances are on,
    we use the "Liberal Coverage Condition", which is what GHC used to do in
    the past.  This is the gist of the check:
    class C a b | a -> b
    instance theta => C t1 t2
    we check that `fvs t2` is a subset of `fd-closure(theta,fvs t1)`.
    This is strictly more general than the coverage condition, while
    it still guarantees consistency with the FDs of the class.  This
    check is completely orthogonal to termination (it by no means guarantees
    I am not sure of the role of the "coverage condition" in termination---
    the comments suggest that it is important.  This is why, for the moment,
    we only use this check when UndecidableInstances are on.


 compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.lhs |    8 ++++-
 compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs        |   65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.lhs
index 80e7aa0..44d7d4c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcValidity.lhs
@@ -827,7 +827,9 @@ checkValidInstance ctxt hs_type ty
         --   in the constraint than in the head
         ; undecidable_ok <- xoptM Opt_UndecidableInstances
         ; if undecidable_ok 
-          then checkAmbiguity ctxt ty
+          then do checkAmbiguity ctxt ty
+                  checkTc (checkInstLiberalCoverage clas theta inst_tys)
+                          (instTypeErr clas inst_tys liberal_msg)
           else do { checkInstTermination inst_tys theta
                   ; checkTc (checkInstCoverage clas inst_tys)
                             (instTypeErr clas inst_tys msg) }
@@ -837,6 +839,10 @@ checkValidInstance ctxt hs_type ty
     msg  = parens (vcat [ptext (sLit "the Coverage Condition fails for one of the functional dependencies;"),
+    liberal_msg = vcat
+      [ ptext $ sLit "Multiple uses of this instance may be inconsistent"
+      , ptext $ sLit "with the functional dependencies of the class."
+      ]
         -- The location of the "head" of the instance
     head_loc = case hs_type of
                  L _ (HsForAllTy _ _ _ (L loc _)) -> loc
diff --git a/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs b/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs
index 09d0be0..6bca407 100644
--- a/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/FunDeps.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module FunDeps (
         FDEq (..),
  	Equation(..), pprEquation,
 	oclose, improveFromInstEnv, improveFromAnother,
-	checkInstCoverage, checkFunDeps,
+	checkInstCoverage, checkInstLiberalCoverage, checkFunDeps,
     ) where
@@ -145,6 +145,52 @@ oclose preds fixed_tvs
             ClassPred cls tys -> [(cls, tys)]
             TuplePred ts      -> concatMap classesOfPredTy ts
             _                 -> []
+-- An alternative implementation of `oclose`. Differences:
+--  1. The empty set of variables is allowed to determine stuff,
+--  2. We also use equality predicates as FDs.
+-- I (Iavor) believe that this is the correct implementation of oclose.
+-- For 1: the above argument about `t` being monomorphic seems incorrect.
+--    The correct behavior is to quantify over `t`, even though we know that
+--    it may be instantiated to at most one type.  The point is that we might
+--    only find out what that type is later, at the class site to the function.
+--    In genral, we should be quantifying all variables that are not mentioned
+--    in the environment + the variables that are determined by them.
+-- For 2: This is just a nicity, but it makes things a bit more general:
+--    if we have an assumption `t1 ~ t2`, then we use the fact that if we know
+--    `t1` we also know `t2` and the other way.
+oclose1 :: [PredType] -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
+oclose1 preds fixed_tvs
+  | null tv_fds = fixed_tvs -- Fast escape hatch for common case.
+  | otherwise   = loop fixed_tvs
+  where
+    loop fixed_tvs
+      | new_fixed_tvs `subVarSet` fixed_tvs = fixed_tvs
+      | otherwise                           = loop new_fixed_tvs
+      where new_fixed_tvs = foldl extend fixed_tvs tv_fds
+    extend fixed_tvs (ls,rs)
+        | ls `subVarSet` fixed_tvs = fixed_tvs `unionVarSet` rs
+        | otherwise                = fixed_tvs
+    tv_fds  :: [(TyVarSet,TyVarSet)]
+    tv_fds  = [ (tyVarsOfTypes xs, tyVarsOfTypes ys)
+              | (xs, ys) <- concatMap deterimned preds
+              ]
+    deterimned :: PredType -> [([Type],[Type])]
+    deterimned pred
+       = case classifyPredType pred of
+            ClassPred cls tys ->
+               do let (cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls
+                  fd <- cls_fds
+                  return (instFD fd cls_tvs tys)
+            EqPred t1 t2      -> [([t1],[t2]), ([t2],[t1])]
+            TuplePred ts      -> concatMap deterimned ts
+            _                 -> []
@@ -471,6 +517,23 @@ checkInstCoverage clas inst_taus
     fundep_ok fd  = tyVarsOfTypes rs `subVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes ls
 		   (ls,rs) = instFD fd tyvars inst_taus
+checkInstLiberalCoverage :: Class -> [PredType] -> [Type] -> Bool
+-- Check that the Liberal Coverage Condition is obeyed in an instance decl
+-- For example, if we have:
+--    class C a b | a -> b
+--    instance theta => C t1 t2
+-- Then we require fv(t2) `subset` oclose(fv(t1), theta)
+-- This ensures the self-consistency of the instance, but
+-- it does not guarantee termination.
+-- See Note [Coverage Condition] below
+checkInstLiberalCoverage clas theta inst_taus
+  = all fundep_ok fds
+  where
+    (tyvars, fds) = classTvsFds clas
+    fundep_ok fd = tyVarsOfTypes rs `subVarSet` oclose1 theta (tyVarsOfTypes ls)
+                    where (ls,rs) = instFD fd tyvars inst_taus
 Note [Coverage condition]

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