[commit: testsuite] master: expect_broken_for should also be added to the list of brokens (47fd316)

Ian Lynagh igloo at earth.li
Mon Feb 11 17:34:32 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/testsuite

On branch  : master



commit 47fd31645fcb8eeed86d9775f811e14c5a6bfa56
Author: Ian Lynagh <ian at well-typed.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 11 13:52:49 2013 +0000

    expect_broken_for should also be added to the list of brokens


 driver/testlib.py |   18 ++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/driver/testlib.py b/driver/testlib.py
index 08df631..97a292d 100644
--- a/driver/testlib.py
+++ b/driver/testlib.py
@@ -130,14 +130,6 @@ def req_smp( name, opts ):
     if not config.have_smp:
         opts.expect = 'fail'
-def expect_broken( bug ):
-    return lambda name, opts, b=bug: _expect_broken (name, opts, b )
-def _expect_broken( name, opts, bug ):
-    global brokens
-    brokens.append((bug, name))
-    opts.expect = 'fail';
 def ignore_output( name, opts ):
     opts.ignore_output = 1
@@ -155,10 +147,20 @@ def expect_fail_for( ways ):
 def _expect_fail_for( name, opts, ways ):
     opts.expect_fail_for = ways
+def expect_broken( bug ):
+    return lambda name, opts, b=bug: _expect_broken (name, opts, b )
+def _expect_broken( name, opts, bug ):
+    global brokens
+    brokens.append((bug, name))
+    opts.expect = 'fail';
 def expect_broken_for( bug, ways ):
     return lambda name, opts, b=bug, w=ways: _expect_broken_for( name, opts, b, w )
 def _expect_broken_for( name, opts, bug, ways ):
+    global brokens
+    brokens.append((bug, name))
     opts.expect_fail_for = ways
 # -----

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