[commit: ghc] simd: Fixup stack spills when generating AVX instructions. (b787b5d)
David Terei
davidterei at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 18:21:34 CET 2013
OK. Could you add some documentation to this page on the mangler I
just created please?
Just a sentence is enough, but I'd like to keep track of what we are
using the mangler for in a very readable form (i.e., more than the
source code).
On 15 February 2013 09:41, Geoffrey Mainland <mainland at apeiron.net> wrote:
> I thought I might provoke you with that patch :) Note that it is only on
> the simd branch at the moment.
> The stack-alignment problem I'm having and the TNTC problem are the same
> in one respect: either we mangle LLVM's assembly output, or we get
> patches into LLVM. In an ideal world, we would get patches into LLVM
> that solve both issues. My issue would be solved if we could patch LLVM
> so that llc could be told to use unaligned moves for SSE/AVX register
> spills. I also need to revisit the Win32 stack alignment issue.
> Geoff
> On 02/14/2013 11:49 PM, David Terei wrote:
>> Do we have a longer term solution for this? I love the SIMD work, so
>> please don't take this as a complaint, I agree with getting it done
>> for now with the mangler and truth is it's doubtful we'll et around to
>> adding TNTC support to LLVM anytime soon, so mangler is here to stay
>> for now.
>> BUT. I would like to see some thought about how in an ideal world with
>> lots of free time to hack on GHC we'd kill the mangler. Do we know
>> that plan for this patch? If so it may be nice to document it
>> somewhere and perhaps create a trac ticket.
>> On 14 February 2013 23:16, Geoffrey Mainland <gmainlan at microsoft.com>
> wrote:
>>> Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/ghc
>>> On branch : simd
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/changeset/b787b5d1e687fb28643cdd6a847ccc26bb014a79
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> commit b787b5d1e687fb28643cdd6a847ccc26bb014a79
>>> Author: Geoffrey Mainland <gmainlan at microsoft.com>
>>> Date: Sat Nov 26 12:45:23 2011 +0000
>>> Fixup stack spills when generating AVX instructions.
>>> LLVM uses aligned AVX moves to spill values onto the stack, which
> requires
>>> 32-bye aligned stacks. Since the stack in only 16-byte aligned, LLVM
> inserts
>>> extra instructions that munge the stack pointer. This is very very
> bad for the
>>> GHC calling convention, so we tell LLVM to assume the stack is 32-byte
>>> aligned. This patch rewrites the spill instructions that LLVM
> generates so they
>>> do not require an aligned stack.
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs | 38
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> 1 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
> b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
>>> index 83a2be7..745dcc6 100644
>>> --- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
>>> +++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmMangler.hs
>>> @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ import System.IO
>>> import Data.List ( sortBy )
>>> import Data.Function ( on )
>>> +#if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
>>> +#define REWRITE_AVX
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>> -- Magic Strings
>>> secStmt, infoSec, newLine, textStmt, dataStmt, syntaxUnified ::
> B.ByteString
>>> secStmt = B.pack "\t.section\t"
>>> @@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ llvmFixupAsm dflags f1 f2 = {-# SCC "llvm_mangler"
> #-} do
>>> w <- openBinaryFile f2 WriteMode
>>> ss <- readSections r w
>>> hClose r
>>> + let fixed = (map rewriteAVX . fixTables) ss
>>> let fixed = fixTables ss
>>> mapM_ (writeSection w) fixed
>>> hClose w
>>> @@ -90,6 +95,39 @@ writeSection w (hdr, cts) = do
>>> B.hPutStrLn w hdr
>>> B.hPutStrLn w cts
>>> +#if REWRITE_AVX
>>> +rewriteAVX :: Section -> Section
>>> +rewriteAVX = rewriteVmovaps . rewriteVmovdqa
>>> +
>>> +rewriteVmovdqa :: Section -> Section
>>> +rewriteVmovdqa = rewriteInstructions vmovdqa vmovdqu
>>> + where
>>> + vmovdqa, vmovdqu :: B.ByteString
>>> + vmovdqa = B.pack "vmovdqa"
>>> + vmovdqu = B.pack "vmovdqu"
>>> +
>>> +rewriteVmovap :: Section -> Section
>>> +rewriteVmovap = rewriteInstructions vmovap vmovup
>>> + where
>>> + vmovap, vmovup :: B.ByteString
>>> + vmovap = B.pack "vmovap"
>>> + vmovup = B.pack "vmovup"
>>> +
>>> +rewriteInstructions :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Section ->
> Section
>>> +rewriteInstructions matchBS replaceBS (hdr, cts) =
>>> + (hdr, loop cts)
>>> + where
>>> + loop :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
>>> + loop cts =
>>> + case B.breakSubstring cts matchBS of
>>> + (hd,tl) | B.null tl -> hd
>>> + | otherwise -> hd `B.append` replaceBS `B.append`
>>> + loop (B.drop (B.length matchBS) tl)
>>> +#else /* !REWRITE_AVX */
>>> +rewriteAVX :: Section -> Section
>>> +rewriteAVX = id
>>> +#endif /* !REWRITE_SSE */
>>> +
>>> -- | Reorder and convert sections so info tables end up next to the
>>> -- code. Also does stack fixups.
>>> fixTables :: [Section] -> [Section]
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