[commit: testsuite] master: Merge branch 'master' of http://darcs.haskell.org/testsuite (683605d)

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Fri Feb 8 18:31:21 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/testsuite

On branch  : master



commit 683605d48168a04a3fbcb256a967f44ad629feb6
Merge: 21c3081... 26beb30...
Author: Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 30 14:31:19 2013 +0000

    Merge branch 'master' of http://darcs.haskell.org/testsuite

 driver/runtests.py                                 |   48 +++++------
 driver/testlib.py                                  |    4 +-
 mk/boilerplate.mk                                  |   16 +++-
 tests/cabal/1750.stderr                            |    5 -
 tests/cabal/1750.stdout                            |    4 -
 tests/cabal/1750A.pkg                              |    4 -
 tests/cabal/1750B.pkg                              |    4 -
 tests/cabal/Makefile                               |   22 +++---
 tests/cabal/T1750.stderr                           |    5 +
 tests/cabal/T1750.stdout                           |    4 +
 tests/cabal/T1750A.pkg                             |    4 +
 tests/cabal/T1750B.pkg                             |    4 +
 tests/cabal/all.T                                  |   10 +-
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/Makefile              |    4 +-
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/{1916.hs => T1916.hs} |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/{2388.hs => T2388.hs} |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/{2578.hs => T2578.hs} |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/{3132.hs => T3132.hs} |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/{3579.hs => T3579.hs} |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_compile/all.T                 |   10 +-
 tests/codeGen/should_run/5626.stderr               |    1 -
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{1852.hs => T1852.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{1852.stdout => T1852.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{1861.hs => T1861.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{1861.stdout => T1861.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{2080.hs => T2080.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{2080.stdout => T2080.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{2838.hs => T2838.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{2838.stdout => T2838.stdout}       |    0 
 .../{2838.stdout-ws-64 => T2838.stdout-ws-64}      |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{3207.hs => T3207.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{3207.stdout => T3207.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{3561.hs => T3561.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{3561.stdout => T3561.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{3677.hs => T3677.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{3677.stdout => T3677.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{4441.hs => T4441.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{4441.stdout => T4441.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{5129.hs => T5129.hs}     |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{5149.hs => T5149.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{5149.stdout => T5149.stdout}       |    0 
 .../should_run/{5149_cmm.cmm => T5149_cmm.cmm}     |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{5626.hs => T5626.hs}     |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/T5626.stderr              |    1 +
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{5747.hs => T5747.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{5747.stdout => T5747.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{5785.hs => T5785.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{5785.stdout => T5785.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/{6146.hs => T6146.hs}     |    0 
 .../codeGen/should_run/{6146.stdin => T6146.stdin} |    0 
 .../should_run/{6146.stdout => T6146.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/codeGen/should_run/all.T                     |   30 +++---
 tests/concurrent/2317/all.T                        |    5 -
 tests/concurrent/{2317 => T2317}/Makefile          |    0 
 tests/concurrent/{2317/2317.hs => T2317/T2317.hs}  |    0 
 .../{2317/2317.stdout => T2317/T2317.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/concurrent/T2317/all.T                       |    5 +
 tests/concurrent/should_run/4030.stderr            |    1 -
 tests/concurrent/should_run/5611.stderr            |    1 -
 tests/concurrent/should_run/5866.stderr            |    1 -
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{1980.hs => T1980.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{2910.hs => T2910.hs}  |    0 
 .../should_run/{2910.stdout => T2910.stdout}       |    0 
 .../concurrent/should_run/{2910a.hs => T2910a.hs}  |    0 
 .../should_run/{2910a.stdout => T2910a.stdout}     |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{3279.hs => T3279.hs}  |    0 
 .../should_run/{3279.stdout => T3279.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{3429.hs => T3429.hs}  |    0 
 .../should_run/{3429.stdout => T3429.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{367.hs => T367.hs}    |    0 
 .../should_run/{367.stdout => T367.stdout}         |    0 
 .../{367_letnoescape.hs => T367_letnoescape.hs}    |    0 
 ..._letnoescape.stdout => T367_letnoescape.stdout} |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{4030.hs => T4030.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/T4030.stderr           |    1 +
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{4262.hs => T4262.hs}  |    0 
 .../should_run/{4262.stdout => T4262.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{4811.hs => T4811.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{4813.hs => T4813.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{5238.hs => T5238.hs}  |    0 
 .../should_run/{5238.stdout => T5238.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{5421.hs => T5421.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{5558.hs => T5558.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{5611.hs => T5611.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/T5611.stderr           |    1 +
 .../should_run/{5611.stdout => T5611.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/{5866.hs => T5866.hs}  |    0 
 tests/concurrent/should_run/T5866.stderr           |    1 +
 tests/concurrent/should_run/all.T                  |   40 ++++----
 tests/driver/1372/Makefile                         |   41 ---------
 tests/driver/1372/all.T                            |    5 -
 tests/driver/1959/test.T                           |    5 -
 tests/driver/2464.stderr                           |    3 -
 tests/driver/2499.stderr                           |    4 -
 tests/driver/3674.hs                               |    5 -
 tests/driver/437/Makefile                          |   27 ------
 tests/driver/437/all.T                             |    7 --
 tests/driver/Makefile                              |   10 +-
 tests/driver/T1372/Makefile                        |   41 +++++++++
 .../{1372/1372.stderr => T1372/T1372.stderr}       |    0 
 tests/driver/T1372/all.T                           |    5 +
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p1/A1.hs              |    0 
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p1/A2.hs              |    0 
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p1/Setup.hs           |    0 
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p1/p1.cabal           |    0 
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p2/Main.hs            |    0 
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p2/Setup.hs           |    0 
 tests/driver/{1372 => T1372}/p2/p2.cabal           |    0 
 tests/driver/{1959 => T1959}/B.hs                  |    0 
 tests/driver/{1959 => T1959}/C.hs                  |    0 
 tests/driver/{1959 => T1959}/D.hs                  |    0 
 tests/driver/{1959 => T1959}/E1.hs                 |    0 
 tests/driver/{1959 => T1959}/E2.hs                 |    0 
 tests/driver/{1959 => T1959}/Makefile              |    0 
 .../{1959/1959.stdout => T1959/T1959.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/driver/T1959/test.T                          |    5 +
 tests/driver/{2464.hs => T2464.hs}                 |    0 
 tests/driver/T2464.stderr                          |    3 +
 tests/driver/{2499.hs => T2499.hs}                 |    0 
 tests/driver/T2499.stderr                          |    4 +
 tests/driver/{2566.stderr => T2566.stderr}         |    0 
 tests/driver/T3674.hs                              |    5 +
 tests/driver/{3674_pre.hs => T3674_pre.hs}         |    0 
 tests/driver/T437/Makefile                         |   27 ++++++
 tests/driver/{437/437.stderr => T437/T437.stderr}  |    0 
 tests/driver/{437/437.stdout => T437/T437.stdout}  |    0 
 tests/driver/{437 => T437}/Test.hs                 |    0 
 tests/driver/{437 => T437}/Test2.hs                |    0 
 tests/driver/T437/all.T                            |    7 ++
 tests/driver/{5313.hs => T5313.hs}                 |    0 
 tests/driver/all.T                                 |   16 ++--
 tests/ffi/should_compile/1357.stderr               |    3 -
 tests/ffi/should_compile/{1357.hs => T1357.hs}     |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_compile/T1357.stderr              |    3 +
 tests/ffi/should_compile/{3624.hs => T3624.hs}     |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_compile/{3742.hs => T3742.hs}     |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_compile/all.T                     |    6 +-
 tests/ffi/should_run/2594_c.c                      |    7 --
 tests/ffi/should_run/5402_main.c                   |   13 ---
 tests/ffi/should_run/5594_c.c                      |   12 ---
 tests/ffi/should_run/7170.stderr                   |    1 -
 tests/ffi/should_run/Makefile                      |   16 ++--
 tests/ffi/should_run/{1288.hs => T1288.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{1288.stdout => T1288.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{1288_c.c => T1288_c.c}       |    0 
 .../ffi/should_run/{1288_ghci.hs => T1288_ghci.hs} |    0 
 .../{1288_ghci.stdout => T1288_ghci.stdout}        |    0 
 .../should_run/{1288_ghci_c.c => T1288_ghci_c.c}   |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{1679.hs => T1679.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{1679.stdout => T1679.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2276.hs => T2276.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2276.stdout => T2276.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2276_c.c => T2276_c.c}       |    0 
 .../ffi/should_run/{2276_ghci.hs => T2276_ghci.hs} |    0 
 .../{2276_ghci.stdout => T2276_ghci.stdout}        |    0 
 .../should_run/{2276_ghci_c.c => T2276_ghci_c.c}   |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2469.hs => T2469.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2594.hs => T2594.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2594.stdout => T2594.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/T2594_c.c                     |    7 ++
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2594_c.h => T2594_c.h}       |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{2917a.hs => T2917a.hs}       |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{4038.hs => T4038.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{4038.stdout => T4038.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{4221.hs => T4221.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{4221.stdout => T4221.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{4221_c.c => T4221_c.c}       |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{5402.hs => T5402.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/T5402_main.c                  |   13 +++
 tests/ffi/should_run/{5594.hs => T5594.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/{5594.stdout => T5594.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/T5594_c.c                     |   12 +++
 tests/ffi/should_run/{7170.hs => T7170.hs}         |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/T7170.stderr                  |    1 +
 tests/ffi/should_run/{7170.stdout => T7170.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ffi/should_run/all.T                         |   96 ++++++++++----------
 tests/ghc-api/dynCompileExpr/all.T                 |    1 +
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/2636.stderr                 |    4 -
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/Makefile                    |   12 ++--
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/{2228.hs => T2228.hs}       |    0 
 .../ghc-e/should_run/{2228.stdout => T2228.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/{2636.hs => T2636.hs}       |    0 
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/T2636.stderr                |    4 +
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/{3890.hs => T3890.hs}       |    0 
 .../ghc-e/should_run/{3890.stdout => T3890.stdout} |    0 
 tests/ghc-e/should_run/all.T                       |    8 +-
 tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/2740.script            |    8 --
 tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/2740.stdout            |   10 --
 tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/{2740.hs => T2740.hs}  |    0 
 tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/T2740.script           |    8 ++
 tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/T2740.stdout           |   10 ++
 tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/all.T                  |    2 +-
 tests/ghci/scripts/4051.script                     |    4 -
 tests/ghci/scripts/{1914.script => T1914.script}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{1914.stderr => T1914.stderr}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{1914.stdout => T1914.stdout}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2452.script => T2452.script}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2452.stderr => T2452.stderr}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2816.script => T2816.script}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2816.stderr => T2816.stderr}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2816.stdout => T2816.stdout}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2976.script => T2976.script}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{2976.stdout => T2976.stdout}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/{4051.hs => T4051.hs}           |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/T4051.script                    |    4 +
 tests/ghci/scripts/{4051.stdout => T4051.stdout}   |    0 
 tests/ghci/scripts/all.T                           |   14 ++--
 tests/ghci/should_run/Makefile                     |    2 +-
 tests/ghci/should_run/{2589.hs => T2589.hs}        |    0 
 .../ghci/should_run/{2589.stdout => T2589.stdout}  |    0 
 tests/ghci/should_run/{2881.hs => T2881.hs}        |    0 
 .../ghci/should_run/{2881.stdout => T2881.stdout}  |    0 
 .../ghci/should_run/{3171.stdout => T3171.stdout}  |    0 
 tests/ghci/should_run/all.T                        |    8 +-
 tests/hsc2hs/Makefile                              |    4 +-
 tests/hsc2hs/{3837.hsc => T3837.hsc}               |    0 
 tests/hsc2hs/all.T                                 |    6 +-
 tests/indexed-types/should_compile/T3017.stderr    |    2 +-
 tests/indexed-types/should_compile/T7282.hs        |    9 ++
 tests/indexed-types/should_compile/all.T           |    1 +
 tests/indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail9.hs     |    4 +-
 tests/indexed-types/should_fail/SimpleFail9.stderr |    7 --
 tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T2334.stderr       |   17 ----
 .../should_fail/{T2334.hs => T2334A.hs}            |    0 
 tests/indexed-types/should_fail/T2334A.stderr      |   17 ++++
 tests/indexed-types/should_fail/all.T              |    4 +-
 tests/llvm/should_compile/{5054.hs => T5054.hs}    |    0 
 .../llvm/should_compile/{5054_2.hs => T5054_2.hs}  |    0 
 tests/llvm/should_compile/{5486.hs => T5486.hs}    |    0 
 tests/llvm/should_compile/{5681.hs => T5681.hs}    |    0 
 tests/llvm/should_compile/{6158.hs => T6158.hs}    |    0 
 tests/llvm/should_compile/all.T                    |   10 +-
 tests/numeric/should_run/{1603.hs => T1603.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{1603.stdout => T1603.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/numeric/should_run/{3676.hs => T3676.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{3676.stdout => T3676.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/numeric/should_run/{4381.hs => T4381.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{4381.stdout => T4381.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/numeric/should_run/{4383.hs => T4383.hs}     |    0 
 .../should_run/{4383.stdout => T4383.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/numeric/should_run/all.T                     |   15 +--
 tests/parser/unicode/2302.stderr                   |    2 -
 tests/parser/unicode/{1103.hs => T1103.hs}         |    0 
 tests/parser/unicode/{1744.hs => T1744.hs}         |    0 
 tests/parser/unicode/{1744.stdout => T1744.stdout} |    0 
 tests/parser/unicode/{2302.hs => T2302.hs}         |    0 
 tests/parser/unicode/T2302.stderr                  |    2 +
 tests/parser/unicode/{4373.hs => T4373.hs}         |    0 
 tests/parser/unicode/all.T                         |    8 +-
 tests/perf/haddock/all.T                           |    6 +-
 tests/perf/should_run/{3586.hs => T3586.hs}        |    0 
 .../perf/should_run/{3586.stdout => T3586.stdout}  |    0 
 tests/perf/should_run/all.T                        |    6 +-
 tests/polykinds/T7524.hs                           |    6 ++
 tests/polykinds/T7524.stderr                       |    5 +
 tests/polykinds/T7601.hs                           |   12 +++
 tests/polykinds/all.T                              |    2 +
 .../profiling/should_compile/{2410.hs => T2410.hs} |    0 
 tests/profiling/should_compile/all.T               |    2 +-
 tests/profiling/should_run/2592.stderr             |    3 -
 tests/profiling/should_run/{2592.hs => T2592.hs}   |    0 
 tests/profiling/should_run/T2592.stderr            |    3 +
 tests/profiling/should_run/{5314.hs => T5314.hs}   |    0 
 .../should_run/{5314.stdout => T5314.stdout}       |    0 
 tests/profiling/should_run/all.T                   |    4 +-
 tests/rename/should_compile/{2334.hs => T2334.hs}  |    0 
 tests/rename/should_compile/T2435.hs               |    4 +
 tests/rename/should_compile/T2435Foo.hs            |    3 +
 tests/rename/should_compile/all.T                  |    4 +-
 tests/rename/should_fail/rnfail055.stderr          |   20 ++--
 tests/rts/2783.stderr                              |    1 -
 tests/rts/5644/5644.stderr                         |    3 -
 tests/rts/5644/Makefile                            |    3 -
 tests/rts/5644/all.T                               |    7 --
 tests/rts/7087.stderr                              |    1 -
 tests/rts/Makefile                                 |   10 +-
 tests/rts/{2047.hs => T2047.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/{2783.hs => T2783.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/T2783.stderr                             |    1 +
 tests/rts/{3236.c => T3236.c}                      |    0 
 tests/rts/{3236.stderr => T3236.stderr}            |    0 
 tests/rts/{3424.hs => T3424.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/{3424.stdout => T3424.stdout}            |    0 
 tests/rts/{4850.hs => T4850.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/{4850.stdout => T4850.stdout}            |    0 
 tests/rts/{5250.hs => T5250.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/{5644 => T5644}/Conf.hs                  |    0 
 .../should_compile => rts/T5644}/Makefile          |    0 
 tests/rts/{5644 => T5644}/ManyQueue.hs             |    0 
 tests/rts/T5644/T5644.stderr                       |    3 +
 tests/rts/{5644 => T5644}/Util.hs                  |    0 
 tests/rts/T5644/all.T                              |    7 ++
 tests/rts/{5644 => T5644}/heap-overflow.hs         |    0 
 tests/rts/{5993.hs => T5993.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/{5993.stdout => T5993.stdout}            |    0 
 tests/rts/T7037_main.c                             |    6 +-
 tests/rts/{7087.hs => T7087.hs}                    |    0 
 tests/rts/T7087.stderr                             |    1 +
 tests/rts/all.T                                    |   39 ++++----
 tests/th/2014/Makefile                             |    9 --
 tests/th/2014/all.T                                |    8 --
 tests/th/{2014 => T2014}/A.hs                      |    0 
 tests/th/{2014 => T2014}/A.hs-boot                 |    0 
 tests/th/{2014 => T2014}/B.hs                      |    0 
 tests/th/{2014 => T2014}/C.hs                      |    0 
 tests/th/T2014/Makefile                            |    9 ++
 tests/th/T2014/all.T                               |    8 ++
 tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc231.stderr        |    2 +-
 tests/typecheck/should_fail/T7609.hs               |   11 +++
 tests/typecheck/should_fail/T7609.stderr           |   11 +++
 tests/typecheck/should_fail/all.T                  |    1 +
 311 files changed, 573 insertions(+), 501 deletions(-)

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