[commit: base] master: Remove nhc98-specific files and content (f231a01)
Ian Lynagh
igloo at earth.li
Fri Feb 15 23:56:40 CET 2013
Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/packages/base
On branch : master
commit f231a01d2217d310f2768941b1048579664fe8f3
Author: Ian Lynagh <ian at well-typed.com>
Date: Fri Feb 15 20:51:56 2013 +0000
Remove nhc98-specific files and content
Control/Applicative.hs | 13 +-----
Control/Exception.hs | 9 ----
Control/Exception/Base.hs | 101 +--------------------------------------
Control/Monad/Instances.hs | 1 -
Data/Bits.hs | 21 +--------
Data/Bool.hs | 11 ----
Data/Char.hs | 17 +------
Data/Dynamic.hs | 4 --
Data/Fixed.hs | 26 ----------
Data/Foldable.hs | 6 --
Data/IORef.hs | 17 -------
Data/Int.hs | 7 ---
Data/Ix.hs | 4 --
Data/List.hs | 9 ----
Data/Maybe.hs | 17 -------
Data/OldTypeable.hs | 9 ----
Data/OldTypeable/Internal.hs | 4 --
Data/Ratio.hs | 5 --
Data/String.hs | 2 -
Data/Traversable.hs | 2 -
Data/Tuple.hs | 43 +----------------
Data/Typeable/Internal.hs | 4 --
Data/Version.hs | 4 +-
Data/Word.hs | 6 --
Foreign/C/Error.hs | 15 ------
Foreign/C/Types.hs | 57 ----------------------
Foreign/ForeignPtr/Imp.hs | 22 +--------
Foreign/Marshal/Alloc.hs | 3 -
Foreign/Marshal/Pool.hs | 4 --
Foreign/Marshal/Utils.hs | 4 --
Foreign/Ptr.hs | 31 ++----------
Foreign/StablePtr.hs | 11 ----
Foreign/Storable.hs | 9 ----
GHC/IO/Device.hs | 6 --
Makefile.nhc98 | 86 ---------------------------------
NHC/PosixTypes.hsc | 90 ----------------------------------
NHC/SizedTypes.hs | 52 --------------------
Prelude.hs | 7 ---
System/CPUTime.hsc | 6 --
System/Environment.hs | 10 ----
System/Exit.hs | 9 ----
System/IO.hs | 77 ++----------------------------
System/IO/Error.hs | 100 +--------------------------------------
System/IO/Unsafe.hs | 5 --
System/Info.hs | 7 +--
System/Mem.hs | 4 --
System/Posix/Internals.hs | 23 +--------
System/Posix/Types.hs | 26 ----------
Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs | 27 ----------
Text/Printf.hs | 2 -
Text/Show/Functions.hs | 10 ----
Unsafe/Coerce.hs | 4 --
include/HsBase.h | 4 --
53 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 1031 deletions(-)
Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:
git show f231a01d2217d310f2768941b1048579664fe8f3
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